...come back one day.

Sorry for not replying to comments (I definitely read them, I don't ignore anyone!). I do work on things, truly, I'm just slow with them and I kind of prioritize other things and these fics kind of slid to last place. *sighs*

So, yes, I know it's too much to ask (actually nah, not too much if we all want to be honest) but please be patient with me.

One day, I'm going to update. *small violin music*

Some inner information:

CLTCL - in progress, but it still needs some work. tho I might cut off the chapter earlier than planned for the sake of updating. sacrifices must be made. *shrugs* (but it would kill me because it would ruin my whole timeline and everything)
Logic of Emotions - in progress, but shamefully stuck. I hate everything. however, I wrote 2 nasty scenes for it that will happen 200 chapters later. fun, right?
HTSAM . what is this even. I can't remember. do I want to do this. I have 2 pages for chapter 4. do you want it.

Meanwhile tons of ideas are burning my brain, really. I want to keep writing new stories and not finishing any of them.
Meanwhile I'm in love with an OTP, !!!!THE!!!! OTP and I cant stop thinking about them and I might start writing fic for them (as well).
Meanwhile my books are keeping all my attention because honestly, I'm more of a bookworm at heart than a fic writer.

Am I fcked?

I'm pretty sure I can finish these things in... let's see... 10 years? Yup, totally plausible.


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Vee_RS #1
I wish you can come back one day sooner than your planning.. Goodluck with your work and things.. ^^