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may your anchor be tight
'the gentleman of the sea' by unknown

he leaves none behind,
no hearts of sorrow,
the gentleman of the sea.
his words are kind
even towards his foe,
the gentleman of the sea.
peer into his mind, 
but none shall ever know
the gentleman of the sea.
what a mystery 
he shall always be!

'being male is a matter of birth. being a man is a matter of age. but being a gentleman is a matter of choice.' -vin diesel

footsteps steadily beat against the wood of the deck. the sun is barely rising but already, one soul is awake and ready. he climbs the ropes with an ease and joy that few would believe at his actions and time, but he reaches the crow's nest and watches as the sun drifts over the horizon. he swings down once the pink hues shift to the sky's blue and heads to the kitchen. he wakes the chef and greets the captain. 'yo jin,' said captain calls, biting into an apple. 'give me a hand?' he smiles. 'it would be my pleasure, my captain.'
and your compass always be true

birth name
moon "kiyoshi" jinjung (문 "淳" 진정)

❝ kiki (키키) shortened form of his japanese name his sister used to use // a sore spot so unless you're a child, it's off-limits to use

❝ jin () the first syllable of his korean name that started back when he was in the naval academy // used by his male friends mostly

❝ the gentleman of the sea (바다의 신사분) his pirate title and on his wanted poster // due to his impeccable manners despite pirating

birth place mie, japan
hometown mokpo, south korea

birthday 17 july 1990 (27)

❝ korean // fluent
❝ japanese // near fluent
❝ english // just 'hello' and 'help'

face claim kim soohyun (song joongki)

❝ one pair of ear piercings
❝ beauty mark under his left eye (like ø)
❝ monochrome floral compass tattoo on his back right shoulder (ø)

❝ whether on land or sea, he dresses impeccably since "first impressions matter." he tends towards simple patterns or solid colors and seems to know just what to wear to be both comfortable and fashionable. 

❝ he isn't particularly attached to his clothes, which is good since pirates and fighting. he does, however, like flannels and layering his clothes. he doesn't like hats; if he wears jewelry, he aims for elegance over price.

❝ this all goes out the window when he's undercover (if necessary). he can pull off just about anything he wears (it's all about confidence), so he's a popular choice to get information and avoid capture by the navy.
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9 tbsps of unconditional manners
2 qts of passive aggressiveness
3 1/4 tbs of surprising distance
17 ozs of parental concern
a dash of deceptive acting

'a stranger is a friend just waiting to be let in.' -anthony t hincks
❝ when you first meet jinjung, you find his manners sweet and his words like honey. he is easy on the eyes and his personality even more so, unafraid to say the ugly truth and shying away from beautiful lies. he speaks but not overly so, tending more towards silence but not so much that it permeates the air. he is like the dazzling sun - shining light upon whoever is in the vicinity fairly and equally. in his presence, girls swoon and boys smile. he does not discriminate, and, in turn, they seek his light and favor with equal fervor. the picture of perfection with a lack of distinct enemies, he balances himself and expectations of others with enviable ease. 

'there's not a word for it yet, for old friends who've just met.' -jim henson 
❝ you're on...pleasant terms with jinjung (though you haven't met anyone not on pleasant terms with him) and you are able to hold longer conversations with him. you become more acquainted with him and his unique manner of passive aggressiveness. you find he only picks on people who can take it and don't mind a laugh at their expense, using it mostly as a way to tease and joke with his friends or occasionally to taunt his enemies. he tends towards backhanded compliments / insults and stealthy comments rather than anything outright. at least, you muse, he doesn't make life harder through actions, just bruises big egos through playful banter.

'many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.' -eleanor roosevelt
❝ it is only once you are closer to jinjung, finally able to declare yourself his friend, that you realize how distant he is. the more you think on it, the more you grasp how you don't know him at all. you put together all you know and realize the only difference between what his acquaintances know and what you know is his increasing skinship and that he allows you to see this distance. you roll up your metaphorical sleeves, intent on bridging the gap, but you don't have to. he puts his arm around your shoulders, draws close, and smiles carefully - a little more vulnerably. you understand, then, that he is the one who must work; you just have to be patient.

'action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.' -william james
❝ on the ship, jinjung is how he is, but nothing compares to the spark down your spine when he goes undercover. he's a great actor and though he tells the truth, does not act as anyone but himself on deck, the way he infiltrates with ease always reminds you how fortunate you are that he trusts all of you enough that he does so. what is the most frightening, you shiver, is that he's manipulating all of it. he notices small things - habits, twitches, etc - and reads them, knows how to act to get the reaction he wants and leave the impression he desires. you swoon. you don't necessarily love him, but you do admire and respect him; even his enemies do.

