150w x 225h
  eve gardener。
   soul  koreangal5  10점 만점의 10점
bookworm her love of books used by everyone

AGE  18
BIRTHDAY  january 06

ETHNICITY  british
english fluent her native language
french fluent self-taught for books in native languages
italian fluent self-taught for books in native languages
japanese semi-fluent self-taught for anime-manga culture
chinese basics self-taught for fun and curiosity about characters
 everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it — confucius 
  mirror, mirror on the wall。
FACE CLAIM  emma watson // gallery
BACK UP FACE CLAIM  keira knightley // gallery
APPEARANCE  standing at barely five ft and weighing around a hundred lbs, eve is on the petite side and, yeah, she isn't going to grow any taller. her hair is brown and reaches slightly lower than her collarbones, barely covering the tattoo on her left shoulder reading 'la vie est belle.' she has a dimple only on her right cheek when she smiles, which she does often. she only has one pair of (lobe) ear piercings. her vision isn't terrible, but she needs reading glasses and seeing as she's always reading or going to read that day, she can always be seen wearing them. she switches to contacts only for formal balls. 
STYLE  spring is on its way. oops, it's just eve. a "garden" in her own right, eve always wears floral patterns. it began as a joke but ended up becoming a staple of her wardrobe. she prefers skirts and dresses, much to the confusion of others. she drifts towards pastels and soft colors, accenting it with white or cream. she occasionally wears a cardigan or a jacket because her upper body gets cold easily. her legs don't but she might add a pair of leggings during the winter. she accessorizes and only wears gold jewelry, often floral as well. she sometimes adds flower crowns but only if it's the same flower as her outfit.
pinklight orangecreammintsky bluelavenderwhite flower crowns
  but looks aren't everything。
pos mature, witty, intuitive, disciplined
neu selfless, curious, organized, diplomatic
neg quiet, blunt, willful, pedantic
recipe to make eve
silence .... 9 tbsps
curiosity .... 2.5 qts
kindness .... 3.1 lbs
knowledge .... 17 ozs
subdued fervor .... a dash
books glasses teano makeupwith makeupprobably no makeupbook glasses tea
'a stranger is just a friend waiting to be let in.' -anthony t. hincks
when you first spot eve across the room, her nose is buried in a book and her eyes don't stray from the pages. she flips through the huge tome and you're quite certain that it's in a language that isn't english or french. your eyes find her out of curiosity because she is, you think, both beauty and brains. you see her in the halls and watch how she listens when others talk, standing back and observing with empathetic nods and sounds of agreement. you blanch at the stray sentences you catch when she finally speaks for they are very slightly hurtful. beauty she may be, but her heart, you reason, may not match. 
'there's not a word for it yet, for old friends who've just met.' -jim henson
you speak with eve a few times and learn that you are wrong. though she has beauty, she also has so much more. she is, as you assumed, rude at times but out of a desire to say what she believes to be true rather than lie. she seems to be a sage in a teen's body - patient, reliable, wise, and careful. most importantly, she seems to know you better than you know yourself. her eyes look straight through you and your pretenses with ease. when asked how she knows, the way she winks and says "a woman's intuition" is beyond your comprehension. eve is clever and unafraid to joke. this doesn't seem like one of them.
'many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.' -eleanor roosevelt
eve is, you've learned over time, as curious as any princess can get. she's brilliant but still wants to know more even if she probably shouldn't. it can be pretty kind of annoying when she's correcting you whether grammatically or for the homework due, but it's the sort of thing you put up with for eve's presence. eve also is, you realize with a sigh of exasperation, entirely pig-headed. once she's made up her mind, no one - not even the world - can sway her. she follows them through to the end and remains loyal even when the other party does not. you would call her foolish but eve is, you know, anything but. 
'outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.' -groucho marx
befriending eve, the things you realize last are the things that so subtle that you only realize eve possesses it because others don't. you respect her self-discipline, how she not only keeps diets but also controls her reactions and words - a future queen in the making. you admire the way she keeps everything in order and put together. you just wish it was a result of her choices not her ocd-triggered panic attacks. you see her sacrificial nature and you love that about her, but also worry. you've seen her sacrifice when there's nothing left for her to give and been present for its aftermath. you pray it never occurs again. 
'love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.' -h. jackson brown jr
dating eve, you think, comes with a sort of secret pass. you draw close to her in her intimate moments, notice the things others won't bother to and accept everything about her, love her, all the same. you categorize how her expressions subtly shift. you hear her silvery tongue hide burning fire, see the way her eyes light up or darken with her mood, smell her favorite book (and her enthusiasm), taste the fruits of her labor with equal glee, and feel her smooth palm - the writer's bump that speaks of her labor. you alone know of the fire hiding behind her cool facade. shame, you think, when it's such a blessing to know.
'knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.' -aristotle
she is a scholar and future queen, a sage trying a new field of study. she is maturity and wit, character built on a flower bed of knowledge and curiosity. she is self-control and finely honed instinct, an elder rejuvenated. she initially seems perfect - independent with just enough ice to cool her fire - but you know (as does she) that she is not. she is awkward silences and truths too early and painful to say but spoken anyways. she is will and a fountain of unasked-for knowledge, knowing that it's too much but unable to stop herself. she is gifts and questions, a neat planner and covert flame. she is eve gardener.
rose divider
  dig a little deeper。rose
PLOTLINE  rosabella beauty
BACK-UP PLOTLINE  apple white

