The Midnight Crew : Soul : Chief Cook

Choi "Shizuko" Sooyeon (최 静子 수연)
☠ Soul — Being on the sea and traveling means plenty of chances to contract diseases from all sorts of places. When that happens, Sooyeon's go-to food is samgyetang aka ginseng chicken soup. The captain fell sick during Sooyeon's first week while she was still debating her deck name. (Everyone was calling her chef or chief or cook.) Pearl, in her fevered state, muttered "chicken soup by the soul" instead of "chicken soup for the soul." The rest, as they say, is history.

Plotline Chief Cook
Backup Chief Navigator
Birthplace Suzu, Japan
Hometown Suwon, Korea
Birthday 17 May 1991 (26)

☠ Korean — fluent — Her paternal language and the one she speaks most
☠ Japanese — semi-fluent — Her maternal language and the one she spoke as a child; she's forgotten some but she's still proficient and practices 
☠ Mandarin — basics — A personal quest since a lot of their contacts speak Mandarin; has only been learning for about a month or so; has a hard time with pronounciation and intonation but is quick with reading and writing 

Faceclaim Kim Taeyeon (SNSD)
Backup Shin Hyejeong (AOA)
With black hair to her back and without bangs, she's constantly debating if she should cut it all off given she constantly works in the kitchen and has to pull it up into a ponytail or bun. Her hair part changes from one side to the middle to the other side depending on how she woke up, and she has one pair of ear piercings. She also has a tattoo on the underside of her left wrist and a heart-shaped birthmark on her shoulder.

Not one to stress appearances, she pulls on the easiest clothes to move in and not get caught / burn by accident - usually large, but not loose shirts and leggings with close-toed shoes (because kitchen and fire). She dislikes hats but won't complain. Fortunately, she isn't a fashion terror since she usually sticks with solid colors and knows what doesn't clash. She can and will wear other clothes whether asked to play dress up by the girls or for a mission, but she won't go out of her way to pretty herself on a daily basis because half the time she ends up having food on herself (which is why she doesn't know how to do her own make-up). Someone, not her, bought a variety of cute aprons (she just asked for one generic one) so she wears that while cooking (and whenever she forgets she's wearing it otherwise, which is a lot), picking whichever is nearest to her hand when she starts cooking; they're strewn all over the kitchen and a few in random points of the ship too. One constant between all of her outfits (unless undercover) is an old locket ring hanging from her neck by a thin chain like a necklace that she rarely takes off. 

Early Days — Born from a one-night stand between a Japanese high-end prostitue and a Korean successful merchant, she spent her early years with her mother, mostly spending time in the back of the brothel doing laundry. Her half-brother - born from a Japanese local father - did the same, and the two dreaded the day in which they would be old enough to have to sell themselves just to get by. When she was five, however, her father came looking for her - not to inherit his business but to get his parents' off his back. She was more than grateful but she had one request. Despite her age, she negotiated and impressed by her attempt, he brought her brother along "for labor."

Childhood — Coming to Korea was difficult since they had to pick up a new language but her grandparents were more than grateful with  an"adorable granddaughter" and "suave grandson" to spoil. Despite not having to do anything ual within the brothel growing up, they knew customer service - age appropriate - and were more than popular with the locals who came by to see how the "grandkids" were doing. (Her grandparents knew her half-brother wasn't their son's but they practically adopted him anyways.) Despite their less-than-fortunate beginnings, the two had a warm home in Korea; her father, as it turned out, left them alone mostly, focusing on his job. 

Piratehood — With such a childhood it's hard to see why Sooyeon turned to a life of piracy. When she was fifteen, a local noble took interest in her (she had her mother's beauty and developing body) and wanted her as a trophy concubine. Due to her constant refusals, he became obsessed (mostly for being spoiled and never having heard 'no' before) to the point that he simply took ultimate offense and had her kidnapped - to be killed or forcibly serve the noble, she never found out. As it happened, a certain pirate was passing by. Jinju saved Sooyeon. Sooyeon decided to leave home to prevent a repeat of events and without hesitation, asked to join Jinju on her journey.

☠ Likes 
— books // loves reading
— white // her favorite color
— green tea // her favorite flavor
— Dawn Rider // will die for her makeshift family
— food // enjoys people's expressions when eating her food 

☠ Dislikes
— liars // enough said
— erts // enough said
— forceful nobles // enough said
— strong scents // gives her headaches 
— people getting hurt // feels useless and can barely fight

☠ Hobbies 
— reading // especially poems
— stargazing // knows all the constellations
— experimenting recipes // ropes her crewmates to test

☠ Habits 
— confused: tilts head 
— pleased and / or cooking: hums
— all the time: tucks hair behind her ear

☠ Miscellaneous 
— ambidextrous
— photographic memory
— early bird and night owl
— wants to have a pet but pirate so...
— fears much but especially is claustrophobic
— also learned how to read lips from the brothel
— writes letters to Takuya and her grandparents weekly but never sends them because she fears their reaction about how she left 
— crewmates attempted to set her up multiple times but it never gets past the first date ever (ugh) // they're cheering for her love life 
— when called "noona" or "unnie," will panic on the inside because she's not used to it and will blush if from someone she finds attractive
— because her looks, most people assume her age and just call her by her deck name or given name instead of "noona" or "unnie" 

☠ half-brother — Terada Takuya (寺田 拓哉)
Her self-appointed guardian, Takuya stood by her from birth and clung to her because she was the only bright point of their circumstances. She misses him dearly and vice versa but she's scared to reach out to him again. 