'sticking with your family is what makes it a family.' -mitch albom (for one more day)
❝ you may be on land, but you know the 'gentleman of the sea' from when he wasn't even a pirate. your cousin, jinjung, you know, isn't always a gentleman. the manners are consistent, but with your presence, the suave older brother figure evolves into your worried mother figure. reserved only for those closest to him (namely you and perhaps some of his pirate crew), he cares about your well-being and happiness, willing to sacrifice his own time, happiness, and life for it. you could send him a message about dying, and he'll be on your doorstep, you know, within a day. but you won't because his trust is hard-fought and rare. you won't betray that.

'knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.' -aristotle
❝ the elusive 'gentleman of the sea' is what the navy and what civilians know; his constant manners, his sweet smile, his frightening ability to infiltrate. jinjung is that and so much more. he is patient whether for plundering or loving. he passive-aggressively teases and deeply loves. the aura that draws people to him is the same aura that prevents people from realizing the chasm that gapes between him and them. his observational skill, the ability that allows him to shift into another person, is the same ability that allows him to recognize your worries and for him to help you. it is no wonder that he has the respect of both allies and enemies alike.

'happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.' -george burns
❝ born to a korean father and japanese mother, jinjung grew up rather fortunately, lacking in most financial troubles. when he was 10, he moved to korea, and his only cousin came to live with them after his parents (aka jinjung's aunt and uncle) died in a car accident. growing up, his father worked at the docks while his mother had a small bar / restaurant where naval officers would visit off the clock. for jinjung, he looked at his father who made his livelihood on the port and the naval officers who would keep that area safe. he grew up knowing he wanted to do the same - to be an officer and protect his home, moreso when his baby sister was born.

'there may be times when we are powerless to stop injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.' -elie wiesel
❝ earning an early full ride to the most prominent naval academy in korea, jinjung turned heads right away. he had a couple of envious competitors but for the most part, he was relatively well-liked and earned the favor of teachers and fellow students alike. he was slightly teased for liking one piece, a manga about pirates despite being in the naval academy, but he always gave as good as he got especially once the teasing escalated to attempted bullying, earning the respect of even the rougher upperclassmen. in fact, he was even on the fast track to graduating early and being assigned to wherever he wants. takuya, from uni, beamed at the news.

'do you know why the big brother is born first? it's to protect the little brothers and sisters that come after him.' -tite kubo (bleach, v.1)
❝ it was only three months from graduation, a specially granted vacation to celebrate his sister's 7th birthday (he had just turned 21 three days before). he had bought her a bouquet because she wanted it and she had him wrapped around her little finger. except he came home to his sister and parents dead with three drunk naval officers sitting in his home, swords still dripping blood. he fought legally. he went to court every day and cried every night; they weren't charged. jinjung quietly disappeared. he should kill them. he didn't. the neighborhood thought he died. a letter some time later was the only indication that takuya received that he hadn't.

life on sea 
'who says life is fair, where is that written? -william goldman (the princess bride)
❝ consistently found at the crow's nest, in his own quarters, or helping whoever needs a hand on deck, jinjung is relatively predictable and well-liked as well as well-utilized. on the sea, he passes most of his time doing whatever needs to be done and though he won't be a genius at everything right away, he's always willing to put in the effort and practice to improve. he is the jack-of-all-trades on board. as an ex-almost-naval officer, he has a way with weapons, knows more than enough about sailing and cartography, and is, ironically, a well-suited pirate. at least the crew always has a back up for every position, the captain jokes.

'you should praise, criticize, and flirt with people right to their face, only then it will make a difference.' -amit kalantri
❝ one trait that occurs only when he's very bored, and they aren't going to see land for a while is flirting. he's always been on the kinder than necessary side, what with his reputation and all, but he will go out of his way to flirt with his crewmates just to mess with them. they're mostly used to it and take it as a symbol of his boredom, but the varying range of reactions - from responding to his advances, freaking out, and / or something else - keeps him entertained for some time. despite all of his flirting, he doesn't ever take anyone to bed whether on land or on sea because 'one-night stands are excuses for men to be boys instead of gentlemen.'

'respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners.' -laurence sterne
❝ one of the first things new crewmembers on the ship pick up on jinjung is how to measure his mood. he doesn't curse. he always has a kind word. he never forgets his manners. if he ever does something to the contrary, they learn to stay out of his way because when he is angry, someone will feel his wrath and wish for their own death; he may be a gentleman, but a pirate he is still. there are also two things that are off-limits when speaking with jinjung. if he brings it up on his own, consider yourself lucky and trusted. otherwise, you do not mention his sister or touch upon his cousin - the one he writes letters to once a week in his cabin. don't do it.

