Jung Yeseul Just Moved In as The Big Dreamer! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

  Jung yeseul。
   clara ♡ stormatsea ♡ ACTIVITY LEVEL (9/10)
— Yennie / just a simple nickname that she tries to get all the girls to call her
— Vampire / the other girls call her this since she doesn't look like she's about to turn thirty, and because this girl is a seriously nocturnal creature, working all through the night and then goes to her day job. 
— Caffiene / everyone who knows her because this girl is never seen with any kind of drink that doesn't have an obnoxious amount of caffiene.
— Grandma / what some of the younger girls call her since she spoils them just like a grandmother would, complete with giving them a little bit of spending money when they go out, especially the baby. Yeseul reall wished they would stop calling her this, but no such luck.
— Babo Seul / what Taecyeon calls her all the time

AGE  29 
BIRTHDAY  September 18, 1987

BIRTH PLACE  Seoul South Korea
HOMETOWN  Seoul South Korea

— Korean / fluent / fluent language
— English / semi-fluent / studied both in highschool and in college as well as on her own, knowing it would be a great skill to have
turn your can'ts into cans and your dreams into plans.

  mirror, mirror on the wall。


FACE CLAIM  girl's day sojin

BACK UP FACE CLAIM  girl's generation Taeyeon
APPEARANCE  Yeseul has a great body, one that makes a person wonder if she really was an accountant for five years. She has killer legs, her words, and a really nice bust, also her words. She's an average height of 165 cm and a healthy weight of 55 kg, too many late night cookies and bites of cake. This girl loves her makeup and will not leave the house without having at least her eyes down, to avoid looking like a newborn hamster, again her words, even though she looks just fine without it and she loves getting her nails done. Currently she has light brown medium length hair although she wishes she could change the color to something more drastic, she's worried that someone her age really shouldn't push the envelope too much. She has two piercings in each ear, and two tattoos. The first one is a black and white tattoo with a moon, cat and rose that she got with a bunch of her college friends when she was nineteen, mostly because it reminded her of Sailor Moon, her all time favorite show (x). The second is on the inside of her wrist that she just recently got a couple of months ago when she quit her accounting job to always remind herself to love her life (x).

STYLE  Yeseul loves color, and anything with lace or is flowy. Not only is it comfortable it gives off the impression that she put in a lot of effort to her outfit. What could be more perfect? Nothing that's what. She loves switching things up and will try just about anything, and doesn't leave without a pair of one of her heels and her favorite cluth purse. For work however she definitely dresses down, why put your favorite shirt in harms way? She also will put her hair up and out of the way when every other day its down and styled to perfection. When it comes to pajamas however the cuter the better. Really makes a person wonder if she's actually turning thirty soon. 

Casual: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Work: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Formal: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
Pajamas: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Hairstyles: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
  but looks aren't everything。



(+) Cheerful, Earnest, Decisisve, Trustworthy, Perceptive
(=) Emotional, Predictable, Soft, Dreamy, Busy
(-) Bland, Dependent, Impulsive, Single-Minded, Submissive

When somenoe is asked to define Yeseul in one word it would be cheerful. She never leaves home without a smile, and is the one who is always there to offer words of encouragement and give out supportive hugs to whoever needs one. Its hard not to be happy when she's around because of her infectious smile and bubbly personality. It also helps that she loves being around people and out and about so it only makes her shine brighter, and bring others closer to her as well. She's easy to approach and won't turn anyone away because it never hurts to have more friends. She's also insanely earnest and puts her all into everything that she does. Even if it's something simple as cleaning off the counter, she'll do the best cleaning of her life each and every time just because it'll make the person she's with feel better, which in turn makes her feel better. She works especially hard, almost to the point of overworking herself every once in a while, but she hardly notices because well she just loves doing it so much that it doesn't actually feel like she's working a single minute, even though it's actually been several hours. Yeseul knows what she wants in life now and nothing is going to stop her from achieving her goals one way or another. She's decisive and has a clear vision for every little decision that she makes, even if it's just choosing what coffee she wants with her banana nut muffin for breakfast. She knows what it's like to be indecisive and unsure, and well she doesn't ever plan on going back to those days. It's also very easy to trust her, and she'll make damn sure that whatever a person tells her stays with her only, and that includes a stranger on the street who just simply needed to vent out their stressful day. 

Yeseul is surprisingly perceptive, especially when it comes to those who she loves the most, and can notice a change in them almost immediately. Once she notices too it's all over, she will bend over backwards to try and fix whatever problem they have so they can be all smiles and happiness again. When they're hurting she's hurting, and well she knows what it's like to live with someone who doesn't notice or does and doesn't do anything and refuses to be that, so she's made it one of her many goals in life to make sure that those around her don't have to worry about not having someone there for them. However she can be quite emotional and gets worked up over a lot of different things. Sad scenes in dramas? She'll feel bad for the characters and cry with them. Sees a cute video of a cat? It'll remind her of her own baby and will be moved to tears. She does tend to stress about things and can make herself frustrated that she'll cry, though she makes sure that it's not when anyone else is around, because she couldn't possibly wory them. What's not hard to believe is that Yeseul is seriously predictable. She's so easy to read considering her facial expressions and mannerisms say it all. She also keeps a rather structured schedule and sticks to it, with only slight variations here and there, that she's become a creature of habit and it's not hard to figure it out since she does it every day, and it'll throw her off if something ends up going amiss. Yeseul is very soft and a gentle soul. She's not too overpowering or tough, but that also makes her an easy target because she's always eager to help. 

