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Choi Sooyeon
 Gongjoo'S CHILD Queen 
10점 만점의 10점
it's her, the card holder
Full Name : Choi Sooyeon (최수연)
Other Name : 
  Mizuki (美月) her Japanese name
Nicknames : 
  Soo () a shortened version of her name that Feifei first coined : used by flatmates, friends, acquaintances
  Queen (여왕) from her leadership and her "haughty" reputation (aka her quietness + bluntness) : used by classmates negatively and Society members postiviely
  (Steel) Wall (철벽) something derived after an incident involding her stubbornness and the professor who was involved : used by classmates mostly negatively

Ethnicity : Japanese-Korean
Birthplace & Hometown : Miki, Japan & Suwon, Korea

Appearance : 
  height 152 cm
  one pair of ear piercings
  mid-back, dark brown hair
  dimple only on left side when smiling
  star-shaped birthmark on back right shoulder

Style : 
  Casual : The kind of girl who tosses on whatever is at the top of her drawers, as long as it matches, her fashion motto is "comfort and simplicity over fashion." She tends towards solid colors and simple patterns. She always looks good one way or another so everyone's used to it.
  Formal : She isn't the kind of person to do much with her appearance, but when she has to, she can go all out. She'll do her hair and make-up professionally, even give up some comfort and put on those high heels so she's actually average height. She prefers suits over dresses.
  Misc : She usually pulls her hair into a bun or ponytail, anything to keep it out of the way really. She does accessorize on a daily basis and has a particular love for star / moon / sky related jewelry. Her favorite "accessory" that she always "wears," though, is a book to read.
Personality : 
  Positive : calm, patient, reliable, confident 
  Neutral : observant, organized
  Negative : quiet, stubborn, blunt, negative

  Always with her head on straight, Sooyeon is the voice of reason in all circumstances. She never loses her head and overcomes any obstacle with enviable ease. She also possesses a seemingly infinite patience that lets her wait without seeming pushy nor condescending.
She's one of the best assistants I've ever had. I wish all of them were like her. She never lets a question stump her and has no problems talking over a problem with a student for hours on end. She's quick to keep things in order and just makes life easier. : teacher she TAs for

 The one to count on when things go fubar, Sooyeon is quick to react and quick to create order from chaos. She doesn't shy from leadership and has a strong grasp on people's as well as her own abilities, knowing how to play to people's strengths and how to avoid weaknesses. 
She's the kind of person who steps up when no one else is willing and does a better job than anyone thinks is even posisble. She hasn't let me down ever - not even once - and she has an accurate idea of her abilities, even if it's for something she's trying for the first time. : Feifei

  From likes to allergies to habits to secrets, Sooyeon's observational skills are phenomenal, even if it was better left unknown - like a person's suicidal tendencies. She's also very organized and though it can be nice, everything needs to be in order before she can do anything at all. 
If you're trying to hide something from her, don't even bother. She'll know immediately. You can't hide it. Oh, well, if you want another copy of the file, I'm sure she has one. Let's see. Yeah, everything of hers is OCD neat, and yes, I mean OCD neat. Like literal OCD. : Takuya

  Not one for many words, Sooyeon is one of those people who has awkward silence trail her like a bad odor. She rarely initiates conversation and though she is open-minded enough to listen, it's near impossible to change her mind, especially when it comes to her decisions. 
That's her name? She's always so quiet and stuff I thought she was just part of the wall or something. Lawl. What? Oh, the wall thing? It's also from how she just never gives an inch. Once she argued with a professor all period over some textbook problem. : classmate A

  Unafraid to speak the truth, even if it'll hurt another's feelings, Sooyeon, when she does speak, is straight to the point - emphasize on the point - with her words. She also tends to be more on the pessimistic side of things, always thinking of and fearing the worst-case scenario. 
Ugh. I don't know why you're even bothering to talk about the queen. Like hello, ever heard of feelings? And there's some kind of hidden rain cloud following her or something because I can't believe that someone that depressing actually exists and still lives. : classmate B

Background : 
  mother : She's absolutely the most adorable child you'll ever see. She gets that from me. She can be rather quiet and hard to understand but she gets that from her father, you see. He's always been the more responsible of us two and Sooyeon is definitely her father's child. 
Born to a mixed couple a month after their honeymoon, Sooyeon was a child who grew up in a household that was full of love and honesty. When she was five, her parents decided to move to Korea for a fresh start after a fire burned down their house; luckily no one was hurt.

  father : I still remember when he first came. He was like a world-weary cat. He locked himself in his room, barely ate, and threw fits constantly. But I'm sure he was able to realize it quickly - that she's a stubborn one, especially once she's made up her mind on something.
When Sooyeon was nine when her older cousin came to live with them after a drunk driving accident took the lives of his parents. At first, he was resentful but Sooyeon, with the power of stories, cuddles, and hot chocolate, slowly yet surely melted the ice surrounding his heart.

