Everything ....

If you think you're having a bad day, I won't doubt you and agree with you. You think having a test , don't worry, I agree 100% completely. I'm going to rant, so I'm sorry if this bores you, you are free to leave this post.

So, today I had planned to skip my literature class (we don't do anything in there) then go donate some blood with my friend. After that I was planning on going to lunch with the friend. After that I was going to go to my politics class to take a test, come back to my room and relax a little. Go to dinner, then comeback to my room to study for a test I have tomorrow...

Everything was going according to plan until the moment I was told I qualify for a double red cell donation(basically you donate two units of red blood cells during one donation while returning your plasma and platelets to you). I was told it was only going to take about 30 minutes so I agreed. That was the biggest mistake I ever made... I ended up staying at the blood donation area for about 3 HOURS... I missed my test, and he doesn't accept retakes nor does he drops a test. Then I decided, meh, I can afford a B in the class. I came back to my room and sat there for a bit of time, cruising through youtube, and all that jazz. Then I go out to eat dinner with my friend. I had a slight headache then all of a sudden my nose starts bleeding... I'm now currently in my room laying in bed writing this. I don't wanna study, but I have to. I'm just kinda waiting for the headache and nosebleed to go away... On top of that I've had trouble hearing out of my left ear for a couple of days, which just adds a cherry on top of the sunday that has been made for me today...

Anyway, that was my small rant. If you are having a horrible day, I completely understand. They happen. I can only hope that tomorrow is a better day.

Hope you have a wonderful day for as long as life lets you until it decides to say "screw you".

I'm just being salty...


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Wow. I hope you're all right....
You did a good deed by donating blood. That's a praise worthy action :) I hope that things get better for you . Take good care and rest well