BOIZ (보이즈) Kid (Kim Woo Jin)

Kim Woo Jin

The Tempermental

experimentallexotic - Cali - 8/10

birthname: Kim Woo Jin

height: 160 cm

weight: 45kg

date of birth: 02 / 14 / 1996

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

face claim: Gyujin (Up10tion)

backup: hyuk (VIXX)


► Kid // It started with his brothers, since he was the youngest child in the family, but eventually spread to his friends and then to his fellow trainees. Most people who don't know where it came from assume he's either very young or it's because he's short, and the truth both those factors certainly helped to keep the nickname alive over the years.

► Valentine/Cupid // Both are based solely on his birthdate. You cannot be a Valentine's Day baby and not be called some variation of these at some point by someone, and he certainly has been.


► Korean // Native & Born and raised in Seoul

APPEARANCE: Woo Jin looks like a nice enough boy, if rather plain. He tries to make himself stand out with dyed hair, but really his face is unsalvageble. Woo Jin is someone who easily fades into the background whether he wants to or not, simply by virtue of having such a basic face. Even physically he's underwhelming - even with working out every day for at least an hour if not more he doesn't put on much muscle and instead jut loses weight, making him underweight and rather lanky-looking. The one thing that does stand out about Woo Jin is his aura. He struggles to keep his emotions in check and they swirl just below his carefully controlled stage mask, making the fans who do notice him often feel just a little bit uncomfortable.

STYLE: Again he dresses in an attempt to make himself stand out. The problem is he also wants to look good while doing it, and fashion is not his passion. He has neither the patience nor the capital to keep up with trends, so even his best attempts to be noticed amount to little more than graphic tees over ripped jeans and a hoodie, usually tied around his waist and generally making him look more dorky than cool. Don't tell him that though.


TRAITS: Insecure, Sensitive, Petty, Uncertain, Determined, Hard-working, Emotional, Empathetic, Judgemental, Overachieving

Insecure and Judgemental - If you are looking for Woo Jin's sense of self-worth it is most likely buried somewhere in the pits of hell. Born the youngest of a large family Woo Jin had a lot to live up to, and he can never seem to feel he's accomplished anything worthwhile when comparing himself to the people around him. Woo Jin is of the mind that the only way to be worthwhile is to be the absolute best in something, and as there's always going to be someone better somewhere in the world, so he's stuck in a loop of constant self-judgement. Of course he also judges everyone else in an attempt to try and make himself feel better, but this either backfires and he makes himself feel even worse, or he just pisses everyone off by being a major Negative Nancy.

Sensistive, Emotional, and Empathetic - Woo Jin takes things to heart - often times too much so. His emotions are on a short fuse, and he switches between them at the drop of a hat. The smallest insult brings him to the brink of tears and anything even remotely challenging draws his ire. His emotions rule him rather than the other way around, despite his desperate pretenses that it isn't that way and he's in complete control. But like it or not Woo Jin is an emotional person, and in fact is higly empathetic as well. He can tell when people around him are feeling down, can tell where they struggle most and what their biggest insecurities are. And he is more than willing to weaponize that knowledge to try and distract from his own internal mess. But by attacking people's weak points he only succeeds in either making them upset, which makes him feel retroactively guilty because he can tell exactly how much her hurt them, or making them mad and then they get into arguments and nothing productive happens.

Determined, Hard-Working, and Overachieving - When Woo Jin has his eyes set on something he grabs on and doesn't let go. He's someone who finishes what he starts, and he does his absolute best to make sure whatever his current goal is, it's done to the best of his ability. Woo Jin is that one person who basically lives wherever happens to be the most conducive towards improving. Studying for a test? He dozes in the library between study sessions. Idol training? He hops from practice room to practice room to the point where people aren't sure if he ever goes home. Woo Jin never puts in less that 150% and that's on his lazier days. He's probably the most likely to kill himself practicing too much but he pushes through, always wanting to prove he is good enough and never feeling like he is, causing him to work even harder and the cycle continues.

Uncertain and Petty - Honestly, despite his high effort in everything he tries, Woo jin isn't really sure what he actually wants to accomplish. The short answer would be happiness, but he has no idea what that really means or how to find it. And so he latches onto whatever suggestions sounds good at the time and is subsequently upset when it doesn't bring him watever he thought it would (honeslty he isn't sure either). This constant cycle of dissapointment, combined with hsi attempts to pretend he's not super emotional, has turned him into a highly petty person. He's always ready with a snippy comment, always angry about something, and always being passive aggressive about absolutely everything. It's rare to not hear Woo Jin being a petty princess honestly, it seems to be his default setting after a lifetime of drifting and dissapointment.

