25th Annual Hunger Games - Han Jiwoo ; Kim Minhwan ; Kang Dongho



"She\s scary. No, really. Like she legit seemed pissed off just looking at me. I wished then and there that the ground coulda just eaten me up. I think I woulda been more useful as fertilizer than stand stupidly in front of her y\know?" - anonymous

Character Name : Han Jiwoo (한지우)
Age : 18 years old
District 3


1. Why was your character chosen to compete?
The district's council decided on the tribute by picking among the students from the district's only combat academy. Jiwoo showed tremendous progress last year and rose to the top earning the not-so-official title of 'District 3's Best Bet To Win The Hunger Games With' and fortunately for her too, because this was the last year she's eligible for the Games. If she hadn't managed to prove her worth this time around, she would view herself as a huge failure. Her twin sister, Jiwon, was actually the expected female tribute for the 1st Quarter Quell, which is what got Jiwoo so worked up and pushed her to decide that she needs to improve her skills a -ton better. For Jiwoo, it is an honor for her to represent her district in the Hunger Games... but an even bigger honor to win. Actually nah, she just wants to win to be all up in her sister's face to brag.

2. Tell me more about your character's personality and background:
Jiwoo is a YOLO type of person—she says what she wants to say, and does things without thinking twice. Unusually hyper at times and aggresive. Other people's initial thoughts of her would describe her as 'confidently fierce', 'snappy', 'cocky' and 'more of an than sunshine and rainbows'. She's loud and proud and most people who she meets don't like her (LOL).  Many have been intimidated by her resting -face which she sports 24/7 and has been caught by the cameras an awful lot— actually, every time it pans to her she has this death glare and an evident scowl plastered on her face. That is, unless you show her something interesting (a very cool axe trick maybe?) in which she'll gladly turn into a happy 5-year-old. Tbvh, she's probably a meme by now but she won't hesitate to kill anyone despite coming from a non-Career district.

Despite her seemingly shallow attitude shown in the games, in the past she developed an inferiority complex towards her twin sister, Jiwon, because she was always getting compared to how good her sister is doing in school and how her sister's more disciplined—"a perfect example of a perfect daughter". Jiwoo was always in a slump, making little to no progress in school and having 0 confidence. That is, until her sister intentionally injured herself 2 years before the Quarter Quell. Jiwon did that so in the case where Jiwoo manages to excel in school (the only year that can happen is the year of the Quarter Quell), she'd be healed and she'll have to compete in the Quarter Quell leaving no year Jiwoo can enter in. THERE CAN ONLY BE ROOM FOR ONE HAN. It also serves to lower Jiwoo's guard so she doesn't progress well, which ultimately failed anyway cause Jiwoo gained her confidence and worked harder despite getting more pressure to do better from her family. This just goes to show that being a spiteful runs in the family.

Jiwoo might have had some moments of quietness and thoughts of 'not being good enough' while growing up but she's back on track by getting picked to join the Hunger Games. Dubbed as one of the more stubborn badass contestants, she likes to show off her skills but will refuse any chance at allying. An exception would be when she's highly entertained by that certain tribute or they show high chances of not going against her. She'd rather have someone she'd have no trouble being with than other ty Career tributes who probably won't listen to her because they're just as equally as stubborn as her. Family (rather, in this case, 'allies') mean nothing to her in the arena. She's also managed to piss off District 3's mentor by not listening or doing the exact opposite of what they told her to do. The current effect of her attitude to the sponsors are mixed.


3. Tell me about your character's daily activities:
Born and raised in District 3, all her life she's been going to combat school (the school has only been there for 9 years and has gone a long way from the humble training school from before, the one that was build just to equip the District 3 children some type of self-defense and survivaly skills to survive at least a day in the arena). Jiwoo stays there most of the day even if she's only chilling. She has a couple of friends but most people can't differentiate her with Jiwon so she's 'the twin that lazes around school'. She sometimes vandalizes public property but only if she's really bored. She can't really do anything drastic even though she can blame it on her twin 'cause no one would believe her. A stress reliever of hers that keeps her mundane life worth living would be secretly playing a kazoo that she keeps as a pendant (but probably wouldn't be able to sneak in the arena). During the weekends or when Jiwoo and her sister is free, her parents make the both of them help in the shop where they sell/distribute electronic parts by manning the counter or by tallying the orders.