Others will also describe Yeseul as a dreamer with her head in the clouds and completely unpractical. It doesn't matter how hardworking she is if she's working for a goal that she can never achieve and then quits a perfectly good job that was making her money and giving her a good life. However after hearing them so long she pays no mind and dreams all she wants. She knows first hand that just going through the motions isn't good enough and you're not really living your life if you don't enjoy what you're doing. So she'll continue because it's better to dream and enjoy life, then feel like you're missing out on something great every other day. This lady leads a busy life, and that's just the way she likes it. She feels that if she has too much free time on her hands then she'll end up worrying herself into a freenzy about the what ifs and doubts about the path she had chosen so late in life, so she makes sure she is doing something twenty four seven so she doesn't have the time to think about all those negative things. Unfortunately Yeseul can be quite bland. Sure she loves being around others and is nice company, but there's really nothing else to her and it makes to be a one note person, and she can't stand it. She doesn't just want to be the cheery one who's only there to brighten the mood, but she also doesn't know how to spice herself up to become something more than that. It's something that plagues her daily, and she has a hard time seeing herself in a different, better light though many others have already told her these things. 

Yeseul is very good at hiding it, especially after moving into the house but she's dependent on others. She needs to hear good things about herself from them, since she's always worrying about her self worth and if she's actually as useful to people as she hopes she is. Without this she'll be distracted and it'll constantly be nagging her in the back of her mind edging closer and closer until she ends up too frustrated to do anything else. She wishes that she could be more independent like some of her friends, especially since she's not at the age where she should be dependent and it causes her a lot of stress being unsure how to go about it. She can also be pretty impulsive, and acts first and thinks about the consequences after. She doesn't want to be held back by worries and rules, but that makes her come across as irresponsible and childish, and looked down upon for being like that. It causes her stress and she does try to tone it down quite a bit since she doesn't want to cause others trouble, and then finds herself in the prediciment of choosing herself or choosing those around her. She constantly finds herself in those choices and they kill her each time, but now she'll choose herself whereas in the past she would have chosen others. It's her time now and if that makes her childish then so be it. Once she has her mind set on something it's almost impossible to get her think about anything else. It also causes her to forget just about everything else, making her singleminded. She can only focus on one thing at a time otherwise she'll lose focus, and will end up debating on which one is more important to the point that neither one of them end up getting done on time. Yeseul has a habit of being submissive to certian people, and when confronted by them ends up following those same habits. She hates confrontation and dissapointing those she loves the most and nine times out of ten listening to them and giving into their demands. 
  dig a little deeper。

Jung Yeseul was a girl born into a high class family. Her father being a highly respected and well known divorce lawyer and her mother being one of the best surgeons in the city of Seoul, it was easy to say that Yeseul was destined to follow in one of their footsteps. Ever since she was small she was constantly reminded to study hard, and not to do anything that would drag down her parent's reputation, and she listened like the good girl she was, although being so small at the time she didn't completely understand the world she was born into. As she got older she slowly started to see and know what her parents actually meant by their words. She didn't have a choice. She had to choose a career that would be fitting for the Jung family name, and many assumed that she was either going to choose to be a lawyer or a doctor. She didn't want to do either honestly, and instead of being able to go out with her friends from school she was taking violia, and etiquette lessons, with private English turtoring inbetween. Yeseul did as she was told, scared to make her parents angry or dissappoint them in any way, it being one of her worst fears at the time. However in what little free time she did have she tried having fun the best she could. When it was time for her to graduate and choose a career path, she chose accounting. It seemed to be the safest bet and didn't come with the stress that her parents were under. 

Yeseul still remembers college as some of the best years of her life. Out of the house and not constantly in the prying eyes of her parents, though they did make a point to keep in contact and remind her every single day they didn't like her choice but she could continue to pursue it as long as she kept up with her grades and didn't get in trouble. It was at school that she met her current best friend Boyoung, who was and sitll is full of life and fun. It was her who got Yeseul to agree to get her first tattoo on her 19th birthday during their break. Being obsessed with Sailor Moon, she got a tattoo that reminded her of the show and went through with getting it. It was her act of rebellion against her parents and by the time they found out it was years later and all they could do was give her disapproving looks and shake their head. It was during this time that she had found a love for fashion, the colors, the designs, it was something new and intersting. It was also something that gave her the freedom that she had never felt she had before. She tried taking a few classes in secret and learned the basics of fashion design but had to give it up after her mother found out while she was checking up on Yeseul's grades. Fashion was not practical and was not a career suitable for her or the family name. Yeseul stopped going but she asked other students for their notes unable to give it up, even if she could never pursue it, it gave her something to look forward to and gave her an escape from the stress of every day life. 

