I finally announced about my Trich on IG

I told you guys on a blog post when I came out to you all about my Trich habit. Well, I finally gained enough courage to post it on my IG page and it was the hardest thing that I ever had done in my life. I was literally shaking while typing (still am) because that had been a secret that I had been harboring for over 10 years and it was my most shameful secret I had. I really want to post it to my FB page, but I haven't reached that amount of courage yet.

My anxiety is through the roof and I even teared up as people began to like my post. I did receive a comment from a friend that said, "You can beat it" and that really meant a lot coming from him.

Truthfully, I am a softy and shy person. 

I don't like to gain peoples attention. I dont like being in places where a lot of people can see me. I'm wary of how many people are looking at me and how they look at me. I hate giving speeches because I dont want people to judge me on my appearance.

This persona I play as "Andy" is someone that I strive to be, someone I am trying to become. I am outspoken if I am upset, but I don't want to be that way only if provoked. Andy is also the identity I gave myself to hide myself from people on the outside world who know who I am. 

To announce something like this, to people I went to school with and have dealt with me for a good amount of time- this is huge. This helps me boost my confidence. 


I really wanted to share this post with you guys in hopes that if you are hiding something from someone that you want to announce; go for it. Tell the world your secret and get rid of the fear. I will back you up no matter what!

I think my next blog post will be about my anxiety and how that has affected who I am today.


Yours truly,


Yup, Ashley. Not Andy, but Ashley this time. 




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Ashley/Andy, you are still my Mama Moonzy and I have no doubt you are that wonderful person you strive to be. You have been a caring friend to me over all these years when I've been stressed or down, and I will never forget it. Whatever you have to say, I will never judge and I hope others will do the same.