hoshino, akane (星乃, 茜)
n / a not much of a nickname person. was once called 'aka-chan' (meaning baby) by some smart aleck who refuses to be in the same city as akane now. generally doesn't get many people who attempt to give her a nickname but quickly dissuades those who dare to try. mizuki is the only exception who she would have allowed since mizuki isn't one to take advantage of it.
10 june + 18
vermillion city, kanto
179 cm
87 kg
yona (akatsuki no yona)
morgiana (magi: labyrinth of magic)
sugar, spice, and everything nice, that's what girls are made of 
at first glance, akane is a typical, feminine and fashionable girl-next-door. she can always be seen with cute accessories and looks like she'd prefer dresses and skirts to jeans and sneakers. she simply looks good in everything, like she's about to strut down the runway of a fashion show rather than jump into a pokemon battle or climb a mountain. of course, this is merely at first.

sarcasm, fire, and your funeral pyre, that's what this girl is made of 
upon closer inspection, the hem of her clothes are rough and dusty from climbing without hesitation, small tears from when battles escalated. you look closer and watch as she doesn't walk like a model but like a queen. you feel electricity down your spine at her strong eyes because this girl isn't here to please you or your eyes; she's here to lead and you better follow.
one, two, three, eyes on me
courageous, adaptable, genuine, protective
four, five, six, things to fix
competitive, dedicated, sarcastic, intense
seven, eight, nine, draw the line
aloof, cynical, brutal, insecure
every stranger, until proven otherwise, is a danger
when you first see akane across the room, she's like the sun - intense in ways that are good and bad, seemingly at your fingertips but lightyears away. you rarely see a soul brave enough to risk her barriers, but when there is, that person is shot down with an efficiency that factories would admire. she utilizes sarcasm liberally as its own language and wields it like a sharp sword.

i seem to always frustrate my associate 
you manage to speak to her and learn that her intensity does not die down, especially not when her eyes are focused on you - every heartbeat magnified and breath short. you find out that her lines of sarcasm, when not meant to hurt, can be humorous and that she has a heart forged with steel - seemingly fearless in the face of adversity even if everyone else is anxious or fearful.

an acquaintance knows better than to take offense
it's while eating you learn that she presents herself as is, without masks or hidden intentions - that every line is what she means it as; she always means what she says. she also seems to be able to live in any and every environment, taking mere seconds to slip in and become comfortable even if it's in a place no other would dare go. you ponder if she is even real then.

your status i amend, now you are a friend
during a walk, you discover that she has a competitive streak miles long, a stubborn look in her eyes though you know she didn't have to take the challenge. you also learn, a few seconds later, that she is very protective and that she isn't going to let anyone talk bad about her friends, including you. you see how much effort she puts into, well, everything and stare in wonder.

my best friend is a godsend
you've spent a lot of time with her and you know sides of her most don't, but the part you expected the least was her insecurity. people strive to be better but few need to be better, who need the assurance that they aren't too much and that they are enough. you never expected akane to need it; you are touched she shows you truly but fume that she does need so. 

if only on a bookshelf, i can put myself
your eyes sweep over the room and the barriers you put up are strong. people speak to you throughout the night and you wonder why they bother lying, why they think they can simply buy or talk their way into your affections - speak like they care - when in reality they only care about themselves. you only know of one who doesn't; she's your best friend.

if you didn't want the armory, here's a summary
although hard to get close to, especially in light of her cynicism and brutal sarcasm, she's a fun person to be around. she lacks fear and cares deeply and fully. she sees things through to the end and, like the sun, burns brightly and intensely. she never beats around the bush and always desires to get better; it is where the desire stems from, however, that few will ever know.
some prefer to bike, i happen to like 
books, sports, music, rain, canines
you can take a hike because i don't like
flirts, spoilers, gossip, arrogance, erts
it isn't just you, i have a habit to
bite lip when concentrating, pinch left ear when sincerely apologizing, fidget when lying and feeling bad about it, look people straight in the eye when speaking with them, cracks her knuckles when preparing to do something
it isn't a crime to spend my free time
reading, exercising with her pokemon, listening to music, petting / looking at / loving puppies, people watching - particularly their tells for lying
i hope i do not stupify when i tell you that i
am left-handed, used to take kendo lessons, love the color gold, prefer biking to walking, absolutely will jump in many puddles when it rains
* *  *
chibi  yanagi akihiro (16) the bane of her existence // feline
if only it had been for someone other mizuki-chan because yanagi (or chibi as akane takes great joy in calling him) is the absolute worst person in the entire world. people joke about cats and dogs and such, but they aren't wrong. mizuki is usually caught in between the two, soothing both their egos.