4. Family history / Relationship with your family
They are family with a central focus on discipline, rendering their relationship as 'formal and distant' than the usually advertised 'warm, fun family living'. Her twin sister is the bane of her existence because Jiwon looks just like her. Jiwoo even deliberately colored her hair a blonde color to differentiate herself from her sister but no one fcking notices, and someone will still approach her thinking that she's Jiwon and it drives her up the wall. It doesn't help that Jiwon has managed to woo half of the school and probably attract 3/4s of the neighborhood.

Father : Han Hyukbin
Mother : Min Dohee 
Sibling(s) : Han Jiwon - older twin


5. Does your character have a speciality that might be an advantage in the arena?
Jiwoo's specialities are comprised of her above average speed and practicing combat arts specializing on daggers and other small knives. Other than that, she is fairly balanced with her skills; swimming, knot-tying, general survival knowledge (despite not simulating the harsh conditions in real life like actually starving, which could be her possible downfall wink**wink*), and camouflage. She's pretty good, but not as good as Career tributes, maybe. She also has some knowledge about electrical wirings and circuits due to her parents being electricians but she doesn't know if that will even come to play in the arena.

"He looks fashionable definitely, but I honestly don\t know who would\ve had the brilliant idea to pick this pale, lanky- kid to join the games." - slightly amazed but also slightly offended capitol citizen

Character Name : Kim Minhwan (김민환)
Age : 16 years old
District 3


1. Why was your fellow tribute chosen to compete?
Rumors say that, as the mayor's only son, Mayor Kim Donghyuk didn't want Minhwan inheriting his position nor his wealth and possessions so he sent his sickly son to the games despite the council wanting to pick a student from the combat school who would have a chance of actually surviving in the arena. Many were outraged and called it a feeble attempt to regain his honor after sending his other son in the arena in the past (and that son dying)—not like it'll help sending a bed-ridden son who don't even go outside their house. It's like a death sentence for him. Anyway, the actual reason for Minhwan joining is simple, he is only able to join the Hunger Games during the Quarter Quell. If this was a normal year, combat school students would volunteer and he'll live a boring life where he won't get to show off his skills. They're gonna die anyway if some rebels and start another war. So, why not try his skills in the arena, right?


2. Tell me more about your fellow tribute's personality and background:
Minhwan is this guy who seems like he would be bullied easily. He makes lame jokes and follows every word a Career tells him to do. If he ever makes a pact with the Career it's because they'll let him get mauled first thing or he'll be the one that they won't wait for when danger strikes. That's his cover personality, anyway. He has a brilliant mind but an even inquisitive soul. He likes experimenting and often will talk to himself when alone. He does weird things but he puts up a 'decent normal person' front when communicating with other individuals. He's sort of a sociopath but is able to handle his emotions well to adapt to his chosen personality, and can even get your sympathy. Weird kid. Rich kid. Coincidence? I think not. Mystery? Maybe. Hotel? Trivago.


3. Tell me about your fellow tribute's daily activities:
He doesn't go to combat academies or normal academies like the rest of the kids, with his father telling anyone who's curious that Minhwan is almost bed-ridden with the difficulties brought onto him by his illness. Nevertheless, he is still eligible for reaping. Minhwan, due to his pure interest on the subject, he researches an awful lot about manufacturing weapons and machinery, which is more or less what the businesses being operated by his father are comprised of—because besides being the mayor, his father is also a businessman. Minhwan also has more freedom than most kids in his district and does what he normally feels like during the day; he can eat snacks—he'll never get tired of eating biscuits filled with cream and jam—or train his weapons and acting skills. One of their trusted family friends often teaches Minhwan how to stand correctly, the basic moves in fighting, and the correct way to jab and so. Minhwan also has a bunch of movies that he watches (for acting purposes, he says, and not because he likes courtroom drama and ty chick-flicks). He sometimes goes outside in disguise, practicing his make-up and prosthetics, and talks to random people with this fake alter egos. 


4. Family history / Relationship of the fellow tribute's family
His father, as the mayor, has good relations with people with the right kind of threat and bribe on the side. Kim Donghyuk is tough but at the right circumstances, otherwise he's a normal guy who gets along well with people. One of the best dads who pushes his sons to pursue what they like, and because they have the money and the opportunity, too. Kind of sad his eldest son got reaped during one of the earlier games. Jinhwan died, but with honor, while pursuing his dreams to become a Victor. His wife died while giving birth to Minhwan, so that's that.

