Flame Of Love

Have been listening to Flame of Love for god knows how many times. It's a masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lee Taemin! You got me! I got a this kinda feeling listening to it and scribbled a poem down while listening to Flame of Love. I'm gonna include it in the next chapter of my Ontae fic as a poem written by Taemin.         


         FLAME OF LOVE

I close my eyes to recall the last spring-

Fragments of a shattered past;

The sky blossomed rosy pink,

The breeze warm yet fresh,

The road narrow yet long.

The fragnance of Sakura intruding in,

Tired yet happy,

With the igniting flame of Love..


I open my eyes to see the winter-

Right in front of me;

The sky dark and hollow,

The breeze chilly and cold,

The road narrow with a dead end.

I breathe wishing for the end of the winter,

Tired and cold,

The sparks are all gone..


I pray for the flame of love,

To bring back spring,

To spark back the labyrinth.


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