im crying myself to sleep tonight...

so tired...

its been a long time since ive cried...haha...

and i cant believe its only been 3 days and my "boyfriend" and i are breaking apart already...i guess it really doesnt work out does it...? i want it to work out though...i want to be with him, even if it's through the internet...but am i dreaming? like im dreaming that one day i can become and idol and junhyung can love me?

haha....such a far fetched dream but i feel like im comparing my relationship with the right thing.


i love him.

i seriously love him.

yeah...its only been 3 months.

3 months and i can already say i love him.

funny right...?


but this is the way love's always been this way.....


once he says he wanted to break up with me, ill be sure to delete him out of my the other one....who was such a dear friend to me...someone i could never bear to lose because he knew me, he knew me like no other person...and yet, in the end, i still lost him...i lost him...and i regret it.

so now, im giving the power of hurting me over to my 3 days boyfriend....i don't want to break another heart anymore...i dont have a heart made of steel....i can't do it twice. 



im sorry for all the ranting...


the people who KNOW im in a relationship knew that i was happy...i was so happy that i couldn't stop smiling...even in my sleep...but now...i guess ill be crying myself to sleep huh??? haha...

yeah...maybe that's a good idea.........


in and out.



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mariangel #1
oh don't be sad my dongsaeng.. this also happened to me in my past..<br />
don't worry.. this is only a trial to make you stronger.. cheer up<br />
unnie loves you! <3<br />
and don't forget that your friends love you as well! =D<br />
smile pretty. ^_^
awww.. I had no idea and I even congratulated you today.. I hope everything works out, I really do~~ If not, you will find someone better for sure!! You are still young! :)
aww, feel better dear. I'm sure everything happens for a reason. maybe he wasn't the perfect guy for you. who knows in the future you will meet and even better guy. stay strong! ^^
angelica-swagirl #4 had a boyfriend ...anyways OMG fell better okay!!! D: i dont like it when yous sad :((<br />
you'll find someone better...maybe someone even better than Junhyung ;)<br />
if i were a boy i would date you and promise not to hurt you cuz your a sweet and nice girl....maybe i should stop talking cuz im not good at cheering people up errr.....
icemochi18 #5
what's wrong? o.o <br />
a boyfriend over the internet? o.e