✭ 최수연 is ready to save the world !


choi sooyeon

choi sooyeon

koreangal5 ✭ soul ✭ 10점 만점의 10점

choi sooyeon (최수연)

27 may 1992 - 25 years old

BORN IN: suzu, japan
GREW UP IN: suwon, korea

FACECLAIM: jei (fiestar)
BACK-UP: kim seolhyun (aoa)

HAIR: generally long, parted to the side with no bangs. usually leaves her hair down but will tie it up if it becomes a disadvantage. though rare, when dyeing, chooses shades of brown or black.  

CLOTHING: not particularly picky but has a good eye for coordination and color. tends towards simple patterns and designs, usually solid, light colors with dark accents. not afraid to accessorize.
* click picture for larger image 

PHYSIQUE: short and proportionate. 

OTHER: one pair of ear piercings. 




walking into the library, you almost overlook the girl in the corner, her attention solely on the book in her hands. she's pretty but easy to look over (though that might be her height), and when she looks up, her eyes are direct and straightforward, staring into you withou pretense or hidden intentions. with a mysterious smile, she agrees to be your friend. you learn that she is:

QUIET - the first thing you notice about her is the way in which she is always listening. she tends towards silence and doesn't seem to care how awkward it is - really awkward is the general answer. she will rarely speak first; the only exception is her greeting that quickly returns back to silence. getting her to speak at length is a feat in of itself and near impossible.  

CALM + one of the most obvious aspects about her is the way in which she never seems to lose her cool. she always has her wits about her and logically reacts to whatever occurs with an acuity only assisted by her unhindered thought processes and enviable in its effectiveness. she is never one to be surprised and seems to take everything in with unaffected, unbroken stride.

PATIENT + a subtle trait you notice is the way in which she waits. she never gets frustrated or complains whether about failure or anything that others would. you only realize when someone else starts grumbling after a minute of waiting. then you see her, serene as always and with a quick, patient smile. it is a blessing to have someone so quietly encouraging. 

STUBBORN - something surprising (yet not, in hindsight) you realize is the way in which she sees things through to the end. the entire world can stand against her and she will, you experience firsthand, stick with her decision still. it is jarring the way in which she puts her entire life on the line for every decision she makes; it must be why she is so careful to decide at all.

SUCCINCT - a description of her manner of speaking is the way in which she is honest, by which you mean painfully honest. although she doesn't speak often, she prefers to get to the point with minimal cushioning from impact, emphasis on the 'point,' cutting edge of her words. she doesn't seem to mind. after all, the ugly truth, she says, is better than any beautiful lie. 

OBSERVANT = something you ironically observe about her is the way in which she observes all else. although it can be occasionally helpful, such as never having to mention your mood when she can read it off of your body language (even if you're deadpan), it can be frightful, because she'll know every secret about you if you so much as think about it in her presence. 

ORGANIZED = a glance into her bag tells you about the way in which she knows where everything is and how everything has its place. it takes her only a second to find an extra handout for you or to grab some mints after a meal; it seems good until you realize that she literally needs everything to be neat, that she has ocd and that she can literally have a panic attack otherwise. 

STEADFAST + you have slowly come to count on is the way in which she is always the same, just always. she doesn't change and she often acts as a rock in a stormy situation, firm and reliable but with a warmth that unexpectedly can warm your heart. it is a thing you realize only later, after some time; she may not speak to you first but she will always leave you last. 

GUILELESS = one shock, despite how she knows everything about all, is the way in which she allows the same for everyone. simply ask and she doesn't mind answering, no matter how private. she doesn't approach people with hidden intentions ever and seems to be incapable of lying. (though that is a lie; she knows how to but chooses not to because she feels guilty.) 


you get to know her, inside and out. you know her pretty smile is just the surface of her, just an enigmatic cover of a fantastical book, you can't quite put her into simple words, can't convey how much she cares or how much she frustrates or how much you care about her. you smile ruefully at a sudden yet true thought. you are smitten with her, as is everyone else who knows her.




born in to a korean father and japanese mother, she learned both languages while growing up. when she was four, there was a fire that burned down her house and her family moved to korea for a fresh start. 

her parents were archery instructors and spent a majority of their time in the dojo. although she helped out on the weekends, she was raised by her grandparents during the week while her parents were busy.