Father: Kim Donghyuk
Mother: Lee Soyeon (Deceased)
Sibling(s): Kim Jinhwan (Deceased)


5. Do your fellow tribute have a speciality that might be an advantage in the arena?
Can slap a in his sleep. His acting skills automatically gets the other tributes and sponsors' pity, which is hard, because being dumb, weak and pitiful needs some work to be effective without arousing suspicion, you know? Minhwan has knowledge about how to make improvised weapons, and use actual weapons which he might obtain due to allying with the Careers. Anyway, if the Careers end up hating him or not accepting him, his father can probably bribe some connections to sponsor this tiny hooman. His main tactic for the Hunger Games is basically just Johanna Mason but more of a 'sickly boy forced to go to war' type. Minhwan also knows how to alter his appearance but how useful is it in the Hunger Games?

"Did he lie about his age? Well, first of all, I don\t believe he\s seventeen with that kind of physique. And yes, I do believe he eats people for breakfast. I mean wowie look at that body- Um, I mean, omg his glare\s so scary." - unintentionally aroused(?) spectator

Character Name : Kang Dongho (강동호)
Age : 17 years old
District 11
Speciality: Abs Luck

1. Is your love interest your fellow tribute from your district? If yes, ignore question 2 & 3:
No. Despite being from the 11th district where citizens are malnourished and peacekeepers aren't so forgiving (except maybe a chosen few that you can count in one hand), Dongho grew up to be a decently healthy teenager with a slightly average physique for his age. His body seems like it doesn't need a lot of fuel because he can still lift a lot of heavy objects and work all day even though he eats so little. This might be the reason why he got picked to be one of the tributes for District 11.


2. Tell me more about your love interest's personality and background:
He's a righteous person, having learnt this as one of the most important traits to have from his role model—you know, that one peacekeeper that keeps on popping up every time I mention a certain peacekeeper in this part of my app. Even though he is righteous, he is still human and can sometimes become biased at times especially for people he cares about. Dongho is overall a nice person despite looking intimidating from his narrowed eyes—a habit from always being under the blinding light of the sun—and his serious facial expression—the go-to expression for when there are Peacekeepers around every corner waiting for you to make the wrong move.

Dongho is reliable, and one of the most candid people around to be with. His reactions are so pure and real and he at times he does try to help the other tributes with training (which also helps him) but he tries his best to be agreeable around people even if it meant shutting down his opinions. He never seems to look perplexed and has only been seen fidgeting at the slightest when given time pressure (but he gets cutely shy sometimes when being praised). He does try to crack jokes if given enough light-hearted moments of peace, but we all know that isn't what the sponsors look for in him. Yes, his aura together with his looks and a decent bod might have attracted an uncomfortable amount of sponsors for a boy who just turned seventeen. 

Dongho has a younger brother who was adopted from when their neighbor's house caught on fire accidentally with Jihoon's parents inside... is what they say, but it's probably government's orders. Dongho's parents died of sickness and starvation and only has his granny to raise him and Jihoon. His granny was actually pretty healthy considering, but got caught taking crops from the fields to their house. She got whipped. A lot. She didn't die from the excessive whipping but rather, from infection and blood loss.

For Dongho, life itself is so precious and he probably doesn't have it in him to kill someone. He gets angry, yes, but even when he is shaking from anger and is so deeply offended, he doesn't have it in him to physically hurt someone that it's enough to kill them. And as much as possible, he tries to keep a calm and friendly front (even if his face looks unfriendly). Most of the time, he's worried about Jihoon at home, especially since he's all alone now. He did tell some of their nearby neighbors to look after him but of course the thought that Dongho isn't going to get back alive to watch over Jihoon and protect him sends him into a downward spiral of worry. 


3. Tell me about your love interest's daily activities:
Dongho wakes up before dawn to tend to the farm and then wakes up Jihoon to help with the crops. Most of the day is spent working because they are under strict scrutiny 24/7 and they only take a break once to eat what can barely be called food. Once the nighttime comes, they work some more inside the farm. After working, they eat when they still have some food left. This happens every single day unless it's the Hunger Games season where they are forced to watch instead of work. Once in a blue moon, one friendly peacekeeper will let them rest or eat and that is the most blissful thing they can enjoy. They're still nervous though, that it might be a set-up. People in District 11 simply have trust issues with Peacekeepers so Dongho and Jihoon made a signal with this certain peacekeeper when the coast is clear. 