☠ adults — Choi Jaehyun & Koizumi Sachiko (최재현 & 小泉幸子) + Choi Youngjae & Choi Jihyun (최영재 & 최지현)
Her parents don't care about them unless it's to their benefit. Her grandparents are the ones that raised Takuya and herself. They're sweet, loving, and naive but loyal.

☠ crewmate / boss — Pearl (진주)
Because of Sooyeon's naturally maternal nature, Pearl - as the one who knows her best - bears the brunt of Soul's worry. Soul doesn't ask for much so Pearl tries to indulge her when possible while Soul makes the ship warmer.

☠ helpers — Jo Youngmin & Kwangmin (조영민 & 조광민)
The ones who help her carry, chop, and cook enough for the entire crew thrice a day (because wow, the Dawn Riders can eat), the twins help the kitchen run efficiently and smoothly. They act like they're her younger siblings. 


☠ calm + patient + steadfast + protective
☠ observant = organized = 
☠ stubborn - overbearing - succinct - fearful

stranger — You first see her across the room, casting an eye over her short stature but the focused glint in her eye, and you wonder what in the world she's doing on a pirate ship. She could be cooking at the top taverns - what with the food she's dishing out with what meager ingredients she has - but instead she is, you think, wasting away here. You watch how she interacts with the other cooks - the way in which she takes all their mishaps in stride, how she doesn't mind going over the same recipe again with that new sous chef, how she knows where everything is and everything that is occurring. You sigh. A waste, you murmur.

acquaintance — You get to know her outside of her duties in the kitchen, holding actual conversations with her. You see that her cool head and infinite patience extends to her everyday life in how she reacts to the most shocking and unexpected of surprises with an enviable ease and how she'll listen to someone ramble on about a topic even if no one else will. You hear her sharp way of talking - the way in which everything she says sounds like an insult or to end the conversation as soon as possible, but just is, as her crewmates have laughed off, her concise nature. (It still hurts at times, but at least you know she doesn't mean it to.) 

friend — You laugh knowing she's a pirate because she acts more like a mother - a mother with a fear of everything. She nags as if she has nothing better to do, as if her whole being is dedicated to your utmost comfort and survival. Yet when she steps out of the kitchen, when she goes into dark caves for treasure or is faced with a naval officer who knows that she's a pirate, she's like a tiny kitten - scared and absolutely ineffective. She clings to you and asks (begs) you to stop laughing and just help her get through this before she dies please. You wonder why she doesn't leave instead of complaining and braving through this self-torture. Oh well.

crewmate — You know better than anyone that she belongs on the ship, the way in which she never lets her many anxieties take ahold of her. She has so many fears and OCD (which explains why she needs things in their proper places aka easy to find but panic attacks if missing), but this pacifist noncombatant who could be making the big bucks chose you and this ship. And you know because you've seen her shaking but standing firmly between you and your opponent when you're down, the way in which she trembles as she protects and cries - the way she braves her fears - for you. The way in which her actions don't change even after.

half-brother — You wonder about your half-sister a lot, but mostly you wonder if she still watches and knows - her eyes open where others would shield themselves or not notice. You recall how she enthusiastically worked her grandparent's tavern - how she would purposefully seat two people together, how she'd grin when they got married a year later, how she would sit beside the toughest and roughest of them all and bring them to tears after minutes not by blackmail but by request to not let tomorrow be their last day, how she would burst into tears when her words weren't enough and they committed suicide later. You wonder. 

captain — You talk her down from a panic attack, finding the missing whisks and placing them where they belong. You watch how panic gives way to shame to feigned cheer. You don't bring attention to it but you mentally note to send someone (maybe a certain Exodus if you don't kill him) to her room later. You know she hates her own OCD but you can't help it. She catches your eye and smiles apologetically and a little self-deprecatingly, as if - no because she knows - your thoughts. Later, you sigh and watch her nag a certain crewmember for skipping meals. Some things don't change; she, for all her faults and blessings, is one of them.

tldr — Cowardly but motherly, she seems to be an amalgamation of contradictions - infinite fears but momentary bravery, secrets of others but patience of her own, too much love without enough restraint. She holds things close to her chest but her precious loved ones even closer. She's willing to give too much - give her life if push comes to shove in times of danger no matter how scared she is because however much she fears the situation, she fears losing someone even more - because they cherish her more than she cherishes herself. She braves the high seas with the Dawn Rider and pours her soul out onto these girls who love. 

