7 Years on AFF: On Writing, Entering a New Decade, and Moving Forward

So I meant to post something yesterday, but I ended up not having time to do so.  Yesterday (9/6/2017) was my 7th anniversary on AFF!  I feel like I write the same sappy post every year, so I'll try to switch it up a little.

On Writing:

It felt like just yesterday when 13-year-old me discovered AFF in 2010, after having listened to K-pop for about a year and having wanted to find other people who shipped and wrote about SeoKyu (SNSD Seohyun x Super Junior Kyuhyun).  Livejournal wasn't cutting it for my newfound fanfic addiction, so when I eventually found AFF, I was super excited and made an account immediately.  Since I hated writing at the time because I wasn't good at it, I never thought I would actually end up writing my own fanfics, which were received with different degrees of success, but were all learning experiences nonetheless.  I think that I can honestly thank AFF for my writing abilities today, because if I hadn't practiced writing by doing what I loved (writing K-pop fanfics), then I never would've come as far as I have now.  I'm sure that 13-year-old me would've never thought that she would be receiving two English awards as a senior in high school (and continue to willingly take English classes into university)!

On Entering a New Decade:

I just turned 20 about two weeks ago, the first wake-up call to the fact that my teenage years are now officially behind me.  As real life responsibilities have taken over my life (I'm now a third-year university student who is currently writing her psychology thesis), I don't really have the time to check AFF anymore, save for updating once a year on my AFF anniversary.  Even though I miss being a teenager, I like the feeling of being 20, since I feel like a new decade is a new start for me (it's already been filled with excitement, and I feel way more confident about myself than I did in my teenage years).  Which brings me to...

On Moving Forward:

I always knew that I'd never love K-pop forever and that I'd never write fanfics forever, but I could never really bring myself to accept it.  I realized this year that moving forward doesn't mean that you forget everything that has happened to you in the past.  A part of me will always be a K-pop fan, and a part of me will always be a fanfic writer.  I still like to write in my free time (on the occasion that I do get free time), so you won't be able to get rid of me that easily haha ^_^.


So yeah, thank you for reading if you've read this far!  Hopefully you'll hear from me in a year on my 8th AFF anniversary :D



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Happy anniversary :)