4. What were their reaction when they saw your reaping?
Dongho wasn't concerned at all about the other district's reaping. He was more concerned that he or Jihoon will get picked because he sure as hell don't want that. He'd sacrifice himself for Jihoon in a heartbeat but this isn't your average reaping, so he was only concerned in the occassion where one of them gets picked. He was also quite indifferent to the other tributes especially those who are from the higher districts because they were trained from childhood for the Games and technically, were not forced to join like they are. His indifference might change when he meets and interacts with them, though.


5. Tell me your relationship with them:
They crossed paths a few times before in the training area and during the party before the actual games. They interacted a bit (with someone being clumsy and almost falling because of the crowd and some people approaching made him dizzy, and the other catching them... and they talk a bit) but Jiwoo being Jiwoo had a bit of trouble staying to talk to him about nothing and so she moved on to other people. Dongho kept a mental note of her because he seemed to be slightly intrigued by her. During the game, since both of them are not allied with each other, it might take a fatal accident to have Jiwoo not kill him the moment she sees him, and for him to help Jiwoo with anything at all instead just blatantly ignoring her. Where they hopefully become allies. And then cue some funny banter. Hopefully.
I wonder, will this help Jiwoo with her attitude problem or is Jiwoo too stubborn for any change too sudden and drastic?



MAY O'NAIS : Peacekeeper designated to District 11 (has just finished serving his last year there perhaps?)
- inherited a huge debt from his parents, which is why O'Nais was forced to be a peacekeeper despite being born in the Capitol
stoic and a man of few words
- serious about doing his job right and doesn't like abusing his power (just)
- has some 'questionable' political beliefs that he keeps to himself, but hopefully one day... (huge possibility to rebel against the Capitol)
- no one is allowed to call him by his first name

- one of the twelve escorts assigned to each pair of the Hunger Games tributes (probably not the type of you might've initially thought of *wink*)
cheery even though something about it seems off and noticeably fake 
- chatty and intrusive (especially nosy about other people's businesses)
- speaks what he thinks (frank) OR DOES HE
- is he simply undeniably tactless or does he internally want to cut a

- new to the design biz so she'll get probably get assigned to one of the lower districts 
- prideful and haughty but she isn't aware that it's a problem she should correct
- can easily be brainwashed (gullible)
- doesn't get angry easily; yes she can be a patient person while being blissfuly unaware she's being condescending
- has a huge secret stash of sleeping pills she miiiight be addicted to

- has done her fair share of work during the hunger games
- will never admit it but is surprisingly biased for that one tribute from the lumber district "whatta man" (might put the game slightly in his favor)
- loves torturing the tributes by natural-occuring disasters such as wildfires and starving them (sadist)
- very proficient in speaking as she is in coding, could probably pass off as a charismatic MC if she didn't pursue her current career 
- indulges in gambling and baking in her free time (has some high-risk hobbies)

- believes in fate and the stars; has a hundred or so packs of tarot cards at home that she obsesses over
- will most likely say something cryptic rather than just saying it plainly; "the clouds shall bring rain upon us all, for venus has aligned with mars, the prophets have spoken" which just means "you need to take a shower, you smell"
- rumored to be a sane Capitol citizen who just loves to pretend she's crazy for kicks
- more likely to support tributes who seem to be able to show 'love', 'sympathy' or 'worry for others' despite being in this non-sensical game of fight to the death
- focuses more on what she wants to see, rather than the whole picture (looking through rose-tinted glasses)

COTON EID JOE : Head Gamemaker
- level-headed and strategic; very formal during the games to the point of it being uncomfortable and he only speaks when needed (such as supervising the game and deciding to tweak the rules for maximum entertainment purposes)
- has short bursts of sadistic streaks that will make most of the sane gamemakers question Coton's sanity (or if he even was sane before)
- likes classical and orchestral music; has a lot of records at home and sometimes he hums the tune repeatedly during the games which makes the other gamemakers queasy, annoyed, or both
- has this weird- laugh that one can only hear from him when his plan turns out perfectly from how he imagined it 
- he is forever loyal to the Capitol and really has no reason to turn against them


wowie this is so short lmao
+ story link

fcs : jeon jiwoo (kard), kim hyojung (edawn from pentagon), kang dongho (baekho from nu'est), kim youngwoon (kangin from suju),
kim heechul (suju), shin sekyung, yoo shi-ah (yooa from omg), yoon bora (sistar), gong yoo

highlight this part >> please break jiwoo's arms i beg u



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those capitol names I'm dying