  Takuya : Uncle is a mathematician and Aunt is an astronomer. Put them together and what do you get? A math genius who loves the stars. Of course, add on to that the ability to play the piano, which is apparently "all math," and can kick your with judo. That's her.
Sooyeon was always within the top three of her class for all subjects - and still is - and was a mathlete all middle and high school. She also learned piano all of middle school and even took judo all four years of high school with Takuya who wanted to train for his "mod-bod." 

Lifestyle : 
  Currently a full-ride (minus housing and textbooks) scholarship student with an aerospace engineering and mathematics double major, Sooyeon spends most of her time on homework, studies, or Engineering Society meetings, of which she is acting Vice President. 
Yeah, she's a busy bee to put it lightly. Acting? Oh yeah, so long story short, the real VP had a mental breakdown and dropped out of college. I asked her to step up and even though everyone was dubious at first, meetings and events have never been run so smoothly. : Feifei

  For part-time "jobs," Sooyeon tutors other students. (She's popular within the Engineering Society for help in math and science in particular.) She also helps teachers grade and / or file papers. Despite this, she has a rather poor reputation amongst the campus for her aloofness. 
I don't see why she needs these jobs. I earn money and I'd gladly give her whatever she needs. Aunt and Uncle would too Of course she's also a scholarship student so I don't know what she wants it for. On top of that, she still somehow has enough time for everything else. : Takuya

  Among her roommates, Sooyeon is the one with the most erratic schedule but still consistently sleeps at midnight and wakes up at 7 without snoozing her alarm. She's an okay cook but rarely can be found in the kitchen because she's always studying / working / busy / out. 
She's great! She's always on top of her chores and never makes problems with roommies. She does tend to keep to herself a lot and say mean things sometimes but I don't think it's on purpose. I mean she's pessimistic, but that just means she's always prepared. : Songyi

Relationships : 
 cousin  Terada Takuya (寺田拓哉) theater major
Takuya-nii is more like my older brother if anything. He's full of himself and a drama queen - a major drama queen - but he's never alone and thrives in the spotlight. He has a better reputation than I do (though that's not saying much), and they call him "cool," but I can't really see it. 
Her older cousin by two years, but much more like an older brother, he's more on the protective side. He can be haughty but he's charismatic and the kind of guy that people naturally flock to. He's attending a nearby college that is focused entirely on theater and working part-time.

flatmate  Cheon Songyi (전송이) multimedia arts major
Songyi is...the most opposite of me, I suppose you can say. She's like sunshine - warm and growing - and I'm moonlight - shining only with other lights' help but unseen because of the same lights. It's a beautiful dichotomy yet I don't think I can picture one without the other anymore.
Like a miniature sun, she is both childish and mature yet strangely always positive and cheerful. She, along with the rest of their flatmates, has somehow wormed her way past Sooyeon's cold exterior and busy schedule into her heart. They still have their disagreements of course.

best friend  Wang Feifei (王霏霏) civil engineering major
We've been friends since we walked into Engineering Society and applied to join together. Feifei can be harsh and her tongue is more often sharp than not, but she's kind, willing to lend you a hand while lecturing you. She's like a flame in a fireplace, warm but still dangerous.
Calm, mature, and the kind of person who wants it her way or the highway, Fei, has a bit of a short temper and tends to be on the less patient side. Sooyeon and her get along tremendously and are constantly seen together. She's currently the President of the Engineering Society 
She's my guardian
Name : Gongjoo (공주) Princess
FC : Lee Jieun (IU)
Card Deck : Lavender
Counterpart : Gong Chansik
Partner : Haruki
Interactions : 
  with Sooyeon and Haruki
A candle to brighten the night, she is positive and childish. She's always eager and a bit self-centered but caring and surprisingly sweet. She's spoiled, and she's not always the most helpful, realistically, but she makes them smile, makes them believe better days will come.