It was during her third year at college that she met the man who would end up being her fiance. Siwon was kind, gentle and extremely smart. He was at times clumsy, but to Yeseul it was what made him that much more endearing and adorable. Their relationship was slow starting but they got along great and had a lot in common and they were both accounting majors so they got to see a lot of each other without having to make too much time, and always had study dates in the library which they somehow always ended up having a blast, though it was quite unusal since they were only balancing out debits and credits back then. Although he was supportive Yeseul just couldn't bring herself to talk to Siwon about her new dream of becoming a fashion designer. She didn't want to sit around balancing numbers, she wanted to create let her mind go free and see what it comes up with, but she said nothing in fear of what he would say and how he would react. He was a practical man after all, a man who her parents would approve of and well that was a good enough reason to stay quiet. It would just be her little secret. 

When Yeseul graduated she immediately got a job in a well established accounting firm. She was content at first, not exactly happy though Siwon did help a little, but she was managing. She was going through the motions, doing her job, getting along with coworkers, being the good daughter and doing her parents proud by keeping their family name in high regard wherever she went. When she turned twenty-five Siwon proposed to her in their favorite restaurant, and too happy to speak she could only nod her head yes her eyes filled with happy tears. The next two years were Yeseul would say were also some of her happiest it was when her relationship with Siwon was the strongest and brightest. She moved in with him, and their apartment was filled with several magazines and newspaper clippings as they planned their wedding making the decisions together step by step. However in the back of her mind she couldn't stop thinking about those fashion classes she took and how much she loved them. She started studying again in secret taking night classes, playing it off as working late on projects at work so Siwon wouldn't worry. She stashed every fashion magazine she could, read articles on her daily commute on the subway train and during her breaks. It wasn't hard to see that her mind was elsewhere, and well Siwon was going to figure out what was going on with her. 

He found out her dirty little secrect when she was twenty-eight and needless to say it put a severe dent in their otherwise perfect relationship. At first he was only angry that she lied to him about taking night classes, and he seemed perfectly okay with her taking them, since he assumed that it was only something that she did for fun as a stress reliever from work. He was more worried than anything that she was pushing herself too much and felt bad that she thought she had to hide it from him, but understood after a while since he knew exactly how her parents would have reacted. Yeseul couldn't bring herself to correct him either, as he said it was fine since it was only a hobby, something to do for fun. She couldn't possibly tell him that she was serious about pursing it as a career, already knowing how he would react and that it would only cause them to fight, something she just couldn't bring herself to do. During that year she continued her classes, and also adopted a Russian Blue cat Milo, who became a comfort to her. He didn't judge her, or tell her that her dreams were stupid, no all he gave her was unconditional love and the occassional hairball on the floor.

It was a few months after she turned twenty nine that everything exploded. It started when Yeseul came to the conclusion, after a long talk with Boyoung over a bottle a wine, that she was going to be thirty the next year and she had done nothing with her life that SHE wanted to do. She had been living to please her parents and then later on Siwon, and as much as she loved them, she had to make a choice to live and do what she wanted before it was actually too late. So the first thing she did was quit her job at the accounting firm, there was no way she could focus on design if she was stuck at a desk all day long. Next she told Siwon what she was planning on doing. It was what she hated doing the most, but he had to know, and as she expected he didn't take it well, within reason. She at first understood his anger, it was one hundred percent justified, however when he started insulting her, and saying things that he knew would hurt her such as 'You're just as irresponsible as your parents feared', 'I can't believe that you could do this to me I thought you loved me' and the worst one of all, 'If you would have told me this four years ago I wouldn't have bothered asking you to marry me. I can't be tied down to someone willing to throw away a perfect future for an unachieveable dream.' Every word was a stab to Yeseul's chest, she had expected the anger but to throw away their eight years of being together over this was something that even she couldn't accept. So she did the only thing she could, move out. She packed up a suitcase with clothes, her notebooks full of sketches, Milo, and left she stayed in Boyoung's apartment for a while until she could find a more suitable place, and applied for the share house when she saw the application so she wouldn't be a bother to her best friend.

Work Schedule:
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday she opens at the bakery and will have to leave the house at 6:30 am to make it to work on time. She'll leave a little sticky note on the fridge to remind someone to feed Milo, with the promise of bringing whoever does a treat from work, and whoever texts her first saying they did will get an extra special snack, although she'll still come home with little snacks for everyone so nobody feels left out. She'll rest for an hour when she gets home, and then from 3:30pm to 6pm she'll lock herself up in that office and work without rest on her latest designs or will sew a test garment that she will beg one of the other girls to try on for her, and ask whoever is home their opnion using the wide age range to get a variety of critiques and then will work on improving each and every article until she has something that she can be proud to show off. At 6 she'll feed Milo and then go back to her office, often forgetting to feed herself on some days, and will almost always end up falling asleep at her desk

Thursday and Saturday are the days that she can spend all her time working. Though so used to waking up at 6am she'll get up and make breakfast for the girls sometimes joining the other early risers, and of course her precious baby. Boyoung will often show up on one of these days to make sure that her friend is resting like she should, and then lecture her when she finds out that she isn't even trying. She will also drag her out for drinks with the girls, or to do literally anything else because she'll know if she doesn't Yeseul is likely to blow a fuse in that over crowded brain of hers.

Friday and Sunday are very similar, though she doesn't think too much about her designs and will do her part of the chores before and after her shift at work. She'll catch up on laundry, do chores that no one else has had time for, and maybe if she has time read a book. She has to make sure to keep herself busy no matter what even if she knows she's going to burn herself out at continuing this crazy schedule, without the proper amount of sleep.

