College: The First Step

Hey guys! I thought that I'd do a little update on how college is going so far.


Today was my first day of classes. I had English, Psychology, and Math today. Tomorrow I have U.S. Politics, and U.S. History. So far all my teachers are pretty cool, but we'll see how my teachers are tomorrow. The teachers you get is honestly just a lottery. I was lucky enough to get some really good teachers so far. Most of my classes right now are about 30 to 50 people except psychology( that class has at least 150 people in it). Everything is going smoothly so far.


So, what I've learned. I learned a few things over the past few days observing and getting the hang of everything.

The first thing I learned, was to observe. Especially as a freshman I know nothing. I don't know how things work and I rely on going onto my college reddit or going on a google search for the answers. While that is helpful, sometime it's best to just observe what others are doing around you.

The second thing I learned, was to ask. I'm not the outgoing type. I can't find it in myself to simply say hi to someone or ask someone a question. I had to go a little out of my comfort zone to ask questions so I ended up in the right class or I new how my meal plan worked or how my teacher was.

Which brings me to the third thing I learned, which is to make some friends. Again, I am more of an introvert than an extrovert and I don't find it comfortable to be the first one to talk, but if you never talk they might never talk to you. Make some friends with some people who've experienced this before. Talk to people in your classes. Talk to people who live near you in your dorm. Today I was able to survive my first teacher being 15 minutes late by making friends with a fellow freshmen and also becoming friends with an older student and asking them questions. At least try to make some friends. Worst case scenario, you never talk to them again.

The fourth thing I learned, was that it's okay to be by yourself. It's okay to eat lunch by yourself. It's okay to walk to class by yourself. It's okay to sit by yourself in class. It's okay to be alone. Yes you should make friends and socialize, but no one is going to make funny faces at you for being alone. A lot of people do walk, eat, or sit alone. Our schedules are no longer concrete like they were in high school, so don't feel awkward or afraid to eat some dinner by yourself.

Finally, I learned that at the end of the day, my bed/room is the best haven there is. After a long day of classes and walking around in the hot sun, going back to your room and finally being able to relax is a blessing.


Now, I'm nowhere near knowing what the future holds. I still have to finish this week. I still have to buy textbooks. I still have to memorize the rooms for my classes, heck, I still need to go to 2 of my classes. But no matter how nervous and anxious I was before this new experience all started, I feel a little more prepared for what the future holds and I'm not that scared of it anymore. But, we'll see if I can feel the same by the end of this week or when my first test comes my way.


Until then, goodbye, and don't be afraid to conquer you're next adventure.



~jjrocker98: a college freshmen


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thanks for writing these helpful blog posts c: i havent started uni just yet but these are so great to read~ take care and good luck with everything!