YEAR senior

'we are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.' -george bernard shaw
born to the famed beauty and beast, eve was raised not to be a damsel in distress but a scholar and a queen. growing up, her parents found she truly was her mother's daughter. she wanted adventure, to not only read but also to do the things she read. her parents encouraged her to follow her heart but with both heart and brains. she needed, her mother advocated, to know what was right (heart) and to know how to do what was right (brains). it wouldn't do, her father joked, to be a beauty with a beast on the inside. her parents devoted their attention to her, and she absorbed it, intent on writing her story well. 

'in the past, people were born royal. nowadays, royalty comes from what you do.' -gianni versace 
the sun rises and eve is just as awake. no surprise there. after a morning chapter and a quick watering of her plants, she takes classes of all kinds, conversing with royals and rebels and everyone in between. (she strangely fits into every group since she technically 'saves' the beast but is a princess and yeah, it's hard to categorize her strictly.) afterwards, she spends most of her free time in the library or with her friends, but can also be found in her room, occasionally writing a story of her own creation or reading more. she goes to bed relatively early after double-checking her plants and her schedule for the next day. 

'there's nothing so kingly as kindness, and nothing so royal as truth.' -alice cary
living with eve as a roommate is surprisingly easy. she's quiet and is always honest if the dress makes your look fat. she keeps everything organized and, really, if it wasn't for her ocd, you wouldn't mind if she made more of a mess. the one thing you don't expect but eventually compromise to live with, however, is the amount of wildlife in your room. she loves both flora and fauna just like her mother. the mini gardens are aesthetic and useful, especially since some are medicinal herbs. the occasional hurt woodland creature that guest-lives in your room while she nurses back to health is, you decide, just like her.