Woo Jin was born youngest of five boys and he had a lot to live up to from day one. The child of two successful business people, Woo Jin lived comfortably despite the large number of family members he shared the house with. However there was a lot of pressure on his shoulders even from a young age. All four of his brothers had near-perfect grades, so Woo Jin naturally had to reach those same standards and then some in order to stand out from the hoard of Kim boys. His parents had the very bad habit of playing favorites, and no matter what he did Woo Jin couldn't seem to get out of last place since at least one of his brothers had done everything before him.

School was a struggle for Woo Jin, who was always more attuned to the arts rather than standard scholastic learning. Teachers often praised his work ethic though, noting that he "stud[ied] like a highschooler" as young as 10 years old. Woo Jin didn't sleep much between studying and piano, which he'd picked up since all his brothers did it, and he learned young how to function on the minimal amount of sleep since that was the only way to keep up. But keeping up was all he could do, and Woo Jin became friends more and more desperate to prove himself as he aged. He never made many friends as he was too intense, and far too emotional for most people to handle, and his father in particular scolded him regularly for crying too often.

Becoming an idol was his mother's idea - but not for him. She wanted the middle boy Woo Seok to try for it, since he was "the most handsome" of the boys according to her. However Woo Soek had no interest in the idea, but 14-year-old Woo Jin saw his opportunity and leapt. He told his mother he'd love to be an idol, but she was unsure, noting his plain looks and lack of charisma, which only made Woo Jin that much more determined to suceed (and also made him cry). He used his allowance to pay for vocal lessons, and started auditioning wherever he could after school. It took two years and a lot more crying before Royal Entertainment accepted him.

Training was far from easy, but Woo Jin was used to late nights, heavy competition, and constant critisism so he managed to up better than a lot of people in their first few months. He lived and breathed practice, desperate to prove himself worthy for when Royal created their first group, and he even picked up rapping when there weren't enough rap trainees in the early years of Royal. Of course once they started recruiting more rappers he became less focused on that aspect of his training, but he still kept it up to keep himself versatile and worthy of notice. The one thing he struggled with no matter how he tried was dancing, and as such it got the most attention during his practices as he worked himself sick trying to reach the same level as the other trainees.

As usual Woo Jin wasn't exactly easy to make friends with during his trainee years, but there was one trainee who managed to actually become Woo Jin's first even friend. Cha Jae Yoon practiced nearly as much as Woo Jin did, and the two started at Royal around the same time meaning they spent a lot of time around each other. Eventually they started talking, and it somehow developed into a friendship. Woo Jin isn't sure how exactly it happened, but he doesn't question it. Yoon was the first good thing he can recall from a life of exhaustion and never being good enough, and the other boy's presence was one Woo Jin came to absolutely adore.

SIM was an absolute nightmare for Woo Jin. If he wasn't killing himself via exhaustion in the practice rooms he was probably locked away in a bathroom stall crying as quietly as he could manage. The stress and competiive nature of the show were overwhelming for him, especially since he so desperately wanted to win. And if he was to win, he'd have to not so much. Thankfully Yoon was right there with him, practicing in silence as they always did during training. The two stuck to each other like glue, and every elimination Woo Jin held his breath until he'd heard both their names called as 'safe'.

However, since he mostly stayed quiet during the show, Woo Jin tended to rank higher than Yoon as he was only seen for his skills and dedication, something that endeared him to the judges. However it put something of a wedge between the friends as Yoon started getting more and more frustrated with his lower placement. Though the two still worked together and were well known by viewers to be best friends there was definite strain between them up until the final episode. Woo Jin was pretty sure he would have broken down right there on camera if Yoon's name hadn't been called in the last possible spot, control be damned. But he ended up crying alone in his room later down the road anyway so it was a short-lived reprieve for their relationship.


► Dogs - Just breathing is enough to earn their undying love, how could Woo Jin not adore them?
► Classic Rock - He's just yet to find any music better than good old Rock'n'Roll
► Being acknowledged for his skills - an offshoot of this is that he really loves the fans (especially the ones biased towards him), even if he's super awkward with them
► Horror - He actually likes being scared in general and is probably the member who gets the most excited about anything horror related that they do
► Swimming - in the brief moments he had free time he quite enjoyed spending time in his family's pool. Though he's not an amazing swimmer he really loves being in the water and paddling around


► His stagename. He barely tolerates the nickname except from a few select people, of couse he hates it being screamed by fans.
► Crying - He absolutely hates showing weakness in front of people and crying is the ultimate show of vulnerability. Of course being as emotional as he is he does cry quite a bit, he just does everything in his power to make sure it's where no one will see him (bathrooms are his friends)
► Antis - The most common reason for his private crying sessions are the mean comments from these jerks
►Talking about Yoon on shows - their friendship was far from a secret from SIM viewers and it sometimes comes up. He hates it though since it hurts to talk about - they have to pretend everything is perfect after all, they have an image to maintain.

