
I hate this. I hate every part of this . 

Someone does something extraordinary and everyone applauds. It could be something that is extremely easy or simple to do, like turning on the goddamn aircon (air conditioner) when it's broken, yet they do it in front of everyone. 

Someone who is behind the scenes, never in the limelight contributing to every part of everything possible yet no one mentions or even acknowledge them, and when they let something slip they're considered complaining.

How is society so annoying? Here, you talk to a guy and you're flirting with him. Another girl who is popular among her friends is considered brave. Double-standards much? 

You study really well yet you want to become a singer or at least join the entertainment industry and well you study well so don't go down that path because it doesn't fricking make money

Then boom, you got famous and people are falling all over you. 

Teachers snooping into their students' businesses and telling secrets they aren't supposed to to her favourites, and people start gossiping, said student becomes upset and she went to the teacher for help only to receive a 'sorry I can't help'. 

Having depression and someone tells you to do things not to be depressed, but they are the exact reasons you got depression. 

Helping someone who had fallen and being called a loser. 

An accidental slip about insulting others' interests and is quite mild, then 'I don't think I can talk to someone who doesn't understand the situation and only thinks of her biased opinion before talking' and adios to them. 

Finally, someone telling you that they understand even though they don't. 




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I hope that things get better for you . I think what you said is true at some point probably that is why human shouldn't rely too much on others for happiness but instead create it on their own . I think self acceptance and confidence are important as well. If you believe in yourself and have faith than what others do or said might not affect you too much . Stay strong :)