I honestly dont know why Im back...

But why is all the people i used to talk to are like Gone??? 

Come Back!!!

so what actually happened to aff, its a surprise i still remember my acoount i can hardly remember people's name.... its sad but its life. 

i know you guys wont be interested haha like at all but a little wee update about the time i was on a haitus... 

where to even start??

school . I just recently started my new school... public to private. Parents thought i would straighten up if i went to a disiplinary school... it  

one rule is you cant have your hair down... like  always tied up.... im surrounded with uptight posh biatches well some are......

relationship wise... single and looking... i want a boyfieeee or a wifeyyy hahah single life is doing my head in..... so if you know someone *wink wink*






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letsEatPie #1
Only just saw this huhuhu welcome back ~ *cough cough* (who you calling posh and uptight ㅠㅅㅠ)
Welcome baaack ^^