One-shot for Infinite Possibilities' 5th anniversary!

Title: Shadow


She was a shadow. Few were able to spot her, but when they did, they automatically assumed it was a figment of their imagination.

“A trick of the light” they’d mutter under their breath and continue towards their campsite or hiking trail.

But Suhyun was real. As real as the sunlight trickling through the tree giants of the dense forest, as real as the river rushing in the middle of the vast park, as real as the cold stinging their face as they drove through the mountain.

She longed to be seen and yet she was too shy to truly reveal herself to the constant visitors: she had to be content with those that got a glimpse of her dancing or running amongst the pines, or dashing across the road. She would know what they were thinking by the whirling of their heads in the direction where she had been and the confused looks on their faces as she hid behind a tree trunk. It was usually the passengers in the cars that went through the forest who thought they saw her.

“We’re shadows,” her brother Chanhyuk would scoff every so often, “We’re not supposed to be seen, appreciated. That’s reserved for things bathed in light.”

She didn’t give up hope though, continuing to peek at their guests from the comfort of her trees and dancing with the rustling leaves when she felt like it.

At night, she was allowed to roam more freely, since the darkness would hide her shadowy form and there were less people around. Those that stayed were always near light sources, fires or light bulbs, so she could observe them without hiding, choosing to be courageous in those moments and stand where someone could see her. Since she blended in with the dark surroundings however, it never happened.

Until it almost did.

It was late, probably near or past midnight when Suhyun spotted a young man sitting by a blazing fire in his campsite on her walk through the firs. From what she could tell, he had a look on his face she couldn’t place as he stared at the jumping flames. She drew closer to him, standing just outside the encampment so as not to be harmed by the light. She just watched him as he watched the fire die and grow when he added another piece of wood. She did this for a long time until Chanhyuk found her.

“What are you doing?” he hissed, pulling her into the trees.

“I’m just watching,” she whispered.

“So close to the light?” he exclaimed, exasperated, and then shook his head, “What am I doing to do with you?”

She just stood there, unable to answer. He sighed. “Come on,” he said as he tugged on her arm to bring her deeper into the darkness of the forest.

She trudged after him obediently, casting a longing look over her shoulder for a moment at the campsite before continuing on her way.

When her brother was preoccupied with something else a few hours later, Suhyun decided to find the young man again. She ended up seeing him in the exact same spot she saw him in earlier, still staring into the campfire and feeding it every so often. This time, she decided to be immensely brave and hide in the shadow cast by the nearby tent to continue watching him. She settled into her space and observed him for a little while before she saw his back stiffen and turn his head at his surroundings.

“Is someone there?” he asked out loud.

She froze at the question, unwilling to move lest he saw her shape.

He continued to look everywhere around him, seemingly distraught. He finally stood up and walked around the campsite to see if he could spot the person or thing that was making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

“If someone is out there, show yourself,” he declared into the darkness.

Suhyun couldn’t do anything but watch.

“Babe, are you okay?” a woman’s sleepy voice emerged from inside the tent.

The man took a breath before answering more quietly, “I think so.”

“Hmm, why don’t you come to bed?” she replied as a rustling could be heard, probably the woman turning around in her sleeping bag to fall back asleep.

“I’ll be there in a second,” he said softly, still examining the trees.

The only thing heard in the silent next few minutes was the crackling of the fire as it continued to burn. He was standing so still, looking for any movement in the forest, while Suhyun was stuck in her position, her eyes focused on the one thing she found intriguing and frightening.

“I know you’re still there,” he whispered into the night as he hung his head low and walked back to his chair.

Unable to move, she just watched him stare into the flames once more and continue to feed the fire.





~*I went to Mt. Rainier National Park recently and got inspired: the shadows played a trick of light on my eyes and I thought I saw the shadow of a woman's hair flowing behind her as she ran. Naturally, I decided to write about it, and figured it'd be good for a giveaway ;) If any of you are interested in joining, click below!

Or if you want a graphic, I can vouch for their amazing work too ^^

Anyway, Happy 5th Birthday Infinite Possibilities! I'm sad I didn't know about the shop earlier but now that I do *mischievous face* Haha, keep up the great work <3

Good luck to everyone else who has entered and will enter :)


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Giveaway prizes are now up for grabs. Prize picking lasts until 23:00 EST on August 7, 2017. This is so that I can message the sponsors all at once. Please carefully read how to claim your prizes and choose only from the remaining available prizes. Thank you!
Wow, this story is great! I feel bad for Suhyun since she's just curious and wants to be seen but she can't. Aw, why?? And that man! Does he know her?! What does this mean?! I love the subtle details and the way you write. It's somehow calming.

Thanks for joining the giveaway and for supporting Infinite Possibilities! If you haven't seen yet, you can now claim prizes. Have a good day!
Jazmin8Sarina #3
This is good!:) you should write in one shot. Please update your story:)