COLLAGE & MAJOR  Graduated and has a Bacholers in Accounting, and a diplomia in Fashion Design

→ Baking
→ Fashion
→ Milo
→ Anything Chocolate
→ Kdramas
→ Drawing

→ Worrying Others
→ Free Time
→ Accounting
→ Being Late
→ Rude People
→ Aging

→ Rubbing her next excessively when stressed and frustrated and then goes to bake a cake
→ Speaking quickly to change the subjet from the ones she can't speak about
→ Falls asleep just about anywhere due to lack of it
→ Talks to herself when focusing 
→ Rests her head in her hands when deep in thought

→ Playing Violia and Piano (she's quite good at both)
→ Sketching (it allows her to escape to a new world)
→ Baking 
→ Collects fashion magazines (it's turned into a hoarding problem)

→ Not acheiving her dream
→ Not making up with Siwon (she still does love him afterall)
→ Losing her best friend (she's always scared that she's going to drive Boyoung away)

→ Bakes a lot when she's super stressed, so there is always some kind of sweet to snack on
→ Is extremely worried about her uncertain future, but hopes that it'll pay off especially after everything she gave up to follow her dreams, but hopes that it shows the younger girls that they can do the same if they just work hard enough for it
→ Favorite color is orange
→ Has several notebooks just full of sketches (x x x x x x x x x)
→ She's even sketched out ideas for her own wedding dress in a separate notebook at she keeps hidden and never looks at ever (x x x x x)
→ Her old room was one that she had many memories in she misses it and everything it resprented 
→ Actually has a hard time staying asleep. She can fall alseep just fine but tends to wake up easily, though it could also be because of constantly sleeping at a desk
→ Absolutely refuses to give herself too much time get lost in her thoughts and keep herself busy
→ Plays soft jazz music through a speaker while she's in her office
→ Adores her baby Milo and will do everything she can to make sure she can mke him as happy and content as possible, which inculdes two cat beds, one in the office and one in the room she shares with the princess
→ Favorite food is Bibimbap
→ Loves all kinds of animals and is always happy to help take care of someone elses, especially since they help out with hers
→ Although she loves dramas she doesn't watch them too much and tends to end up behind on her shows
→ Hasn't tried contacting Siwon, and he hasn't tried contacting him. Honestly she's not sure what their realtionship is at the moment and it scares her
→ Goes and gets her nails done every other week and will often try and get one of the girls to go with her for bonding time, usually the one who seems to be having a hard time and could use some pampering
  never forget。
Mother / Jung, Aejeong / 57 / Strict, Abrasive, Confident
(FC: Lee Mi Sook)
Yeseul loves her mother and is grateful for everything she's been given however she'd be lying if she said that her mother wasn't 75% of her problem. When she sees others with their mom she wishes that she had that kind and loving realtionship with her, but all she does is make her angry and she's very sorry for that. She fears that if she does ever get her career off the ground her mother won't care and will stop talking to her completely. Because even if now all she does is gets yelled at atleast they're still talking.
Father / Jung, Sangmin / 60 / Stoic, Impersonal, Strong
(FC: Han Suk-Kyu)
Yeseul hardly talks to her father, and he doesn't try to talk to her, letting his wife say what needs to be said. She worries that since he always wanted a boy but got her instead that's why he doesn't bother trying to contact her. It's not that she doesn't try either it's just anytime that she tries he always says he's busy and if she needs something to talk to her mother about it, though he knows damn well that his wife won't do anything to help. 

Best Friend / Lee Boyoung / 29 / Outgoing, Stubborn, Hot Headed
(FC: Girl's Generation Sooyoung)
Boyoung is literally the best friend that Yeseul's ever hand and the one who's stuck by her side no matter how bad things got. Their friendship is going on eleven years, and she's seen it all in Yeseul's life. So when she was standing outside her door eys full of tears and her cat, Boyoung knew something happened and she was ready to go over and kick Siwon's . Though yeseul wasn't safe either Boyoung gave her a nice long lecture about how she should have been honest from the start. She's also the one who stops by to make sure that her best friend isn't working herself to death, and drags her out for a girls night out along with anyone in the house who wants to tag along.
Coworker/Adopted Little brother / Kim, Kibum / 25 / Blunt, Social, Hardworking
Kibum is the sibling that Yeseul always wanted, although she did wish he would have been less harsh with his words. When Boyoung is there to be her support Kibum is there to to snap his noona out of it and remind her what she wants to do in life. He totally thinks that she can be a fashion designer superstar, and is constantly bugging her to let him see what she's working on currently. 

Fiance? / Choi Siwon / 29 / Practical, Intelligent, Selfish
The man who Yeseul was ready to spend the rest of her life with, and now she doesn't even know if they're still engaged. Their fight brought out the worst in them both, and the things he said to her she can't bring herself to ask him if he really meant it. She hasn't spoken to him since them although she's obviously affected and worried sick, as she still loves him but as of right now their once loving eight year relationship is hanging by a thin thread.

—  The Owner  / Nam Yeji / 25 / Humorous, Eccentric, Inappropiate (positive)
Yeseul really enjoys Yeji's company, and finds the girl amusing. Although they're only four years apart, which really isn't all that much of a difference, she's jealous of the girl's energy and positive attitude. Sure she's a little unpredictable and can be a bit of a handful but whenever she's around Yeseul can't help but smile. She does really enjoy the other girl's company, if only she would stop bringing up her age in front of the others. 