likescupid and mood roses
books enough said
quotes even in other languages
flowers especially loves pink roses
animals they love her just as much back
languages for original texts and just fascinating
dislikesdarling charming
bullies in summary
strong scents gives her headaches 
"you can not..." excuse you, anyone can
happy hums
nervous bites her bottom lipwonderlanders
all the time tucks her hair behind her ear
giving advice uses quotes, usually french ones
feeling strongly on topic slips into other languages
reading fun
learning also fun
studying for her future and fun
gardening pretty and a hands-on learning experience
learning languages thinks it both practical and fascinating
miscellaneousever after high dragon games
ambidextrous more often seen using her right
vegetarian can't bring herself to eat her furry friends
shares a birthday with joan of arc just a random fun fact
finds puns funny / amusing jokes with words and situations, just yes
relatively fearless main fear is being a bad queen with a mild fear of fire
avoids using her power on her friends feels it's sort of cheating and partly rude
has photographic memory helps her pick up languages and remember fairy tales
  never forget。
mother beauty aka belle (39) selfless, educated, outspoken
the older, more experienced, and overall wiser form of eve (as her father likes to joke), belle is everything eve wants to be and more. eve wishes to become a good queen and / or an author, and belle just wants eve to do what she loves. in fact, belle is one of eve's greatest supporters if she decides to write for a living. they care about each other deeply, and despite their , belle values eve's opinion whether it's for an outfit for the next ball or on the effects of the new policy on animal testing. some comment that rather than mother and daughter, they act closer to sisters. 
'a queen or a writer? eve, sweetie, be both!'
'eve, sweetheart, just promise me to be happy.'
father beast aka adam (42) gruff, astute, shy 
eve's greatest supporter and bodyguard, adam (his human name) prioritizes his family over others' opinions. he wants two things most of all - the continued love of belle and the future happiness of eve. he has a hard time expressing his feelings through words and shows them through actions instead. (he has never, for instance, missed a single event eve's invited him to.) he's surprisingly observant and always knows if something is going wrong with his daughter. he's nervous to see who'll be eve's prince. he just wants the best for her. they say, 'daddy's little girl' and eve is one. 
daughter of king charmingdarling gif
'eve, you can do whatever you want as long as you beli-eve.'
bffa and roomie darling charming (16 or 17) sweet, witty, adventurous
always seen together and rarely apart, darling and eve are the best of friends despite not being in the same year. the two share in secrets, adventures, and romantic prince(ss) troubles - going to each other first and foremost when something occurs in their lives. though they still have their differences, they always compromise and resolve their issues within minutes if not hours. regarding their pets, all of darling's pets trust eve to an extent since they spend so much time together. though fiore fears everyone, she's least scared of darling and will actually talk in front of darling.
sage tullis gifdaughter of cinderella
'morning, eve. are you ready for throne economics?'
friend ashlynn ella (18) shy, punctual, humble
friends as princesses who go out and grab ahold of their destiny, ashlynn and eve share having a desire that goes against normal royal bounds. (a royal and a rebel together? a queen who is also an author? it's never been heard of!) the two share several classes and thought about becoming roommates at one point, but somehow ended up not. eve thinks ashlynn's love of shoes is adorable while ashlynn sees eve's love of books as sweet. the two are feeding each other's loves all the time and it's just a little girl time and girl power whenever these two decide to get together.
son of alicealistair gif
'good eve-ning. are you ready to practice?'
language partner alistair wonderland (17 or 18) brave, selfless, well-rounded
they took a class together and ended up as both seat partners and friends. they're both friendly people so while conversing, they ended up sharing stories of their wild adventures while helping their friends and became closer. during another class about a year and a half ago, they decided to teach each other languages and study together for their shared classes. alistair teaches her more about wonderland and riddlese while she covers european languages and subjects he's interested in. they encourage each other and ask / give opinions 'as the opposite gender.'
avan jogia gifdaughter of pied piper
'yo, eve. can you spare a few minutes?'
quality checking melody piper (18) dedicated, confident, nonchalant
on good terms, the two aren't afraid to share a conversation or exchange notes after missing class. melody often comes to eve when composing a new mix to get an honest opinion. eve always ends up liking it, but it's always a matter of what mood it fits better. sometimes, something that melody thought would be for balls is better for parties.
encouraging caterpillaranime buterfly gif
'fi does not understand. fi is not a book nor a worm. fi is a caterpillar.'
new friend and good luck charm fiore (catepillar) one month  
eve rescued fiore from almost falling down the wishing well. eve tried to release her but fiore decided to follow eve and can usually be found sitting on eve's shoulders or in her hair, hiding from people. fiore is shy and scared of pretty much everyone (minus darling sometimes). despite not getting into any crazy adventures (yet), they're really close. eve builds up fiore's confidence because she 'will be a beautiful butterfly' while fiore always cheers eve up during a bad day. eve calls fiore 'fi' (pronounced fee) and fiore has taken to calling herself that since she speaks in the third person. 
red gold aesthetic (150w x 225h)
  d. charming。
   author's choice
SYNOPSIS  eve and her choices for her prince(ss) charming. a look into the fandom's view on rosabella beauty's love interest as well as quick glances into what it may look like if eve's prince(ss) is a charming sibling. (hint: mostly made of fluff with hints of angst)
ever after high charming siblings
'does that mean in the future you'll be eve charming?'
'you can be d. beauty instead.'
'finally my siblings and i won't have the same initials.'
DEXTER mostly just this poster. 
keep calm and ship dexter charming and rosabella beauty
studying together
kisses behind books
book recommendations
picking out glasses for each other
darling and daring acting as a wing(wo)man
DARLING pictures of them side-by-side in the cartoon and fanart.
fanart1cartoon scenefanart2
girl power
cute roommate lovers
darling as a non-damsel-in-distress
eve's ocd and darling's ways of preventing it
their pets becoming closer as they become closer
DARING largest canon fanbase. fanart, gifs, edits, etc. 
i know you want to be a prince but maybe...you're a beastno one wants to be a beastmy dad is a beast
rosabella protecting daring from wolvesrosabella and daring flower and shy smilesafter curse, daring's awkward laugh and rosabella's smile
shy and nervous daring
eve as the only girl not swooning
daring being surprisingly attentive and sweet
eve encouraging him to be a beauty inside and out
SUMMARY  eve finding love? perhaps her being a queen who need no king? either way, eve as her parents  wanted - a beauty inside, a good friend, and happy with her life.
beauty is everywhere a welcome guest — johann wolfgang von goethe  
  soul(mate) searching。
cardson of king charmingfull body
FIRST MEETING  it's a quiet afternoon when dexter enters the library. it's been a long day, another comparison between himself and daring, and he'd really like for some quiet. he heads towards the back - the history section no one uses unless they're writing reports (which no classes are yet) except there is someone there. she's struggling to reach a book and he doesn't think twice about reaching over and helping her. she turns around and she's smiling and thanking him and whoa. what was with his heart? wait...could it be? really? love at first sight? nah. he didn't even know her. it was a fluke. probably. right? right.

