Maybe relatable things

So here are 11 THINGS that I feel like some people may relate to. Because as a human, this is how I feel:

1. You know how the chairs in restaurants have to be pulled out, but there's another table right behind you, and because they're saving space, the distance between the tables is really close. Then, there comes other people who will sit, but they pull out the chair so much that there's little space for people to sit on the other table. 

2. You know how people cut a plastic bottle in half sometimes for an art project, and when the half of the bottle rubs against each other and they make this weird sound that makes you cringe.

3. You know how you're so tired and you want to yawn so bad, but you're in the middle of a conversation and you don't want to be rude by yawning.

4. You know how poor people ask for your help, but you're too awkward and already broke that you need what you have to help your self first, so you look away slowly. (Selfish... I know.)

5. You know how a teacher pronounces a word wrong that it sounds weird, but you don't want to interrupt them when they're in the middle of their lecture, and if they're scary, you don't want them to look at you as if you've done something bad, or if they're actually kind, you don't want them to feel embarrassed.

6. I randomly walk in on someone taking a picture when I don't mean to (because they're blocking the way), and I look like a freaking meme in the picture.

7. When you tell your order to the cashier, then you look at the menu again, then you want to change your order, but they already said it to their co-workers, so you can't change it anymore.

8. When your friend keeps you telling about their relationship, like their problems and whatever you do, a lot and you want to change the topic because it's starting to bore you but you don't want to ruin their mood.

9. When you're not hungry, but people expect you to eat. And, when you're hungry, people want you to stop eating.

10. When you make a non-sense paragraph about something that's not anymore related to the topic of your essay, because you need 1000 words and you gotta pass the subject.

11. When you think you said something funny, but people didn't hear it, and you repeat it until they heard it all clear, but they don't find it funny, so you just stay quiet in your own pissed bubble because you went through all the trouble of repating it for them not to laugh.


Yup, there you go. lol. i'm not sure if people do relate to this. i'm just randomly sharing. because i got lots of free time


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Odds_Are_Inevitable #1
When you think something's super funny and you try to tell the joke but you're not laughing too hard to actually say it so everyone looks at you like you're dumb ;_;
2,3&10 had ne grinning because honestly !! I !! can!! relate !! so !! well !!