CONFESSIONS TAG (stole from laysbagofchips bc lowkey she's my spirit animal)

Confession 1: Have you ever broken a law before? And how?

Haaaa omg by the end of this everyone on here is going to think so negatively of me xD

Did you guys know that it's illegal to play leapfrog in the middle of the street? Now you do. hahahaha I was like 14.

Yes, I've broken laws before. But noting super major or super bad. Just like stupid stuff I guess. As for school rules? Dude all day long I was breaking them. I use to have really bad migraines so I would skip band class (I was a saxophonist) to sleep in the practice rooms lol. I was also ALWAYS on my phone. To the point where my teachers would give up and just let me keep it on my desk ha.

Then there was that one time my history teacher caught me painting my nails hot pink during lecture lol and I would also lie to my study hall teacher and tell him I needed to practice my saxophone when honestly I would just go hang out in the music wing

If I keep going on we will be here all day long, so onto the next!

Confession 2: Have you been caught in an awkward situation?

Bro I'm the reason why it becomes awkward lol

Confession 3: Any romantic happenings in your life?
Recently? I mean, my boyfriend surprised me like two weeks ago. I knew that he planned a double date but he didnt tell me anything else. He ended up taking me to the movies and then we ate after and he spent like $60 on me and I felt so bad lol it's also really funny because my boyfriend is a scary looking metalhead and he can be so cute sometimes (like he wears all black with chains hanging from his pants, has long hair and a beard, but omg I'm obsessed with him)

Confession 4: Most embarassing moment

My entire life? lol but...


SO. When I was in elementary school I did the talent show every single year. I sang each time and during second grade there was a lyric that said "I can take my hair down" and my mom thought it would be cute to put my hair up in a ponytail before the performance and then I would pull it out of my hair and throw it across the stage right before the final chorus. But like it got stuck in my hair in front of my entire school and my teacher made fun of me after and I've never felt so humiliated in my entire life lol


One time I was in a biology conference at the university I went to and my lab professor said I could go for extra credit. I mean doctors, professors, graduates, colleagues, and peers were all there. And at the end I went to give the extra credit sheet to my lab professor and I fell in front of EVERYBODY. And I don't mean just a little trip where I caught myself, like no I faceplanted. lol

Confession 5: Weirdest thing you've ever done:

Guys I'm pretty boring. uhm. I've tried alligator before? Or was it crocodile...I don't remember lol

One time I snuck out (not really but yeah) just to go with my best friend so we could put corny and ual pickup lines all over her boyfriend's car xD I was so excited to do it because I honestly have no life 




So yeah, now you know a little more about me lol 

Shoutout to laysbagofchips (jaira) because I secretly stalk her hahahaha


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so aff is like glitching on the notifs but i just saw this and the title honestly made me laugh like wow i actually have a "stalker??" that can happen to me??

anyways i usually have my phone on my desk for a lot of my classes but since my teachers actually kinda like me, they're okay with me using it a lot of the time LOL