RELATIONSHIP  when others look at the duo, there's a touch of pity for dexter who seems obviously crown over heels. in contrast, it's hard to tell what eve feels exactly. they're friendly, undoubtedly, but romantic? unclear. eve actually knows of dexter's feelings and feels, at least partly, the same way. she hasn't responded because she is unsure if he is her beast and worries what his parents will do if they do end up dating. for now, friendship is more than enough, she reasons. if they go out together, alone, sometimes, it's just an outing between friends and just getting to know each other. no harm there, right? 

CONCLUSION  author's choice. if the two get together, they're the subtle couple. they share smiles and hold hands when no one is looking. they read together and can be found in the library studying - actually studying, not 'studying.' they are, people think, cute. together, like puzzle pieces that just click. eve gives dexter confidence and no one can begrudge how happy the two are together. in the case they don't get together, they're still friends, book buddies as they're oft called, but nothing more. they still hang out alone as before occasionally, but if they do, it's usually a cover to secretly shop for their significant others.
carddaughter of king charmingfull body
FIRST MEETING  it's the day before classes start and darling walks into her room, blinking rapidly when she finds flowers in every corner and shelf. eve appears with an introduction, smiling sheepishly and offering to move them or send some home. darling notices the care that each plant has been given and shakes her head. she strikes a conversation with her new roommate and finds herself admiring eve's consideration - her continuous offers to move things, switch furniture, anything for darling's comfort. for someone so sweet, darling thinks, a garden more than tolerable and quite suiting for the beauty to grow too.

RELATIONSHIP  they're roommates and bffa. no one is surprised at how close they are. no one ever thinks that they might be more. it's hard to tell who falls for who first. merely one morning, darling watches the early sun shine against eve's hair and lashes and her heart beats. merely one afternoon, eve catches darling practicing with a sword and her breath catches. it takes a moment of jealousy for truths to come out and their relationship to advance a step further, the lingering touch of a shy kiss still on their lips. everyone knows that they're roommates and bffa. only they know that they are also more - girlfriends and lovers.

CONCLUSION author's choice. if the two stay together, they seem more like friends than lovers because that's how they began - friends first and friends forever after. the fact that they are more stays a secret until one day one of the charming brothers accidentally walks into a moment more intimate - a second of time where it's quite obvious that they are together. cue questions by friends and family of when, why, and how, but it's their secret. if they don't stay together, they remain on amicable terms because as stated before, even before they were girlfriends - lovers - they were best friends forever after. 
cardson of king charmingfull body
FIRST MEETING  it's an early morning and someone is throwing a ball-party this weekend. daring is encouraging alistair, his roommate, to bring a certain bunny-friend. daring points out how easy it is to ask and does to a passing damsel, nose in a book. she declines politely. see, he starts to say, turning to the wonderlander. he double-takes and turns on the wooing. he must've heard wrong. she ignores him and says something strange to alistair (an encouragement in riddlese for practice) before walking off. daring has never been turned down before. he is intrigued and insulted. he must know why she said no.

RELATIONSHIP  even others spectating know that daring is attempting to woo eve out of a hurt pride. eve refuses all advances while it is so. but as daring gets to know her better in order to tailor his attempts better, he finds that he actually enjoys her company and his flirting dies out as they get on more friendly terms. he still says a cheesy line or does a grand gesture to make her laugh, especially if she's had a bad day, but no one thinks him serious. however, after a few eye-opening moments (and some friendly interventions), he does mean it. he simply doesn't know any other way to express it. 

CONCLUSION author's choice. if they get together, daring is still the one who tends to do the large romantic gestures, to say those fluffy lines and woo the girl who actually caught his attention. eve, however, now responds. sometimes it's a quiet line just as romantic. other times, it's an action - a look or a quick peck on the cheek - that tells him it's sweet but perhaps not now, later in private. her reactions say her feelings - yes, i love you, later, that's overboard, etc. he learns what ever reaction means. if they don't get together, it takes a few awkward reactions and help from darling before they return to friend-only terms.
  last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS i'm actually excited for this story. i don't know ever after high that well but i watched most of the available youtube videos so this is what i was able to put together with my self-educated knowledge. i was very sad that rosabella didn't have that much cartoon substance but i couldn't find the movies so. yeah. anyways, i hope you enjoy reading and writing eve. i gave you choices for her love interest, so pick the one you like (or whoever you ship). fun fact: all the pictures are hoverable and have extra tidbits or quotes for your reading pleasure. i hope you enjoy it when you go back to read it. 
COLOR SCHEME   #993333   #dbb000   #cc9999 
fi any scenes with fi
alistair and eve riddlese buddies
eve as a garden eve's floral pattern clothes
language-holic eve using other languages and it being helpful
veggies vs meat someone offers eve meat and is appalled when she won't eat
PASSWORD dragon races


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