10 Have You Evers

I was trolling my friends' blog feed here and this was posted by Owlrose last year...so here I am doing it, even though I haven't chatted with Owlrose in years/maybe ever lol.


  1. Have you ever stayed awake for an entire night? 
    ~I have! It's been a long time though, I don't think I could do it now: I'm too old ㅠㅠ
  2. Have you ever had a friend who shared the same birthday as you?
    ~Um, yes? They weren't really friends though, just a guy a year older than me and a guy the same age as me. OH WAIT, also Chanyeol from EXO, I think we're the same age too.
  3. Have you ever been caught fooling around by a parent or a sibling?
    ~No. That would be awkward.
  4. Have you ever not been able to remember how you got somewhere?
    ~Probably once. I had a job where I worked regular hours for like 9 months, and in that time, I'm sure driving to work was more like autopilot instead of being consciously aware that I was going there.
  5. Have you ever used a fake I.D. and then couldn’t remember your new name?
  6. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?
    ~The last time I fell down the stairs, I landed on my back on a step and it hurt for months afterwards...my body is old guys, doesn't heal up like it used to.
    I've also fallen up the stairs, and I think that's impressive.
  7. Have you ever skipped a class or a whole day of school?
    ~Yes for a class, not sure about a whole day. It has been a while since I've been to school lol.
  8. Have you ever seen a couple kissing?
    ~Probably. Does on TV or in a movie count? Haha, but I'm sure I've seen irl too.
  9. Have you ever changed your bias? If so, why?
    ~Like ultimate bias or a bias in a specific group? I think my ultimate bias has always been the same (Park Bom 4 lyfe), but my biases for groups sometimes change.
  10. Have you ever regretted not attending a certain concert?
    ~Yes, although I'm not much of a concert person so it's not really a regret, just a missed opportunity.


If you're reading this, answer the questions!









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