「Hwang Hwieul」
"always be lilith, never eve"

name;  hwang hwieul

nicknames;  hwi, yue, or yu.

birthday; Oct 31
age; 17
year; second

birthplace; daegu, south korea
hometown; seoul, south korea
enthcity; korean

ual orientation; straight.

face claim; yeoreum - wjsn
backup face claim; rena - pristin

style; hwieul tends to keep her fashion pretty simple but still cute and chic. she doesn't wear a lot of bright or louds items - mainly just pastel colors neutrals, or darker colors. she doesnt like heels as she is clumsy so they are just a danger. 01|02|03|04

Hwiyeol is pretty easy to approach as she comes across very playful and laid back. she usually always has a smirk or smile on her face - but let be honest, she is the one approaching you. Hwieul loves to interact with people and furthermore will charm and coax you into talking to her. though, this comes with a price as she is brutally honest. Anything and everything that is in her head comes out of her pretty mouth. she doesn't sugar coat things nor will she do it if you ask. hwieul is very loyal to the people close to her and sticks by them no matter what. you know that you have a friend for life once you gain her trust and she gets close to you. the girl is very playful in that she likes to joke about and tease others in a playful way. she is always messing with someone then will act innocent like they are accusing her of murder or something. it is in all good fun, okay? she doesn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings or anything.

hwieul is like a mother to people close to her. she tends to put them before herself and treats them like her children, especially if they are younger than her. with this brings out her responsible side, she does everything she does seriously and gets it done. people know if they want something done right then to give to her and she will get it done. the girl can be hard headed in that once her mind is made up then nothing will change it. hwieul can also be a clumsy girl. she often gets distracted and will run into things or people, most likely it is people. she is accident prone - lets just leave it at that.

the girl is no push over. she doesn't change her mind or let others sway what she believes or believes in. she doesn't let others push her around or order her around. she also stands up for others as she hates bullies. she isn't afraid of confrontation or standing up for herself or others who can't. hwieul finds it hard to let things go making her resentful to others. she won't let it go until the other person fixes their wrong doing or tells her sorry. hwieul is a flirt to boot. she honestly will charm anyone that will listen to her. girl or boy. she is often just being her playful self, but it can get her in trouble if she accidentally leads people on. but, you really know when she is really interested in you or just being cheeky. this girl can't help but be a smart . it is just the icing on her cake. love, hate, but you are going to have to deal with it.

background; being born on halloween has it ironic notions for hwieul. she was born to two different types of witches as both of her parents are witches. When she was young, she was often take care of by her father who ran a small cafe and store that sold different witch supplies - but to normal people it would like a little gift shop inside his cafe. hwieul grew up around magic, and witchcraft. hwieul started school a year late due to her being sickly as a young child - she would get sick from being anemic. once she started school, yeoreum found it fun but at the same diffcult as she wasn't allowed bring friends home unless her dad had prior knowledge to friends coming over. so, for the most part she really only had friends at school and would just spend time with her dad at the care either doing homework or helping out after school. as time went on, she started to be taught her family's craft which black magic like voodoo and other darker practices from her dad and more healing magic from her mom when she was home from the hospital where she worked as a oBgyn. 

middle school was a lot harder for hwieul as she was already reading about magic, witches, and wicca as it was harder for her to keep her secret, but she hid it pretty well. SHe did fairly well in school and is a pretty good student. She likes though working at the cafe and spending time with her dad more though. now that she is highschool, she has a fair amount of friends and usually hanging out with them or at the cafe working now as a part time job instead of just helping out but still not getting paid - since she lives with the owner that would be her pay check as he dad puts it. 



friend|cho nari|18| nari's mom and aunt come into the shop and cafe a lot with nari, so this is how they meet. the two learn from their families that they are both witches plus they go to the same school, so the two became friends. their personalities mesh well together since they are both friendly people. they both tend to take care of each other since they both tend to put others before themselves - kind of like sisters would.

(if anyone would like to put hwieul in their app or colab then feel free to do so!)
「Healing & black magic 」
"i can put a hex on you."
magic type; healing and black magic

hwieul is good at her magic on both ends as he parents started training her when she was young, though she is better at black magic than the healing. She has a lot of her dad and his family's spell books, but also has started her own - snice it is good that a witch has a book of shadows of her own to express her own form of magic. 

in terms of her skills, she is good at curses, hexes, and voodoo type of magic that consists in the dark arts. she is good at other dark art type magic like summoning dark creatures - though most of them aren't very strong and cant stay materialized for long as her parents make her wear a crystal necklace that liimits her how strong her magic can get it untl she can fully control what she does. 

her healing magic isn't as strong but it is effective. she likes to use either healing crystals of differetn colors enchanted with magic for different aliments. she also makes different potions for different things. 

hwieul is also slowly started to learn how to make potions other than ones with healing properties. 

though, hwieul spells are usually only dark in nature as she seems not to be able to do the traditional spell right just yet. 

this being said when others  find out she is a more dark arts witch, they tend to stay clear as by rumor 'she is playing with devil' which she is not. so hwieul tends to keep her dark arts talent in the dark until she knows she can trust the other to still like her despire the type of magic she practices - so many on surface think she is just a up and coming healing witch like her mother that will follow in her foot steps and do something in the medical field like her mom.
likes; sweets, skinship, mochas, bubble tea, cats, horror movies, stars, spicy food, flowers, video games, & frozen yogurt.

dislikes; jerks, liars, bullies, clowns, thunder storms, small spaces, & judgemental people.

habits; mumbles to herself, plays with the end of her shirt when nervous, covers her face when embarrassed, hugs something when she sleeps, whines when she is sleepy, & looking at her feet when up or down stairs

hobbies; practicing her magic, reading manhwas, playing video games, watching dramas, & yoga

;left handed
;doesn't scare easily
;has natural y/cute aegyo
;has a black cat as a pet named moon
;if she gives you moonstone crystal that looks purple insdie - it is her strongest healing crystal so it means she cares a lot about you.
;moonstone, rose quartz, amethyst are her favorite to use.
;likes creepy-cute things
;Needs a dean winchester in her life (just sayin;;)
;can quote most horror movies word for word 
;halloween just happens to be her favorite holiday
;loves rainy days - just not storms.
;romantic at heart - loves the little things
;wants to take over her dad's business she gets older - she doesn't think college is right for her

「drink in the moon」
usEr name  twiillaa
nickanme  twilla
  I hope that you like hwieul, please let me know if I need to change anything!



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