Omo its been so long

Alright so its been a looong time since i've done one of these....

so quick update about my bo0ring life hahah... well i have a baby brother he's like 3 months and im now in thrid year high school but i am still the same AWESOMELY CUTE UNICORN hahah (twelvie days) anyways i want updates from you guys hahha well everyone who's been like my family here

kevin oppa if you see this you little sister misses you. i hope you and your baby is alright... (remembering the days when he used to be here with me ) 

So if anyone knows the kevin im talking about do tell me updates about him

and chanchanoppa

Updates about my love life??

well you gotta messege me to find out hahaha

till next time 



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21jaNine22 #1
I think Kevin already forget everyone here.