► Being called a Chaebol. Their parents have made it clear the boys get nothing when they die and so he doesn't really consider himself rich.


► When he feels like he's about to cry he chews his lips, often until they bleed, in an attempt to keep it in
► His blinking speed increases when anyone initiates physical contact with him for any reason. It's not that he doesn't like it he's just really not used to it since his family wasn't big on physical affection
► When doing any form of public speaking he always spreads his feet just a bit, so that his legs aren't touching


► Practicing until he's just about passed out
► Finding mean comments about s so he can try to feel better. It doesn't work since he always sees comments about himself as well


► Since being dropped entirely from BOIZ Yoon hasn't exactly been very friendly with Woo Jin. While they aren't enemies, they've certainly lost the bond they used to have and Woo Jin can feel the emptiness where it used to be all too acutely most days.
► Yoon was the one who first called Woo Jin "Kid" on SIM, and the fans absolutely adored the nickname, resulting in it becoming his stage name since "the fans will call you that anyway"
► Woo Jin prefers singing to rapping since he doesn't really have an appreciation for the art of rapping, despite having a knack for it
► Woo Jin does come from a rich family, but since debuting he doesn't get pocket money anymore since "you have a job now". So he doesn't pay for anything unless he has to.
► He suggested his stagename be Valentine in an attempt to avoid being called Kid, but the management was too fond of Kid, and so Kid it was.
► He still really wants to earn his parent's approval, but they've never been to even one of BOIZ's shows and mentioning that is easily the best way to get him to shut up and leave (to go cry somewhere)




POSITION: Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper



► Yeah they don't trust him with a social media account. That could turn ugly.

HIS FAVORITE SONGS: He actually doesn't have one. When listening to their songs all he can hear are his own percieved mistakes, so he avoids listening to their music if at all possible. The songs he'd count as his "favorites" would be the ones that he's not in. If asked on a show though he'll usually just say whatever their most recently promoted title track is.



► The Leader : Woo Jin never wanted to be leader, not really. He knows logically he wouldn't be great at it. But that doens't mean he doesn't hate that someone younger than him was given free reign to boss him around (at least that's how he sees it). He'll often talk back to the leader and pointedly ignore his critiques and directions until someone older repeats them. He is not bowing down to an actual kid, thank you very much.

► The Oldest : Although The Oldest is usually the only one who can get Woo Jin to sit down and shut up, that doesn't expempt him from the petty party that is Woo Jin in his daily life. However, since he is older Woo Jin is usually more subtle with his complaints towards this member. He just doesn't get how someone who doesn't even fit any of their concepts what the hell managed to rank above him on SIM.

► The Visual : Woo Jin feels bad for him sometimes for the crap he gets from antis. But usually he's giving him just as much crap. Since dancing was never something Woo Jin grasped well he's actually insanely jealous of The Visual's skills and he can and will try to drag this member's self esteem down into the pits along with Woo Jin's own almost as often as he does with The Ambitious. Misery loves company after all.

► The Moodmaker : Woo Jin's general attitude towards this member is "Kill it with fire." How this member stays so cheerful he'll never know, but it's driving him absolutely insane and he needs to make it stop. Happiness is the antithesis to Woo Jin's entire existence as far as he cares and the living embodiment of something he struggles to feel just doesn't sit very well with him.

► The Ambitious : This member is the easiest to target when Woo Jin is feeling insecure (so always). What does he do that Woo Jin doesn't? How come he has a main position? Woo Jin practices more, he works harder, he knows he does. So why is it that every time he so much as sees The Ambitious he feels pathetic and like he's accomplished nothing? Really Woo Jin has severe envy towards this member and it results in an increased amount of pettiness around him.

► The Underappreciated : Woo Jin honestly likes the maknae. He's the one person in the group who doesn't make Woo Jin feel self-concious or unworthy so on days when he's feeling particularly shaky and his usual attacks aren't "helping" (they never help but some days the guilt from launching them becomes too much) he'll crawl away to the maknae and just quietly follow him around. This member is the one person he's never gotten angry at, and if he ever did he'd probably never forgive himself. The Underappreciated is a spot of warmth in his otherwise cold life.

FRIENDS: HAHAHA he'd scare everyone away


IDEAL TYPE: Woo Jin's orientation tends towards Demiromantic Demiual and his honest ideal type would be someone who makes him feel safe and like he actually matters. On shows though he'll usually mumble something about "A nice girl who can cook." And then probably shrug awkwardly.

The Underappreciated
Cha Jaeyoon

BOIZ love

COMMENTS: I hope Woo Jin is alright, I'll be sure to fix any and everything that I did incorrectly!

SUGGESTIONS: Yoon and Woo Jin maybe fixing their friendship? It hurt me to pull them apart like that OTL

PASSWORD: Hello Friend

the boiz


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