Stressed? Why?

So, I've been having severe headache for almost a week. 


It hurts so much that I decided to do nothing all day long lol

I went to the clinic yesterday because I really can't withstand the pain any longer. (It's exam week and im a senior in high school, so the exam's really important to me)

At first, the doctor said that i might be anemic because i told her that i took painkiller but they didnt work. I had to do a blood test and turns out that my rbc is normal but a lil bit below average. And my eyesight is fine too. So nothing's wrong. She came to a conclusion that I was too stressed. Lol

I don't think that I'm that stressed but it might just be me not realizing it. My mom even asked me if I have a fear of not passing the exam. That might be true. But I myself am not sure if thats the case. 


It might be a fear of losing friends, trust, or maybe I just need some attention lol.

Honestly, as I was depressed during the past few months(it lasted around 5 months), I realized that nobody actually cares for me. When I was absent for days, nobody asked me if I was sick or even tried to talk to me. Even nowadays, I still get sick easily and there are days when I was absent because of it. Still, nobody even bothered to ask me if im okay. I feel hurt, tbvh. 

I used to go to a girls' highschool and there's a boys' school right in front of the school. I have lots of friends from elementary school that goes to the boys' highschool. We used to go to school by bus together and they usually sit right behind me, idk why they don't want to sit with other girls lol. They were only close to me. So, one day when I told them that I was going to transfer to another school, they kinda look surprised. Ryan(used to be my crush) had no expression and simply wished me luck in the new school before he got off. What a jerk lol and he's still a jerk ㅗㅗ  but one of them(my fav guy friend) was super upset. He whispered to me from behind 'will you be okay in that school? I don't think you're going to fit in with the kids from that school. I wish this is all just a dream. You don't have to go, you know. Because we're gonna miss you. Believe me, you're gonna regret it later'' I was taken aback cuz that guy NEVER got that close to me. I mean, we were never in a situation where he was super close to me that I felt his breath.  Lol it was damn akwkward so I just turned around(it felt so weird when a guy whispered in your ear from behind). I told him not to worry cuz I know lots of people in school and we can just meet up if he wants to but look at all of this mess. What he said was true, I guess. I couldn't fit in. Everything feels so wrong. It's of no use to regret over spilled beans but oh, I'm really upset and i ended up having regrets. 


How can one destress himself eh?

And how do I figure out the reason behind all these stress?




That's it for my rant. Thank you for reading xP


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I can totally relate and i know that feeling very well. I emphatize with you. :( i hope you'll get through it well. I'm not really sure what to do to help you. But you mentioned you feel depressed?
I've read something that could help you too:)
I hope that helps :)

About stress, it's a normal thing... but too much can be unhealthy. Try not too think too much of the things making you stress, try diverting you attention to other things like your doing your favorite sports or watching movies. For me, i tend to watch kdramas/ read fics, which helps me lose my focus to stressful things. Most importantly, keep a healthy mind and body. Think positive and eat healthily...
I came across your blog and realized that we had a lot of common issues going on.
If you want we can talk about it. I hope I'll be able to help de-stress you too. (Smiles)