  with Chansik 
Haruki is very much like Sooyeon but Chansik is like her, which is why it's so hilarious that they dislike each other. "Too childish and too clingy!" they complain, in complete denial of any similarities between themselves. (Haruki and Sooyeon share a look and laugh when this occurs.)

  with others
If Gongjoo hates Chansik and loves Sooyeon (and Haruki), she's neutral to most everyone else. She does like who Sooyeon and Haruki like (minus Chansik) but, otherwise, just lets her mood dictate how she acts around people - whether that be sweet, snobby, or shy.
Full Name : 
Gong Chansik (공찬식) Gongchan
Ethnicity : Korean
Birthday + Age : August 14 + 19
Guardian : Haruki
Personality : 
  Positive : positive, attentive, loyal, childish
  Neutral : innocent, curious
  Negative : headstrong, selfish, clingy, scatter-brained

  Gongchan, as others tend to call him, is always looking to the bright side of the situation, focused on the good rather than the bad. He's also the attentive type, the kind that is quick to notice if someone's having a bad day but is not nosy nor rude about it; rather, he is sweet.

  Willing to go to the ends of the earth for the ones he loves, his trust is the kind that is freely given but not in naivety. He does have a special brand of childishness that lights up the atmosphere with laughter and smiles, but also knows when it's time to be a serious(ish) adult. 

  Chansik, as Sooyeon persistently calls him, may know how to read the mood, but rarely understands what it stems from. (Relationships are hard, he whines.) He's also endlessly curious and always asks questions about who, what, when, where, how, and (his favorite) why.

  Chansik is ridiculously headstrong, the kind who does stupid dares, doesn't go back on his word, and ends up with a lot of regrets less than five minutes later. He tends to lose sight of others and their advice, always focusing on how it's to benefit him more than anything else.

  Chansik is the touching type, the one who hangs off arms, hugs from the back, and can't seem to go without not touching - even if the other person says no. He's also scatter-brained, whether it's losing or forgetting his key, his wallet, his student ID, or some combination of more.

Background : 
  Growing up, Chansik faced tremendous pressure from his parents to succeed their family business and inherit their law firm. He was taught instruments, languages, and basic politics early on, but berated if his grades ever dropped or if he didn't bring back the #1 in the school.

  Fortunately, his life changed after his younger sister was born and, unlike him, wanted to learn law. His parents let him off the hook starting mid-high school and then he wondered what he'd major in. It took the rest of high school before he decided - he liked astronomy.

He's always loved the stars and at night, he'd look out his window while studying and it'd always give him more energy. It was the one subject he'd learn without feeling resentment and, besides, couldn't get much further from learning earthly law than learning about outer space.

Lifestyle : 
  A night owl through and through, being an astronomy major quite suits him especially as he loads up on night classes, spends his time stargazing, and doesn't wake up until past noon. His roommates have long gotten used to his alarm going off once, twice, thrice, twenty times.

  Simply cruising along in classes, Chansik's goal is always to just pass and even with minimal studying, he's smart enough to generally do well on midterms and finals. ("C's get degrees," he excuses.) As a result, he's often hanging out with friends or pursuing his passions.

  But as much as he hates getting up in the mornings and does the minimum schoolwork, all his other free time goes towards his passion - astronomy. He can often be found in high places, talking to whoever is willing to listen about constellations, the history behind them, and more.
he's his guardian
Name : Haruki (陽輝)
FC : Kim Soohyun 
Card Deck : Lavender
Counterpart : Choi Sooyeon
Partner : Gongjoo
Interactions : 
  with Chansik and Gongjoo
Haruki tends to be on the terse and blunt side, the "bad boy" sort of type that cares but refuses to show he does. Except he's the voice of reason. He's calm, responsible, and all-around pretty much like an older brother or parent to the two. Why they like him, he doesn't understand.

  with Sooyeon 
He can speak to her without words because, essentially, they're like two of one kind. They're both observant and both of few words and so have silent conversations of the most subtle twitches. It drives both Chansik and Gongjoo crazy when they do that because it's secretive and cool.

  with others 
Haruki absolutely refuses to talk to people he doesn't like and is wary of strangers, particularly stubborn and blunt when it's the first meeting. He's the kind that warms up slowly, like Sooyeon, but is also much like family once he does. He is nicest to Chansik, Gongjoo, and Sooyeon.
  He wakes up late in the day, slightly earlier than usual. There is a box of cards beside him and it comes in his grasp when he's reaching for his phone. He opens it, curious, but there's no one else in the apartment. He almost drops it when he finds a person on one side of it.
She's cleaning up after a meeting, everyone else long gone, when she finds a deck of cards on top of her clipboard. The box is lavendar with a white trim, adorned with a star-patterned crescent. She holds it in her palm, the weight strangely calming, but does not open it.

