I'm on the verge of giving up(rants)

I don't know anymore. No one reads my and my stories probably . I mean I know that it's my first story but I've gone further than I usually have. I made 6 chapters. But I only have that few subscribers.... then my poems as well. My poems  I find really in depth but maybe others don't think so amd can't relate. But I really really really want to have more subscribers..... :( this is bad. I want to give up soon. Maybe put my stuff on private so that no one can read it. I update like once a week because I'm so busy I don't have time to write. Furthermore, I lack the patience to be able to sit down there for so long writing a fanfic. Urgh idk if I really want to continue writing. If my friend that writes fanfic can have over 100 views on her first few chapters, why can't I...maybe I'll just try harder....


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gardenfairy_jww #1
It's rlly good ya don't be upset cos there are ppl who can tell tat u are actually good
Tbh, a lot of popular stories follow cliches and character tropes that people like reading about. (No hate on them though, there are plenty of good substantial popular fanfics too.) I've learned from personal experience that poetry is hard to get subs/views on. But don't be discouraged, because in the end, subs don't determine how good of an author you are. I'll check out some of your stories!! ^^
oppach #3
Some stories get more attention because of who is in them, not always the story itself.
If you write because you like it, that's enough. I know it would be nice to have people responding to your stories, though. The more you write, the more chances there will be for new readers.