The soothing effect of SHINee

When nowadays I have read my way through news-outlets about world-politics and economics, I am so aggravated that I have to come back to SHINee videos, tweets, memes, songs ... to calm myself again and find some peace.

This is really true. It's pretty much a Korean thing though so it's not just SHINee. But to me SHINee represent something that I increasingly miss in other societies these days and that is respect, politeness and open mindedness. These young men are respectful and well-mannered without a trace of sycophancy and without being boring or wimpy. They are hard working, intelligent and versatile. 

It warms my heart to see their affection and care for each other, their families and friends. I love their sense of humor, their interaction and wittiness on variety shows. And seeing them go all out at concerts makes me proud of them.

If only the leaders of this world had a little bit of SHINee in them, everything might not look as crazy as it does right now.

Thank you for existing, SHINee!


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aoajisai #1
I work in the development sector so it's really challenging to maintain your mental and emotional health. With the conflicts and political drama going on around the world and in my country (Philippines), I decided to stop watching news. It's draining me. I opted to read online instead.

In my case, it's not just the political leaders that needs a bit of SHINee in them, but also the majority of our world's population. Especially those who are susceptible to the propaganda of politicians.

SHINee really deserves to be called "idols". I hope that children and teens learn from them.

I also do the same with you. SHINee has a healing effect to me and they've become a part of my daily meditation. XD