  He sees, amidst the crowd, a flash of an identical box clutched betwen a book and  on the way to class. He opens his mouth but looks up too late; the mystery girl is gone. He is very much aware of the weight of the deck in his pocket and his thudding heart. Why...?
She walks quickly down the halls, box clutched to her chest with her book of choice. She isn't one to stop on her path to her goal, but she pauses - spots a boy who smiles like the sun and makes her smile too. She shakes her head and turns down the hall quickly. No. School.

  After searching for the girl with the same deck and pouring over the riddle, he finds her by accident at the library while looking for a textbook. She is quietly crying, a book in her lap, and surprised, he bumps into a shelf. He hides just as she looks and knocks her deck over. 
She always sits in the back of the library, by a hidden window so that sunlight filters through glass and dust dances in its wake. She reads, silently crying for the protagonist's loss, when the box falls open and scatters. She hurriedly gathers them, pausing at the quote.

  He ruminates on her identity for hours and days on end because she's absolutely notorious on campus for her attitude and her drive. Love? There's no way she's stopping for something like that. But. He pauses in his pacing, thinking about her tears. What if? Just maybe...?
She remembers reading the quote before and finds the book within the hour. She doesn't plan on finding who he is because her focus at the moment is her education and, after, her career. Love? She doesn't have the time for something like that. She has enough on her plate as is.

  He joins the Engineering Society despite not being an engineer and though everyone gravitates towards him, the acting Vice President - his goal - does not. He waits a week before he actively inserts himself into her life, starts greeting her first and inviting her to hang out with him.
There is a new member of the Engineering Society who, despite not being an Engineering major, attends every event. She points him out to Feifei once, who swears he's only there "when you are Soo." She takes the fact at face value and confronts him, asking what he wants.

  He's not going to tell her. He's not going to tell her. He's not-He waits for her reaction after his slip, fingers clenching. She blinks. "Ok," she finally says, tilting her head. "And if it is true, what would you like out of it?" He visibly startles. "I...didn't think I'd get this far." She laughs.
He blinks at her, bewildered, and she rolls her eyes. "I'm flattered," she states, "but assuming I believed in th-" She word-stumbles just for a second, short enough that he doesn't notice but Feifei, from across the room, raises a brow. "-e cards, I don't have time for love. Understand?"

  He blinks again and then pouts. "I didn't ask you to," he retorts immediately. "I wasn't even going to tell you." There's a quick pass of an emotion - confusion? anger? - then, "Why did you?" He pauses, thinks, opens his mouth, closes it, thinks more, and sighs. "I don't know." 
His words, at least, she can tell, are honest. She thinks best on how to word it but goes for the kill anyways; better he not think of her as some delusion. "I hope you realize that I'm not willing, nor condoning any of this." She doesn't wait for an answer and walks away.

Relationship : 
 ☽ initially : He's curious, and trying hard to...make it work. Perhaps it doesn't have to be romantic soulmates, he tries to explain. He just wants to get to know her, see what this means. So he attends her tutoring sessions and drags her to stargaze - takes any opportunity to talk.
She tries her best to treat him neutrally, pretend that they're strangers though she can't help but be touched at how he backs off when she's close to losing it or look forward to their stargazing sessions because no one else can keep up with her. But no, he's delusional. This...no.

  currently : He enjoys their relationship currently, revels in the fact that she's finally accepted him. Don't push, he mutters to himself, but it's hard; he knows why the cards said so because with every rare smile and laugh, with each tear and brush of her hair, he loves deeper.
She decides that he's grown on her, like a fungus if asked. He can be annoying but he's also kind and like sunshine, lets her remember to stop in the now and just breathe. She thinks she can call him her best friend. But again, love? No. She doesn't have time for that...no.

  eventually : He doesn't mean to tell her (again) and she denies it initially (again) but she's willing to give it a shot. So he does his best to make this work and, surprisingly, not much changes. The biggest difference is that he finally voices what he's been thinking all this time.
She can't tell if she's going to die or kill him first. His words are, without a doubt, flattering, but she's also highly embarrassed that he's thought of her so highly. At least, she thinks silently, it's nice to not doubt his feelings for her in the slightest. Especially if she's falling too...

