what do you do when you feel like you don't belong to the world?

Have you ever feel like you don't belong to the world? Feel like you don't fit with everything around you?

How do you handle with those things? And those feelings?

I don't know what should I do. I'm lost.

On the outside, I fit just fine. I concerse just fine with my friends. But deep inside i feel different. I don't feel like I fit with them.

I'm lost.

To the point that I once thought of ending my life.

But because I know that's wrong, I didn't do it. I still have hope that everything will be fine. I got to think that my parents, especially my mom, would be so disappointed if I did.

Last holiday I overcome that thought, the questioning, the lost feeling. I experienced something that make me feel loved.

But I can't help but to feel lost again. Today, I once again feel I don't fit with the world.

What would make me feel better? How do I escape from this feeling? Without ending my life.


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i slept if off but nothing's changed. feeling still null
I do the same at times as in I feel that I'm different so I just accept who I am and learn to love myself even more. I think its important for you to acknowledge what you feel and accept who you really are . Only then you'l be able to build self confidence and be happy . Sometimes you dont really have to force yourself to fit in. Sometimes all you need to do to shine is to stand out from the rest. Being different is not wrong . Dont be afraid cause you are not the only one. Learn and understand more about yourself because thats all that you need .Being different may be a gift all you need to do is to see it in you. Believe in yourself . You're special and you know that not everyone see it in themselves