—  The New Kid  / Lee Minyoung / 18 / Adaptable, Aggressive, Abrasive (neutral-negative)
Honestly Yeseul doesn't know how to speak to the other girl, not only do they have an eleven gap, and well it's painfully obvious when to speaking to any of the younger ones, but it's especially hard with Minyoung. She mostly just tries not to bother her to much, not that it matter since they end up not crossing paths too much, but she does always try to at least speak to her a little when there's the chance. 

—  The Closet Les  / Kim Chaeyoung / 20 / Active, Competitve, Confused (positive)
Chaeyoung is a sweet though very awkward girl, there's definitely something bothering her and well the poor dear seems to be having a hard time coming to terms with it. She tries to be there for her, though since she doesn't know what's going on she can't be any decent help, so any other way she can be of support she tries. She knows what it's like to be struggling with something, and though she may have some ideas she's not one to pry, and she's worried she'd scare the girl into a heartattack if she tried bringing it up. 

—  The Transgender  / Jeon Jiwon / 20 / Creative, Competitve, Calculating (neutral-positive)
Yeseul really likes Jiwon and thinks that she's a super sweet girl, but like all of the younger girls the age differnce makes things a little awkward between the two of them and there are quite a few long pauses that only makes things worse, but they do have a few things in common that do help them through those pauses. 

—  The Baby  / Wu Hanli / 18 / Adventurous, Naive, Nosy (positive)
Yeseul absolutely adores Hanli, and although being around her forever reminds of just how old she is, she almost forgets, almost, because the girl is just that adorable. She worries a lot about her walking off on her own mostly because she is quite naive, and becomes every bit of an overproctive mom when it comes to the young girl, not that she doesn't about the others but Hanli needs extra special care, and Yeseul is always there for her.

—  The Playgirl  / Kwon Rebekah / 24 / Passionate, Sensual, Inconsiderate (neutral-positive)
Yeseul and Rebekah don't reall have much in common but, like with most of the girls, she's jealous and admires that the girl will live the way she wants it and won't let anyone tell her no. They don't spend a lot of time with another either, off doing their own things and living their own lives but they get along alright.

—  The College Kid  / Moon Kyungri / 19 / Mature, Aloof, Arrogant (positive)
Surprisingly enough Kyungri reminds Yeseul a lot of herself when she was back in college, and then because of it Yeseul is more understanding of the girl's attitude. She also knows that she doesn't want to be smothered, though she really wants to sometimes because the girl is quite cute, she holds herself back and because of that has a pretty good relationship with the girl.

—  The Free Spirit  / Song Hyerim / 20 / Social, Carefree, Impatient (neutral-positive)
Hyerim is another one who really remindes Yeseul just how old she is, and is envious of her carefree and bubbly nature. She watches over the girl quietly but doesn't really know what to say to her most of the time so it gets a little awkward between them as well, but she still tries since as the oldest she feels responsible for the girls but knows that not everyone wants the help.

—  The Eye Opener  / Jung Hyeonju / 24 / Modest, Unambitious, Bad-tempered (neutral-negative)
Yeseul and Hyeonju are polar opposites and because of that the two don't really get along the greatest, but they aren't on the worst of terms either. Yeseul would like to be on better terms with the girl, but doesn't really know how to go about it or if Hyeonju even wants to and to be honest doesn't really know how to bring it up so she tends to just leave her alone. 

—  The Princess  / Hong Jihyun / 23 / Charismatic, Passionate, Argumentative (positive)

—  The Sugar Baby  / Seomun Jihae / 21 / Relaxed, Childish, Independent (neutral-positive)

—  The Writer  / Han Jimin / 24 / Honest, Soft-Spoken, Insecure (neutral-positive)
  ok taecyeon。
   Btobo eunkwang, Super junior kyuhyun

(+) Adventurous, Charming, Passionate, Resourceful
(=) Aggressive, Competitive, Surprising
(-) Argumentative, Disorganized, Irrational, Mannerless

When it comes to adventures and trying out new things, Taecyeon is the guy to go to. He can tell you all the best places, and every single secret item at fast food restaurants and cafes. He's tried them all and can easily say which ones are the ones to try, though be warned not all of them are actually any good, and is just the life of the party. He's the guy to bring when they need to spice things up and know he can somehow talk a person into it no matter how crazy it seems, because honestly it will sound completely crazy. It most likely has to do with the fact that he's actually a seriously charming guy. It's almost impossible to not smile when he flashes one of his stupid yet attractive grins, and the things he says and the way he says them make it easier for a person to believe them. Many often refer to him as an overgrown puppy, tail wagging and then that grin plastered on his face when someone will actually agree with him.

He's also insanely passionate about just about everything he does. He owns his own dance studio and although it's not doing the best it could, he puts his all into it and does everything he can to keep it up. Taecyeon is constantly high energy and works hard to keep everything he holds dear up and running smoothly despite everything that goes against him. What's most surprising is that this seemingly falling about guy is actually pretty resourceful. He can make anything out of a bad situation, and comes up with solutions to problems on the fly quite well. He also carries a bag that literally has everything inside, bandaids, tissues, gauze, chargers, bug spray, you name it and it's probably in his bag. 

