최수연 》 : choi sooyeon
full name : choi sooyeon
other name(s) 
shu () her chinese name
mom (엄마) because her personality
yeon () a shortened form of her name ; used more by girl friends
birthdate & age :
04 october 1994 (23)
ethnicity : korean-chinese
korean semi-fluent mostly used when speaking with her father 
mandarin fluent the language she's been speaking since she moved 
english semi-fluent the language she learned in high school and has been practicing at camp sinoko
occupation : fudan university ; pre-med student (dream job: pediatrician)
faceclaim : kim taeyeon (snsd)
Backup : xuan yi (wjsn)
height and weight : 152 cm + 5 ft & 52 kg + 115 lbs.
appearance : long dark brown-black hair to mid-back and a forehead free of any bangs ; one pair of ear piercings 
style : 
comfortable pants
well-worn sneakers
shirts bought sizes too big
flannels rolled up to elbows
jackets stolen from jin's closet


plotline : nurse nancy
personality traits : 
( pos ) : calm, patient, articulate, decisive
( neu ) : organized, observant
( neg ) : timid, quiet, anxious, negative
nature republic flagship store 2015
description : 
hands, put your empty hands in mine
when you first meet her, what you learn about her is scarce. she doesn't speak much and when she does, her voice is careful and gentle. the few sentences she does deign to speak are oft full of concern for the sake of others rather than herself. she tends to, you notice, think of the worst-case scenarios and fear. a worrywart, you decide simply.
and scars, show me all the scars you hide
you get to know her a better and see that despite preferring silence and worrying heavily about others, she always maintains a cool head and an infinite amount of patience. even when worrying, she logically walks herself through what she'd do if it occurred. you watch her talk herself out of the pseudo-scenario and bite back a laugh at her relief.
and hey, if your wings are broken
you think you can call yourself her friend. even so, you're occasionally surprised, still, by the way she seems to know you - the way she picks up on your moods, habits, allergies, and such without your explicit say so - faster than you know her. it's unnerving mostly, but helpful too, you amend, when she wordlessly blocks you from view while you cry. 
please take mine 'til yours can open too
the best things about sooyeon (aka shu), you decide, are subtle - traits you see only after becoming so close you realize they aren't in others. she efficiently decides the best course of action and is able to put thoughts - even if they aren't her own - into words clearly in a manner that makes sense. it's admirable, enviable really. you appreciate her.
'cause i'm gonna stand by you
the thing you least expected from her was social anxiety. you don't notice until she confides. then, you see it everywhere - in the tremble of her hands, in the shaky breath she releases, in the apprehension in her eyes - and you worry about her. you discover her ocd is a physical manifestation of it. you never make fun of her for being neat again.
even if we can't find heaven
she blows your usual expectations out of the water when an actual emergency occurs. her spine is straight, her voice is loud, and no one questions her authority though she's only five ft tall. there's no hesitation and no doubt, not a single tremble. it's the most confident you've seen her be. she is, you think, going to be a great doctor.
love, you're not alone 'cause i'm gonna stand by you
tl;dr : a quiet and negative girl packaged with ocd and social anxiety, she just wants to do right with others. her eyes see you better than you see her, but when you're finally able to pass her barriers, you see someone who sees her weaknesses but won't let them define her. when she says she'll be a doctor, you can't help but believe she will. 
background : 
1994 - 1999 : childhood
born in korea to a pair of doctors, she grew up hating the hospital. for the young girl whose parents were never home, the hospital was simply a place that stole. when her parents divorced and she had to choose between "mommy or daddy?" her suspicions were only confirmed. (in the end, the judge decided and she went with her mother to china.)
2000 : the year that changed it all
as her mother was still busy with work, she spent a lot of time with her next door neighbors, the huangs. their son, jin, was a blessing and despite their differences, they got along well. jin's accident was what changed her mind about the hospital. when she saw jin in the hospital bed and doctors - including her mother - saving him, she decided.
2001 - 2004 : childhood?
she knew her decision to become a doctor would change her, but didn't expect it to change more than that. with her self-studies (intro to first aid) and his panic attacks, she began seeing danger everywhere. she'd always been shy but getting to know people became near impossible as she withdrew. the best thing in her life was her studies (and jin). 
2005 - 2012 : camp sinoko
jin convinces her to join him at camp sinoko after his first year. he worries about her not-so-secretly and her lack of friends. he knows she isn't the most social, but he wants more for her. she goes. she unexpectedly enjoys it. she spends a lot of time talking to the nurse at the first aid station. she decides to specifically become a pediatrician.
2013 - present : now and forevermore
she becomes camp counselor the same year as jin. she's still anxious and quiet but learns about kids. she gains hands-on experience with injuries and emergencies. she is in the best position to help jin and others and gains confidence. she isn't always well-liked or necessary, but being there - ready and waiting in case - makes her feel better. 
lifestyle :
day : she wakes up early and stretches before reading a chapter of her current novel. (she's a light sleeper and gets up with ease.) then she wakes her fellow counselors and helps the kids get up. when she isn't following her campers around, she can be found in the infirmary just in case. she always knows where to go and always has a first aid kit. 
night : her fellow counselors and campers always stare in amazement because she'll always go to bed at midnight on the dot. once, she was convinced to stay up and she fell asleep less than half an hour later. (she's a night showerer by the way.) she prefers movie nights to anything active (mostly because it's safer) and hates scary stories.
trivia : 
pleased : hums
nervous : bites her bottom lip
confused : tilts her head slightly
all the time : tucks hair behind her ear
anxious : plays with her hands or sleeves
does not curse at all
thinks puns are funny
has photographic memory 
severely allergic to coconut
forgets to drink enough water
...(would be dehydrated if not for jin and other counselors)
relationships : 
mark tuan got7
huang jinyi (22) 10점 만점의 10점
her childhood friend and a person she'd trust her life with, jin is the person who understands her best, even more than her parents. they trust each other, a rapport built through years of friendship and trials. she's just about the only one who knows about his panic attacks and he's the best at tracking her anxiety and helping her just breathe.
nam woohyun infinite
nam woohyun (22) 6 / 10
the best way to put it is that woohyun is a friend of her best friend. they aren't particularly close but they're still friends. when they're together, people tend to be surprised because it's rare to see woohyun so quiet, matching her silence in a way. he complains to her if jin does something he doesn't like and jokingly calls her mom when he does. 
wong viian loona
chen yingtai (20) 8 / 10
another childhood friend although not as close as jin, tai is the bright sun to shu's subdued moon. they were rarely in the same cabin but interacted a lot during breaks. tai was one of the few people who continuously tried to get to know shu when they were younger even when others gave up. shu is tai's go-to "i need quiet" friend.
park jimin bts
park jimin (20) 4 / 10
a fellow counselor but not one she's particularly close to, most of what she knows about him is from tai. sooyeon is probably the counselor who knows most about their relationship simply by her observation skills and from her friendship with tai (to confirm what she's guessed). the two are on friendly terms but can still sometimes be awkward. 
blue aesthetic
summer love
name : new kid in town
Backup : another applicant
an excerpt :
"angel?" she repeats, blinking rapidly. 
"yes. you're an angel," you state, smiling lightly at the blush that crawls up her cheeks. she bites her bottom lip and your eyes are drawn to the motion.
"what makes you say that?" she asks, fingers twitching in your grip. you aren't going to let go so easily. 
you press your lips to hers.
"you are my miracle."
occupation : what do they do when camp's not in session + what do they do at camp?
appearance : start here
personality : start here.
relationship: how did you meet? how do you guys act around each other? and how do you feel about each other? 