Interactions : 
  It's easy for others to see it as filial or a sort of puppy love as he hangs off her arm, begging her to go stargaze with him, and she chides him, reminding him about tomorrow's midterm. It seems, at maximum, they'll hold hands or hug in front of others. Anything more is no.
Watching him trail after her, call her 'Noona! Noona!' all the time would be sickening if it wasn't adorable how Sooyeon blushes all the time. Honestly, I haven't seen her smile this much in a while. He's talkative and a bit of a brat, but I guess it's worth him being here. : Feifei

  She is, he decides, like the stars he so loves. She shines only when there is darkness for her to light up. He acts carefully, always trying to show his love without crossing boundaries. But there are times when he can't help it, when he lets go, for but a second, and loves fully.
He...treats me like a princess. It's...flattering. Honestly, embarrassing too...But it's also sweet. I still look towards the future for my goal and he's not going to make me change course. Yet i can't help but think that it'd be nice if he decided to follow me on my journey, to stay with me.

  He is, she realizes, secretly a moon, so bright and positive that she forgets he shines best with light to reflect. She tries to show her affection, to match his love with her own, but she's awkward - trying but awkward. But maybe, she notices shyly, it's enough for him anyway.
Noona is adorable. She's competent in almost everything except love and it's cute. A bother? No. It just shows me that I'm her first. Besides, she keeps on trying and keeps on improving. Soon, she'll be competent at love too, so I need something to make her blush still when it happens.

Ending : author's choice
the looks 
17 May : Birthday
1997 : Year
20 : Age

Bae Suzy
 (Miss A) : FC
Shin Hyejeong (AOA) : BackUp
Likes :
studio ghibli  

Dislikes :
rude people  
strong scents  
messes / clutter  

Habits :
tucks hair behind ear : always  

covers mouth with hand : laughing  

massages forehead / pinches bridge of nose : headache  

Hobbies :
people watching  

Misc :
allergic to cacao  
to be a dragon was childhood dream  
absolutely brilliant with mental math  
: Color Scheme
Crescent Moon 
: Logo

author's choice (possibilities below)
— Special Lines

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.  

Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars.  

Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet.  

Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. (There is no easy way from the earth to the stars.)  

Doubt thou that the stars are fire; Doubt thou that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt that I love.  
— Extra lines
transparent crescent + stars
It takes her a second to process his words. She looks up, blinking. "I already turned you down," she reminds carefully. "I know," he agrees easily, smiling still. "I just wanted to tell you again." She stares and nods, then turns back to her work again.  

Later, in the morning when the sun is high in the sky and waking him from his slumber, the moon long gone, he will wonder if this was a dream. But in that moment, her hand soft in his and moonlight casting an ethereal glow on her face, he simply sighs and quietly but fully loves.  

She reads the surprise and silent question in his eyes. "Takuya-nii, this is our choice," she enunciates, watches his eyes widen at the pronoun choice. She can practically see the gears turn in her older cousin's head. "Fine," he spits before turning to her recently-turned-lover. "Don't make her cry." The look on Chansik's face as he agrees, she will forever remember.   

Not unkindly, Gongjoo coughs loudly and obviously, causing the two to split apart quickly. She blushes lightly, partially disoriented and partially confused until she looks around and her blush darkens. Thank goodness for the young daughter guardian. Chansik takes out his own card and she and Haruki match eyes. They exchange knowing looks. "I want to know too!" Gonjoo complains, breaking the moment. They laugh.  

Dawn peeks over the morning dew, lighting the sky in pastels. She yawns, standing and stretching her arms to the sky. She prepares for the day before she picks up the card, greeting Gongjoo as she does every morning - except it's not Gongjoo. "Haruki," she greets, inclining her head in silent question. He sighs and gives her a look. This is, she supposes, what happens when Chansik and she parted too late into the night. She shrugs in reply and pauses. "Gongjoo and Chansik," she voices in reminder. Haruki blinks and his lips turn upward in a half smirk. This must have been a fun morning for the other pair.  
— For Inspiration


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