Trip To The Hospital


So I dislocated my knee this past weekend.


I couldn’t travel to the hospital till today.

I’ve dislocated it years ago so I’m not saying it’s normal for me but like it wasn’t the first time it’s happened.

And since I took First Aid last semester, I knew what to do for the time being.

Remember this, my knee did not hurt at all besides when it did dislocate. Other than that, it’s been just fine. I’ve stayed off of it as much as I could since I am a human and I needed the bathroom multiple times =.= and food and water. I wish we were more flexible with that lol it’s so hard getting up!


I go to the hospital and already people are coughing and sneezing and I’m like omg… I should NOT be here. I’m going to get sick for sure! They really should separate people who are sick like that from other patients who aren’t sick, you know, have two different areas.


Waiting for an hour was a living hell. My injured knee hurt from sitting while my good knee hurts when standing so I was in a LOSE/LOSE situation. *plays BigBang Loser*


But it was cute! A mother sat down with her baby in the row in front of me and the baby noticed me and kept looking at me!!! It was so adorable~! He was probably staring at my blue and purple hair >< BTW, JISOO, SEOKMIN, STOP COPYING ME JK


But then I started to feel nauseous cuz I was nervous about being there.


I felt so bad for the kids who were throwing up in the waiting room. Like gosh, my first aid instincts were kicking in or motherly instincts. Like someone get them a cold rag and put it on their neck. Give them some mint gum if mint works for them. DO SOMETHING GUYS! One of the kids actually was screaming at the top of his lungs when he was getting checked in. Like you get called to check your vitals in a closed room. So he was crying and screaming the whole time and I felt so bad!!!!


But I couldn’t do anything. I’m no professional, I can’t even walk. I just sat there and died a little on the inside for feeling so helpless to them. TT^TT *cries* but I’m sure they’re fine now!


So It was about an hour later when they called me and they called for me and an older man who had a walker. So here I’m struggling to walk over to the nurse and he is too and the lady at the desk was like “The race is on.”


And I was like XD At least she has a sense of humor.

I guess we went to the emergency room area and they told us to lie down on the beds. Immediately I was like… this ain’t going to end well. Spoiler alert, it went fine but not well at the same time.


The poor elder next to my space actually fell down from trying to get on the bed himself cuz the nurses were talking to me and I was like all sad OTL that should have been me, not him. You know?

I sat on the bed with my injured knee kinda bent up cuz like dude, there was no way it was going to go straight without dislocating again. =.= not sure why people don’t listen to me but whatevers, they know best apparently. The doctor kept pushing me to straighten it and I’m like…


LADY it’s as straight as it can go!

Vernon falling represents my limits and Hoshi and Seungkwan are the doctor pushing my limits lol


THAT’S WHEN IT STARTS HURTING! LOL Vernon falling is my pain.
During the past few days I have made sure to straighten it while lying down and attempt to straighten it when I’m traveling to the bathroom or kitchen. But I never tried to walk on it like that, I just was trying to make sure it remembers how to be straight and not bent all the time cuz it feels the best and safe when bent but I guess we don’t want that TT^TT.

So they said they’d bring new crutches and a brace since I lost my other brace during a move and the crutches I had were old and falling apart. At least they got me to the hospital aha. After a short while, they brought it to me and they brought, from what I can tell, a freaking leg splint!!!



The thing goes all the way up to the top of my thigh and covers my entire leg. So maybe it is good for me but it ing made my leg hurt so bad~! I had to take painkillers when I got home TT^TT Like is this even right? The doctor literally said “Don’t we have a smaller one, that one is a little too big for her.” I was like…


Do you guys even know what you’re doing? X.x


It was silly cuz the nurse asked if I knew how to use the crutches, I guess it’s protocol to just inform the patient anyway but gah, she kinda made me feel like I was stupid. Like, lady, I’ve been through this before. I took first aid last semester….



I asked what I should be doing until the follow up appointment next Tuesday, like stay off of it and they were saying “Yes, and elevate it when you can and refrain from the gym and sports” lol as if I do those. Then I said I have school and then they told me to go to school. I mean yeah I don’t wanna miss school but dude, I have to travel a lot between classes! I don’t have a lot of upper body strength, I don’t think I can do it! And of course “It’s college, they’re not really going to care” and I’m like well, yeah but I am working closely with my instructors.


So I guess it’s all up to how much my instructors care about me lol.

I was so scared when I tried to get off the bed with the leg splint, because there’s actually metal in there to keep your leg straight and when my leg tried to bend I could feel my knee didn’t like that at all and was like “I’m going to dislocate if you don’t stop!”


IT HURT SO BAD OMG. The splint made it worse! OTL

They watched me struggling to walk out of the ER and so they told my mom to bring the car around so “take a seat” and I’m like




The security guard helped me at least. Which btw, I forgot to mention when I first arrived, I got stuck at the curb because it was a little higher than I thought it would be and I seriously did not want to put pressure on my bad knee and so I just stood there like…


What the funk yo?


How da fuq do I get up?


An older man noticed and offered some help. I was like… O-OKAY. THEN ANOTHER GUY OFFERED TO HELP! IT WAS SO SWEET! My mom can’t really help since she’s disabled herself. But like gosh, I was laughing.


“I was defeated by a curb.” XD


Then my mom was like you could have went over there *points at where they wheel patients out with the wheelchair, where there is no curb whatsoever and completely flat.* I felt soooo stupid!!!




But anyway, my mom finally pulled up and I got up to start struggling my way out and they bring a wheelchair and I’m like OH GREAT, I HAVE TO SIT WITH MY STIFF LEG AGAIN! PLEASE DON’T DISLOCATE!


It was funny because two ambulances had arrived and so we had to go in between and the nurse was like “Can we fit?” and proceeded to go and I was like uhm…. This is probably not the best idea. But we did fit and she said “We’re thinking SKINNY.”


Pffffffttttt LOL okay. Hurry up my leg hurts! LOL

I finally got to get in the car and they were like be safe and I thanked them and then the moment we started backing out I TOOK THE SPLINT OFF BECAUSE OMG…. DID I MENTION HOW MUCH IT HURT?! I know I wasn’t supposed to bend it but I had to, that was the only relief!




So that was my not so fun adventure to the hospital. I don’t know what will happen at the follow up appointment but hopefully it’ll be okay. I’ll probably have to do therapy again, since I had to before OTL. DAMN.


Hopefully things will get better soon, it just for this to happen during my last semester of school! But just gotta think positive~~! I got this~!



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ashkhen #1
I was laughing because of all the Seventeen gifs and moments.....hope you get better soon and that thing won't help that much
dobeagle #2
I shouldn't be laughing rn im sorry xD get better soon!
Take good care and get well soon