                        interview                                    "hey there! this is yingtai from camp sinoko, but feel free to call me tai. i understand you applied for a counselor position. are you free right now? i'd like to conduct your phone interview....yes? great! let's get started." 
have you ever attended camp sinoko?  :
if yes, how many years? : 
i spent eight years as a camper and two years as a counselor.
do you have any experience with children?  : 
most of my experiences with children is from my previous years at camp sinoko. in the future, i also wish to be a pediatrician and believe my time here will be helpful experience physically and mentally.
what cabin would you like to be placed in and why? :
i would prefer the honeybee cabin because younger children are faster to panic when something goes awry, but i'm ok with any cabin really.
what do you think are some important traits for counselors to have? :
as a counselor, i think it's important to be reliable and prepared. it also helps if you're somewhat parent-like, able to love and care for them but also to scold them if they do something wrong or dangerous.
do you want to specialize in any area or just be a 24/7 counselor? :
i would like to specialize as a nurse's aide. 
what would you do in case of a camper emergency? :
in the case of an emergency, i would do whatever first aid or cpr necessary - tai suggested we all get licenses. afterwards, i'd send two campers (buddy system) to call 9-1-1 if necessary. otherwise, i'd ask other counselors to take over while personally getting the camper to the infirmary or vice versa depending on who the camper prefers.
this will seem random, but what would you do with your cabin on a rainy day? :
on rainy days, i'd entertain the campers with books or science. you'd be surprised at what catches kids' attention and what 'labs' you can do with everyday household products. homemade slime is their favorite. 
final remarks
scene suggestions : 
angel : her love interest calling her "angel" 
support : shu and jin being good friends and each other's confidantes and support systems (platonic soulmates!)
smores : unlike shu and her golden marshmallows, jin prefers his marshmallows barely toasted so if his marshmallow is too cooked, he'll give it to her and grab himself a new one
rainy days : raining and sooyeon tells the campers stories and legends behind constellations + they get super excited and ask her to show them when the sky is clear aka good counselor!shu
mental health awareness : shu with her anxiety and ocd + jin helping her through it by praising her and cleaning ; jin with a panic attack + shu helping him by talking and using touch to ground him in the present because it's over with. breathe
comments : i hope you like her. i did a collaboration with milkia and i hope you find their relationship as cute as i tried to make it. for your additional entertainment, the photos have hoverable text. have fun.
password : golden and gooey 


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ok this scared me for a sec lol
my korean name is sooyeon