Social Studies

So, in social studies, we're learning about the Greeks, okay? So, our teacher is teaching the lesson and then he shows us a map on the colonies of the Greeks. And then he said..


I, being a huge Running Man fan, literally want to jump out of my seat, do a fancy Siwon hand gesture and yell Sparta like they do in Running Man. I can't focus when ever the teacher says that word.

Because I think of








Dear South Korea,

    I can't say you completely destroyed my life, but I can say you completely took over my life.

Now for every little thing, I can relate it to K-Pop!

Even if it has nothing to do with K-Pop.

Like one time, I was at the mall and I saw LMAO's Party Rock Anthem. And instead of watching the MV, I was to busy thinking about Super Junior being totally dorks to this song.

When ever I see a taxi, I burst out in song. Mr. Taxi FTW!

Danger signs = Danger by f(x)

Archery = Hoot by SNSD (We play archery at my school and I just want to break out in dance every time it's my turn. >.<)

So, South Korea, thank you very much!


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omfg.... I KNOW RIGHT?! dhopshgfopdsghopds;