Remember me?

(I wouldnt even be mad if you didn't because Ive been gone for so long lol)


The only excuse I have for my absence is that I had a baby! I'm a mom now!

Today I was discovering music and I got into such a deep place that I knew only writing could help get me out. So should I come back? Would anyone even care? I most likely wont be pursuing my music side anymore here on AFF. I feel that may be one of the reasons that pushed me away from writing and I simply dont have any hours to dedicate to that (I'm typing this as my son is napping). But I have been getting those itchy fingers everybody feels when they pursue writing. Theres a particular story I have that I have been wanting to continue.

I'm also taking any advice since its been so long. Yes, I'll be editing chapters I have already wrote. Is there anything new on here I don't know anything about? Do you have an opinion on which way one of my stories should go? let me know.


GaiaMilina/ Gaia/ Xiao/ Miranda (whichever you know me by)


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ahhh congratulations!!!!!
it's been so long~ :))))
tbh the music side of aff has pretty much died off..
but i'd be ALL FOR IT to read your writing :)))