Love Interest Huang Zitao (Tao)
Backup Kim Joonmyun (Suho)

Birthplace Unknown
Hometown Qingdao, China
Birthday 02 May 1993
☠ Mandarin — fluent — The language he grew up speaking and continues to use with a majority of his crewmates
☠ Korean — semi-fluent — The other language he uses most; has the slightest accent but barely noticeable
☠ English — basics — Been picking it up for business; is currently proficient enough to ask for and give directions

☠ Likes 
— pandas
— good food
— activity or lazy (depends on mood)

☠ Dislikes 
— boredom
— being told no
— falling into the ocean

☠ Hobbies
— napping
— pranks / bets
— practicing wushu or shooting

☠ Habits 
— nervous: draws his gun
— excited: his bottom lip
— hungry / bored: whines a lot

☠ Miscellaneous 
— prefers Western food
— secretly fears ghosts / spirits
— loves fruits but rare when sailing
— helps around the ship when he's antsy but isn't allowed to shoot stuff
— when dating, tends towards flings, since busy pirate, and older women

First Meeting
☠ Her Context — She just wants to sleep, but no. She's a pirate on one of the most wanted ships of the world. She doesn't get to sleep. Instead she, as a non-combatant mind you, is dodging cannonballs and bullets while still in her kitchen clothes because she had just finished cooking and-um, hello stranger. What are you doing in her kitchen? Please no guns-She said no guns! Rude!

☠ The Meeting — It goes like this: 
"Why are you shooting up my kitchen?"
"Seriously? I'm shooting at the people shooting up your kitchen!"
He shoots down two people through the small lull between enemy fire through the broken window on the door. 
"Because they're aiming at you! Get out."
"Seriously? You-Ugh. I don't have time for this."
"You're just trying to gun down people with more guns. It's more efficient to..."
She searches through where the Armorer usually sits and, yup.
"A bomb?"
A pointed look, a throw of the lit fuse outside, and an explosion of light that she doesn't let him look at. She points and he shoots every opponent while they're blinded from the flash bomb. She gestures to the door and he walks out with a roll of his eyes and a huff. He doesn't expect a gun to his head from the Captain of the Dawn Riders. He doesn't expect the girl from the kitchen to argue on his behalf either. He is forced off the ship with one less gun but (he spits out salt water) he's alive. 

☠ His After — He has to be fished out but Suho-Ge has dry clothes waiting for him. (Suho-Ge is his new favorite.) Chen laughs at his misery. (Chen is his new least favorite.) He tells them of the girl he met and her gall. Xiumin-Ge tells them her name is Soul and that she's the chef. And a non-combatant. They all raise a brow. But her bomb usage, they all point out. Xiumin-Ge shrugs. 

☠ Her — So that was an Exodus mate. It's her first time encountering them since she's mostly on the ship and out of action. He seemed...a bit crazy, but then weren't they all? The way he handled his gun was more than proficient and she admires his posture, all long legs and confidence. She surveys the broken kitchen with a frown. Too bad she couldn't fine him. 

☠ Him — That shortie? A Dawn Rider? Pft. The smoke bomb was a good move but she had homeground advantage. He would have done it too if he had any at hand. She wasn't that impressive. She was tiny. What would she be good for anyways? 

☠ Initially — The first few encounters is wariness and disbelief, mostly silence and glances. They don't talk much until an incident in which Tao gets sick while with Soul and not his crew. She basically nags him, takes care of him, and their relationship shifts then into something kinder and still wary but more respectful with a willingness to give the other the benefit of the doubt. 

☠ Currently — It takes time for them to become comfortable with each other and, mostly because Soul takes pride in the Dawn Rider but doesn't fight about it, they become something like friends. He comes in to the kitchen when bored or she drags him in to feed him. He accompanies her shopping when the twins fall sick and she has him test her food. They quietly grow closer. 

☠ Eventually — She's his break and he's her accelerator. It's so subtle but eventually both of their crews notice the difference when they're without the other. Tao is the one who has to work for it because Soul isn't going to risk her heart with his flings (and the Dawn Rider won't let her). When they get together, they don't outwardly change but inside, they're closer and happier. 

☠ Wow, this took longer than I hoped. I hope you like Sooyeon and her character. Feel free to ask me any questions or tweak her as necessary. It was a bit hard to express her contradictions but I hope you understood them relatively well and enjoy using her. Have fun!

Scene Suggestions
☠ Tao protecting Soul
☠ the unsent letters buried in a drawer in her quarters
☠ Soul standing despite her fears because she has to protect what's hers since no one else can right now
☠ someone sends the letters or convines her to and Takuya asking to see her; how Takuya and Sooyeon's reunion goes
☠ domestic stuff - shopping, cuddle piles, lazy days - just the Dawn Riders as BROTPs and the Dawn Riders + Exodus's being OTPs



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