mizuki-chan  yukimura mizuki (18) bff // ice 
mizuki is the yin to akane's yang. the two are nearly inseparable though they've only known each other for a couple years. mizuki is one of the few people akane trusts whole-heartedly and though mizuki likes to think the best of people, only the best can get through akane to date her bff.

itsuki  yukimura itsuki (15) brat // dark 
considered more of a pest than an actual friend, itsuki is, put simply, just mizuki's younger brother to akane. nothing else. they don't get along particularly well but they don't hate each other either. it's closer to a grudging acceptance forged by mutual love for mizuki. itsuki calls akane by her last name.
* *  *
not even a veteran should underestimate this woman
a strategic battler who walks the fine line between faith and logic. she isn't afraid to pull her pokemon out but never fails to believe in their abilities either. she's extremely talented as a battler and not only hates being underestimated but, conversely, also doesn't underestimate her opponents ever. she's honorable, hates playing dirty, and enjoys a good battle too.
you asked for a fight so of course i'll bite
is always down for a battle; for some reason, everyone thinks she'll date whoever can beat her in battle. is particularly vicious when annoyed at competitor (read: suitor). in the rare cases she loses, she trains and asks for a rematch a week or so later. loves a good challenge especially because she hasn't lost in quite some time and thinks competence is a good look.

it's just an adventure, if you can endure
loves traveling all over the different regions. has a particular love for places that are unique and can't be found elsewhere. in contrast to mizuki who loves researching and lore, is more a current event person. prefers to go visit places during opening day or within their opening week at the very least. if given the choice, prefers anything other than shopping malls though.

thinking of home and dreaming of foam
loves the beach and ocean because she grew up beside it so loves areas like that. jokingly called a vermillion girl because of her red hair and the city name. despite love for vermillion city and her family, has not visited home since she left for her pokemon journey for reasons she refuses to say. at home, currently lives with her parents and married sister and brother-in-law. 
hardy (♂) intimidate 
* her first pokemon 
* picky about who he gives rides to
* her mode of long-term transportation
* was a gift from the local professor after helping him
serious (♀) snow cloak 
* newest
* alola form; prefers to be out of pokeball
* dislikes the heat but doesn't mind sunshine
* caught at the same time as the one gifted to mizuki
bashful (♂) inner focus 
* fourth pokemon
* extremely loyal to his family
* easily embarrassed by compliments
* was a gift as an egg from a cave travel companion
quirky (♀) intimidate 
* third pokemon
* acts rather feline-like 
* usually found with anubis
* caught as a luxio during her journey 
hardy (♀) flash fire
* second pokemon
* likes being lazy if she can
* may or may not have feelings for talon
* first ever pokemon she caught on her own
docile (♂) keen eye 
* second newest 
* is the midday form
* friendly rivalry with hobbes
* was abandoned by previous owner
being on a team is the dream
manectric, floatzel, furfrou, mightyena, granbull
* on team but currently resting

friendship can be caught but not bought
nidoking, lillipup, pidgeot, rapidash, lapras, sneasel, gallade, castform
* caught / gifted but not on battling team

it is a present of intentions that are innocent
eevee, snorlax, ninetails, hoothoot, togepi, natu, hoppip, gastly, tyrogue, wobbuffet, elekid, zigzagoon, lotad, seedot, vigoroth, aggron, plusle, cacnea, sharpedo, feebas, clamperl, beldum, shieldon, cranidos, cherubi
* other pokemon caught before for jobs / gifts
yay! took some time but she's done. she's not quite like mizuki but written to be similar in certain aspects? i hope that makes sense. anyways, hope you like her. i probably won't write an app for itsuki because lazy. sorry!

scene requests:
* interactions with mizuki
* arguing with akihiro because cats vs dogs
* akane getting hit on and her sarcastic replies
* akane bored by the easy battles because she's so good
* akane battling and just kicking everyone's and expectations

* akane really likes weapons or anything involving self-defense. she is always down to try something new whether that be a new form of martial arts or trying her hand at archery. it tends to scare off people (good riddance, akane decides when it occurs) or frighten them at the very least, the way in which she giddly agrees to try. mizuki thinks it's cute and encourages her.

* mizuki and akane have been mistaken as a couple before. they aren't really dating but because neither show any real interest in the opposite gender and because they're so close, some people have insinuated so. they don't deny rumors either. they have pretended they were to mess with ists, homophobics, and pretty much anyone that can be a pain in the . 

* akane and akihiro get along like oil and water, which is to say not at all. they're constantly arguing about cats vs dogs most of all but all of their other preferences seem to not align either. akane also loves poking fun at akihiro's height and bragging that she's taller. mizuki is the only one who can break up the fight without getting injured because she's both their friends. 
blood type:
* a



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