❝ likes
the sea
one piece (manga)

❝ dislikes
neon colors 
strong scents 
people who treat others poorly

❝ hobbies
people watching
catching up on news
helping around the ship
writing letters to his cousin

❝ habits
pleased: hums
teasing: half-smirk, half-smile
all the time: messes with his hair

❝ misc
prefers green tea
photographic memory
ship's jack-of-all-trades
early bird and night owl
wants to have a pet but pirate so?
has a relatively accurate internal clock
always loses rock-paper-scissors somehow (and knows it)
voted 'most likely to be sadistic to his love interest' by the crew

.....................................little sister // moon soojin (문수진) 7 at death, 14 if alive // faceclaim: kal sowon // dead.....................................
❝ a little spoiled, well-loved, and a girl who had her heart in the right place, soojin was an innocent and kind soul who knew what she wanted, where, when, and why. she was especially fond of her older brother jinjung who, despite the 14 year , loved her just as much. she had aspirations that continued to grow (the last jinjung had heard, she wanted to be an astronaut-gymnast-doctor-scientist) and the talent to pursue whatever she wished. while alive, she was jinjung's kryptonite, and people throughout the neighborhood joked that she'd never be able to get married, to which she had brightly and happily replied, 'then i'll marry kiki-oppa!'

...................................................................only cousin // terada takuya (寺田拓哉) 24 // alive...................................................................
❝ a bit haughty but highly talented, takuya is the bright sort of person who everyone wants to know. currently, he's in university in japan where he's double majoring in business and art. as jinjung's only living relative, takuya is arguably jinjung's last weakness. jinjung writes letters to him once a week but never sends them because he fears what takuya feels about him. in the one letter he was able to send, jinjung gave takuya a way to communicate. ironically, jinjung is waiting for takuya to initiate, but takuya is waiting for jinjung. to summarize their feelings, jinjung would kill if takuya is threatened, and takuya would die than give jinjung up.
a girl, about 10 years old, sits down on a chair in front of jinjung. she's a little frightened of him - which kid wont be? i mean, she's talking to an actual pirate! she called him for an interview. she pulled some strings and now she has some real life pirates in front of her. there's her project due in a few weeks and she decided to do it on piracy. (the poor girl didn't know what it actually meant. she just thought it was about how to be a pirate.) 

hi mr. pirate! i'm kim saera and i'm here to interview you for my project on piracy. would you please help me? of course, sweetheart. ask me anything. i can't promise to answer everything though.

alright! that's great. you're a really kind pirate! could you please introduce yourself? hello. my name is jinjung, and they call me the 'gentleman of the sea.' the reward for my capture is double my captain's but only because there are so few people willing to arm themselves seriously against me. i have many amazing friends.

now that's cool. why did you want to be a pirate? can you please share that with me? (he chuckles.) actually, i'm not sure how it happened myself. one moment, i was training to be in the navy, and the next, i met my captain while shopping for some flowers. i'm abbreviating, of course, but i hope you'll forgive me for keeping the rest a secret.

i would really like to know what being a pirate is like! how do you spend your days on the ship without any wifi or service? isn't it boring? my darling (he winks.), it's only boring if you don't have something to do. you can help around the ship or cook, pick up a hobby like origami or puzzles, nap, daydream, cloud watch, stargaze - the possibilities are endless. and yes, i did all of that at one point or another. i'll probably pick up reading soon. 

so...if i want to be a pirate, what can i do? is this, like, a job or something? to be a pirate, find like-minded people who don't mind when push comes to shove. designate yourself a good captain or become a good captain yourself. i'm sure you can. rather than a job though, i'd say it's closer to a lifestyle. it depends on how you view it though. 

speaking of jobs, how do you earn your money? don't you need that to buy food and drinking water and nice stuff and repair your ship if it's damaged? i believe that how i earn a majority of my money isn't a topic you want to put on your report, pumpkin. what i can tell you is that there's always short-term, part-time jobs if you know where to look. as for spending, you have to know where to spend or where to find cheaper equivalents.

i've definitely learnt a lot about piracy today! thank you so much! i hope you enjoy your adventures! thank you, saera. i'll walk you home. if something happens to you, your family will cry. 

needless to say, the girl didn't do very well on her project. but that's okay because she got to talk to cool pirates like jinjung.
comments i have no idea if i gave the jinjung in my head justice, but i hope you like him anyways. jinjung is supposed to be a suave if not flirty(ish) character with a hint of tragedy that brings depth to his actions (hopefully). to fill in some gaps, how jinjung ended up on the ship is up to you and he has no certain love interest at the moment, but he's up for grabs (for the captain as well, whom he respects highly). if possible, i would like jinjung to fall in love with someone at one point because i want to see him interact with his love interest / change. other than that, feel free to change him up as much as you'd like or ask questions if you have any.

scene request 
❝ jinjung and kids 
❝ soojin's death anniversary
❝ jinjung and his passive-aggressiveness
❝ jinjung staring at flowers because they remind him of soojin
❝ jinjung cursing and dropping his manners; cue everyone backing away
❝ someone (crewmate or love interest) convincing jinjung to send all the letters he writes but never sends
❝ jinjung and takuya's long awaited reunion with at least one person crying and introductions because the crew as his new family

the cannons be ready, captain? r


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