However Taecyeon can come across as aggressive and intense when first meeting him. He's very in your face, and although he's nothing but smiles for his first impression his overall presence can be a bit of a turn off and tends to push others away. However once one gets to know him they learn that certain topics can bring out his more aggressive side as well, such as anything bad about his business or his family. They also learn that he's insanely competitive. He'll turn a simple walk in the park into an all out sprinting war, or who can finish their food the fastest. He loves the thrill of competition and of overcoming new challenges, no matter how many times his friend will tell him that he's not going to feed his ego, but they always get roped into them every single time. 

He is a seriously surprising guy. One never knows what he's going to do or say next, honestly Taecyeon probably doesn't even know what he would do next. He doesn't like to do the same thing over and over, it gets boring and stagnet, so he craves things that break that conformity and accepts them all happily because he wants his life to be interesting and fun, its just not worth living if you're stuck worrying about every little thing and aren't enjoying every second to the fullest. this guy can really argue, and he will if he feels that he's right about whatever he's fighting about. He'll also pick fights with people, who'll complain about their life but aren't doing abything to change it. Those peopele really piss him off the most. His arguments have turned into physical fights and it's not all that surprsing to see him with a fat lip and a black eye, and that same stupide grin showing that no matter how bad he looks the other guy is worse. 

Taecyeon is a mess, there's no if and or buts about it. Looking into his apartment is like looking at a disaster zone, complete with hazard tape. It's amazing that he can find anything in his apartment, although he's always running wild trying to find some of the important necessary life items. How he's managed to keep his business afloat and not lose all of his bills is a complete mystery. This guy is also quite irrational and will expect others to be able to keep up with him just because he can do it, even though half the stuff he does is just as irrational. An example would be that he can work at peace in a pig sty and would then just assume that someone else can do the same, even though they obviously cannot. He is also pretty careless when it comes to manners, and although he's charming and fun to be around, he's just as much a pain because he doesn't think to watch his mouth or mind his manners. It's obvious that he lives in a mess because he acts like it. He doesn't try to do it but he can't help himself and doesn't think that he needs to cahnge just because of a few complaints. 

— Taec / a simple nickname
— Slob / what everyone calls him becasue this man is a literal mess


Taecyeon was born on December 27, 1988 to a large but loving family. Growing up he didn't necessary have everything and was more than done with his older brothers' old clothes that they grew out of, but he wouldn't have changed it for the world. His mother always told them that they could do whatever they wanted and she would do the best she can to support them. So when twenty year old Taecyeon told her that he wanted to quit school to open his own dance studio she supported him one hundred percent. He swears to this day that it was because of her unwavering support that he was able keep his business going. Now he's working and loving life with the occassional visit from his three older brothers since they just love to bother him oh so much. 

→ Cookies
→ Sleeping
→ His Family 
→ Food 
→ Excerise

→ Anytime before 9am
→ Super Spicy Food
→ People with attitudes for no reason
→ Being Sick
→ Spiders

→ Speaks very loud (always has to be told to quiet down)
→ Rubs the back of his neck when embarrassed
→ Furrows his eyebrows when deep in concentration

→ Dancing
→ Working out
→ Sleeping

→ Loves to sleep, but once he's up he's constantly moving 
→ Is a very heavy sleeper
→ Doesn't have people go into his apartment because it's such a mess and he doesn't need the disapproving looks. He's 28 for crying out loud he can do what he wants
→ His dance studio is open Monday-Saturday 10am - 11pm and its closed on Sundays. He has two instructors as well as himself and has several different classes
→ Visits the gym every Sunday, as well as the bakery that's nearby
→ Doesn't own a tv, there's no point when he has his phone and all he does in his apart
→ Is allergic to oranges
→ Calls his mother every Sunday after going to the gym
my life. my choices. my mistakes. my lessons. not your business. 

  soul(mate) searching。

Yeseul and Taecyeon know each other as aquaintences. She works at the bakery that he visits without fail every single Sunday at 5:30pm on the dot. It's perfect for him because it's right before they close at 6 and he'll usually end up being given a discount because he'll buy out the stuff that otherwise will either end up being thrown away or taken by the closing employees. He's always chatting up a storm with the workers, and is by far one of their favorite regulars, Yeseul included. She's spoken to him many times as she's always one of the closers on Sunday. She's actually really envious of him because he's everything that she wishes she could be. At 28 he has a successful business, enjoys his life, and has a great support system back home. Even though she loves hearing about his day, she can't stop herself from resenting him just a bit since she can't even work up the courage to contact her fiance, and he has no problem telling a person how it is, or her for that matter. 