when she was eleven, her cousin who'd lost his parents in a drunk driving accident also came to korea to live with her. he was bitter at first, for what he had lost, but he slowly opened his heart, to sooyeon first.

she was seventeen when both of her grandparents passed away in their sleep. she was devastated as was her cousin, but inherited the house by will. there were too many memories in that space.

she decided to move to seoul, especially since she was accepted into seoul national university on scholarship. her cousin went with her. she double majored in literature and business; he majored in economics. 

once they both graduated from snu, in the same year despite their and her double major, they opened a mini cafe / bakery / bookstore on one of the smaller streets of seoul; it's a hole in the wall.

on a daily basis, she wakes up at six in the morning, going down a flight of stairs to the cafe and helping her cousin prepare for the day - starting a batch of cookies, checking supplies, books, and such. 

at seven, the cafe opens. if it's her shift, she spends hours working - baking, selling, etc - with half an hour for lunch. since she's co-owner, she chooses her hours but she usually works until closing. 

once the cafe closes, eight pm, she double checks stock, locks up, and goes up the stairs to eat a small dinner with her cousin if he's in. she usually reads, rests, or bake-experiments until she sleeps at midnight. 

when she isn't working at the cafe at all during the day, she goes on walks, visits the library, hangs out with friends - whatever she feels like. she is not wealthy but she's financially stable enough. 

for fun, when their cafe isn't open at all - read & feed is closed on sundays - she and her cousin scope out the competition. her cousin also sometimes uses her as a model for his photography hobby.

allergic to coconut
photographic memory
loves, loves, loves reading




the one who always has her back and never doubts her words, takuya is sooyeon's one and only cousin. he's positive and a bit on the haughty side but has bite to back up his bark and loves a good challenge. he looks to her as an older sister but also someone he has to protect. he always knows when to not push and implicitly trusts her above all else. he is panual but currently not dating. he's debating whether or not to pursue a side career in photography. 

the sweet and innocent part timer of read & feed, chanshik acts like a younger brother to the co-owners. he accounts for at least half of the profit within the cafe (though takuya refuses to acknowledge such) since the younger customers are often either chanshik's friends or there to see him / stare at the eyecandy. he has a huge sweet tooth and sooyeon gifts him with half of whatever leftovers there are. (the other leftover half is donated to soup kitchens in the area.)

the owner of the flower shop next door called flower power, jaejoon is a common enough sight within read & feed, especially since he also loves books. he's introverted and not one for many words, hard to get along with for most people, but perfect for sooyeon who is quiet and a good reader of books and people. he has a (romantic) thing for takuya, who is oblivious, that sooyeon isn't going to touch, because 'it has to be of his own volition for it to work out.' 




NAME: jung jinyoung (정진영)

AGE: 24

the apartmentmate of their part-timer, jinyoung is a regular at read & feed, stopping by whenever he has the time in between his own job as a local artist. (his favorite medium is paints and watercolors.) he's sweet, awkward, enthusiastic, and all around a nice guy who gets pretty tongue tied around the girl he thinks is pretty. in his heart, she's his muse.

whenever he stops by, he has a hard time speaking with sooyeon, but always asks about her day at the very least. he stumbles over his words and blushes if they so much as make eye contact, but he continuously visits the store and sooyeon as well. she does, of course with her observation skill, know of his affection and thinks that he's rather sweet.

she treats him like any other customer, doing her best to not scare him but also not necessarily returning his feelings (yet). she's always patient with him and shielding him from the wrath that is her protective cousin. although he usually goes for inspiration and some cookies and cocoa, he occasionally walks out with a book she's recommended as well. 




 seshat
egyptian goddess of wisdom and writing
 (midnight blue - #191970) 

pocket-sized latch book - does not come with anything to write with but does refill its own pages on its own by magic. when writing in it, she has everything organized for maximum finding efficiency and space.

seshat's imagination - whatever she writes in the book appears / comes to life and follow her orders; created objects / beings disappear after taking enough damage or if the book is removed from her hands.

origami messages - she writes a message on a blank page of the book. once she rips it out and writes a name on it, it will fold itself and transports itself to the recipient even if she doesn't know where (s)he is.




CHARACTER DEATH: if you'd like

PASSWORD: "hall of fame" the script


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