Their relationship really didn't exsist outside of customer and employee and they never really saw one another outside of the bakery. That is until one evening when Taecyeon passed by Yeseul in a park that was near his dance studio and saw that she was in tears and sitting on the ground, ignoring the phone that was ringing like crazy next to her and the suitcase . He didn't ask what had happened, as it was none of his business, but sat down on the ground with her, since it was getting late and although it was a fairly safe area he didn't want to take any chances. This was the woman who baked his favorite cookies afterall. He waited for her to calm down before helping her up and walking her home, still not asking what was wrong, only being the quiet support that she needed. After making sure she was home and in the safe hands of one of her roommates, the one who he assumed was calling, said his goodbyes and went home. Yeseul though she never said it she was grateful for the company, though she was mostly embarrassed that he caught her sitting on the group crying her eyes out. But she wasn't completely sure how else to react when her fiance broke off their eight year engagement. When he first contacted her a few months after she moved out Yeseul was estactic. She though that they could finally makes ammends and move on with one another. But when she met up with him, of course she was looking her best, and saw her suitcase she left in the apartment next to him she knew what was coming next. He told her that he couldn't marry someone he couldn't trust or who was on the same page as him and that they clearly weren't. He wanted someone who was grounded and ready to start a family, not someone who would just drop everything to follow a silly dream. Siwon was sorry for her of course, but if she could make selfish decisions then so could he. He let her keep the engagement ring, and even said that she could sell it for the money she needed. 

Yeseul was devestated. Deep down she was hoping they could work it out, eight years was nothing to sneeze at and she didn't want to give it up. However it was what Siwon wanted so she couldn't really argue with it. When she told her parents they were furious. Not only had she ruined her career, but she also drove away the only good thing she had going for her. Her mother made sure to drive the fact that she was turning thirty and she just lost her best chance at having a family, soon she'll be too old to do anything. The worst part was that after each and every phone call Yeseul found herself believing those words. Her mother was right, and so her motivation took a big drop. She started eating even less than usual, and although she still spent all of her free time in that office there wasn't much work getting done. She couldn't bring herself to work when she was feeling so awful, and actually started calling out at the bakery, saying that she was sick. Well after the second Sunday in a row that she wasn't there Taecyeon became worried. Since the time he's starting going there Yseeul had never called out, and well he missed seeing her happy face and pretty smile welcoming him when he walked through the door. He decided to go over to her home to see how she was doing. He wasn't stupid after all, when he brought her home a few weeks prior she was distressed, and obviously it was bad enough that she wasn't coming to work. He showed up at the doorstep with a get well card and a bouquet of flowers, and was surprised to have several other girls open the door and none of them were Yeseul. He was rushed inside after saying he was looking for Yeseul and dragged all the way upstairs and pushed through a door and heard it close behind him. 

To say that Yeseul was shocked when she saw Taecyeon pushed through her office door would be an understatment. He was actually the last person she expected to see and when she saw the get well card she almost broke into tears again, touched by the simple gesture, after weeks of being nothing but insulted and lectured, having a stranger care touched her greatly. Though she almost panicked when he mentioned that she didn't look all that sick, but made no point of asking what was wrong. When she asked him why all he said was that his mother taught him never to pry into a woman's private business if she wanted to share she would. Yeseul doesn't know what compelled her to tell Taecyeon everything from her broken engagment to her mother's nasty words, but she did. What she didn't see coming was him bopping her on the head and calling her stupid, and then grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the house and out onto a bridge nearby that passed over a river, and then told her to throw her engagement ring. He explained that if she wanted to truly move on she couldn't keep holding onto the past, but that throwing it into to river would be the best way to throw it back in that jerk's face. She thought he was crazy but something about the idea was very tempting, and so after a lot of back and forth she threw it as far as she could, and then couldn't stop herself from crying a little while laughing at herself for being so stupid. 

After that Yeseul and Taecyeon had become a lot closer, and she started to confide in him more and tell him that she was jealous he was doing what he loved, while she was still stuck and behind the times, and everytime she mentioned he'd tap her forehead and call her stupid for having those thoughts. He knew how hard she was working, she just had to see it. He was there to support her and bring her back to reality. She knew that she was falling for him, but was scared taht it was just because he was there for her and she felt that she needed someone by her side. It confused her and she was embarrassed to say that she needed assistance and advice, and well she really had no idea who to ask. Unfortunately for her Kibum, her coworker/little brother was there to put in his two sense and told her that if she didn't act quick and rope in that grinning idiot then she really would be the stupidest woman on the planet. But how does one go about doing that? Not to mention what would he think? She was worried that he would think that he was just the rebound when in actuality he made her forget completely about the stress and pressure and she could actually be herself, something she could never do before. She just couldn't figure out how to make him understand that.


However Yeseul didn't have to really think about how to explain her feelings, because Taecyeon beat her to it, several months later. He proposed to her to go out with him in that fateful park with a plastic cookie ring that he got out of one of the mainy toy dispensers. Surprised and amused Yeseul couldn't help but laugh loudly while taking the ring holding it gently. It wasn't nearly as nice as her engagement ring, it was ten times more special, and she loved it just as much as the man who gave it to her. She even asked why he wasn't there back when she was in college to give her the courage to be herself to which he just shrugged laughing a little as well saying that fate decided it had to be this way, as if to make her stronger for the fight to come. Along with a new and brighter realtionship, Yeseul started putting her clothing out there and has been saving all of her money working her way up to opening her own boutique that she's named Rebellious Rose Boutique. A name that she felt fit perfectly.
  before trying to move in。
   Answer the questionnaire and hand in when we meet in person...
PLEASE TELL ME A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF.  "Hello I am Jung Yeseul but you can call me Yennie. I'm 29 this year and I'm an aspiring fashion designer. I'm pleased to make your aquaintance. I used to be an accountant but now I'm working part time at a bakery so I can focus on my designing."
DO YOU HAVE ANY SLEEPING HABITS I SHOULD BE AWARE OF?  I think for a moment pursing my lips. "Well my fiance says that I talk in my sleep from time to time, but I never believed him. I swear it just says it because he wants to embarrass me."
ARE YOU WILLING TO SHARE A ROOM OR DO YOU NEED YOUR OWN?  "Oh I have no problem sharing a room! In fact the more the merrier." I say smiling happily.
DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A SIGNIFICANT OTHER AND IF SO, HOW OFTEN DO YOU SEE THEM?  I look away frowning for a moment, but turn back smiling sadly. "Well I do have a fiance, I think, but we haven't been in contact for a while so as of right now, not at all." I let out a small sigh pushing my hair out of my eyes.
WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO, AND DO YOU DO IT WITH EARBUDS/HEADPHONES OR DO YOU BLAST IT THROUGH YOUR WALLS? IF NEITHER, PLEASE ELABORATE.  "I love all kinds of music honestly but Jazz has to be my favorite I often listen to it when I'm working. Oh well I have headphones, but I also like to play it on speakers, so my ears don't end up hurting from the headphones, but I always play it on a quiet level so it's not bothering anyone too much."
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? ARE YOU PLANNING ON GETTING ONE? IF YOU HAVE A PET, PLEASE SEND ME A PICTURE, THEIR NAME, THEIR PERSONALITY, AND EXACT INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO CARE FOR THEM IN THE EVENT THAT YOU WOULD BE AWAY FROM THE HOUSE.  I brighten up at the mention of a pet and nod. "Oh yes I have my Russian Blue baby named Milo. He's such a good cat with a mild temperment for the most part, although like any animal he has his moments. He's not bothered by strangers at all and is a huge attention hog. If you pet him and give him his treats he'll love you forever. He's real easy to take care of too, I'll leave his food and treats in a spare cabinet, and he gets fed twice a day one in the morning between 7am-10am and in the evening between 5pm-8pm depending when I have work. He has a water dish that I fill with water whenever it gets low. He also has an automatic litterbox that you don't have to worry about cleaning out I shouldn't ever be away long enough for you to ever have to do it."
DO YOU HAVE ANY TYPES OF ALLERGIES?  "Nope! I am fortunate enough to not have to suffer with any kind of allergy."
DO YOU SMOKE? PARTY? DRINK? IF SO TO ANY OF THESE, WHEN AND WHERE.  I laugh softly shaking my head. "I'm not really the partying type, however I do enjoy a glass of wine every once in a while. A woman must have her indulgences once in a while right?"
WILL YOU BE EXPECTING A LOT OF OVERNIGHT VISITORS? WHO AND FOR HOW LONG ON AVERAGE?  "The only overnight vistor I'll be having is Milo though my friend Boyoung may possibly stop by here and there."
ANY JOBS? DO YOU NEED A WORK SPACE? WHEN DO YOU GET UP AND GO TO BED?  I nod a little looking embarrassed. "I do work at a bakery, but I could really use a work space for my fashion design. I'll pay you extra for the space if you need me to. I wake up at 6am every day, I fall asleep at different time however so I can't give you an exact time I'm sorry."
HOW OFTEN DO YOU CLEAN AND COOK? WHAT TYPES OF FOOD DO YOU COOK?  "I clean whenever I have the time. I admit that I do get backed up on my laundry but I'll do my best to make sure that I don't make a mess. I can also pick up some more chores for the little ones who're in school. I can cook a lot of simple dishes and I have to admit that I make a mean plate of Spicy Bulgogi. But I love to bake and I do bake a lot, especially if I'm stressed so don't be surprised if you come home and there are muffins, cookies or brownies on the counter."
IN TERMS OF HERE, CAN YOU PUT DOWN A DEPOSIT? HOW LONG DO YOU PLAN ON STAYING? ALL BILLS INCLUDING UTILITIES AND GROCERIES WILL BE SPLIT, SO WHICH ONES WOULD YOU PREFER TO PAY FOR? DON'T WORRY ABOUT HIGH RENT, THE HOUSE IS FULLY PAID OFF.  I smile softly and shake my head sighing quietly. "Honestly I'm not entirely too sure how long I'll be staying. Pretty sad coming from a woman who's going to be thirty next year isn't it? I can put down a small desposit, and I can pay for either, the others can pick one and I'll pay for whichever one is most needed."
WHY DO YOU WANT TO MOVE INTO THE SHARE HOUSE?  I hang my head in shame for a moment but pick it back up and let out a quiet awkward laugh. "My fiance and I had a massive disaggreement which ended up in me moving out, and the pay I get from the bakery isn't enough for me to sustain even a small apartment. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I really need a place."
ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW?  I shake my head smiling. "No that would be everything there is. Thank you very much."
  last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS  I just had to apply again and I couldn't help myself using Sojin because she needs more love and is seriously too pretty for being thirty XD Also I 'm really sorry how long it turned out I'm sure there's a not of rambling thats going on ^^;

→ One of the girls finding her sketch book with her wedding dress designs after her engagement was broken off.
→ All of the girls bothering her about Taecyeon and then thanking him whenever he stopped by for making their unnie happier again
→ maybe some dramatic moments with her parents




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