TWO — 라수인

NAME: Ra Su In
nickname(s): -
BIRTHDATE: 07 January 200 A.N.
origin: north korea
current location: society
ETHNICITY: Korean + a bit of American
Fluent Korean; He has been living in Korea all his life.
Basic English; his mother side of the family has ancestors from America so she have taught both her son and husband a bit of english in hopes of PRESERVing her heritage.
BACKUP: Oh Hee Jun
HEIGHT: 174cm
WEIGHT: 62kg
appearance: Suin was born with blonde hair but in hopes of blending in with the society, He has dyed it black during his teenage years. His skin tone is on the lighter side since he usually stay indoors. He also have a few SCRATCHES and bruises due to the bullying he faced in school.
+Ve: Calm, bright, Considerate
=Tral: Reserved, cautious
-Ve: Gullible, timid, Frigid
background: On the seventh of January 200 A.N. Ra Seonil was born first and Ra Suin followed four minutes after. Their mother felt no joy at the occasion, only worry about what to do with the twins. One of them had to go but she couldn't decide which and wanted both of them to stay by her side. Their father was the more rational of the two and he promptly picked up one of them without much thought. Luckily for Suin, he was not the baby that his father randomly chose to be euthanised.
The Ra family lived in one of the closest cities of the society to the border. In their hometown, there tend to be rumours of the north korean loyalists kidnapping children from the society but PEOPLe usually do not believe in them. Overall, the ra family is quite low in the social hierarchy but in their neighbourhood, they are considered wealthy and Mr RA'S salary as a teacher was enough to provide for the family.
SUIN'S childhood had a lot of RESTRICTIONS. Even with Suin beside her everyday, his mother began having nightmares and fearing that Suin will also be gone one day. She started becoming more and more paranoid day by day. If Suin is not in her sight, she would panic and become anxious. Because of this, Suin has been spending most of his time around his mother. If he wanted to play, his mother would play with him. If he wanted to go somewhere, his mother would follow him. After years of being with his mother all the time, his school going days came nearer. Suin actually looked forward to it, becoming an independent student and breaking away from his mother. However, that never happened because his mother's paranoia was so serious that he had to be home schooled.
As he entered his TEENAGE years, he started wanting freedom and escape from his mother. One of the things he did to attain it was sneaking out after curfew hours Since his mother had already gone to sleep by then. It was okay for a while, he was able to avoid getting caught by both the officers and his mother. However, his mother awoke from a nighmare on one of these nights and panicked upon realising that he was not in his bed. In her vulnerable state, she ventured out while shouting for her son. The ruckus did not go unnoticed by the officers and his mother was punished for her crime. Unfortunately, She did not survive to see either of her sons again.
Since then, Suin has fallen into a delusional routine of staying home all day in hopes that perhaps his mother would return one day. To get him out of this, his father had enrolled him into a public school but it did not Help much. Having been around HIs mother all the time, his social SKILLs were lacking and he made no friends tht tempted him to leave his house. Heck, PERHAPs it even made it worse since the other students made it their goal to harass Suin and ensure that he stays a loner.
MOTHER / Yoon Mi Young / passed on at 38 / homebody / possessive, protective, emotional / miyoung Was very protective of suin and forbid him to go anywhere or do anything without her nearby. In a way, miyoung became the wall between suin and the rest of the society. Her upraising made suin unable to fend for himself or even find himself someone else to protect him. She was his only PIllar of support. Hence, perhaps it was to be expected that Suin would fall into a slump which he would be unable to get out of in the absence of his mother.

FATHER / Ra Sung hyun / 43 / Mathematics Teacher / laid-back, strict, dull / The father and son are not close, to say the least. Since Sunghyun was primarily the one who sent Seonil away, Miyoung has been protective of Suin around her husband as well. The only interactions between them were limited to meal times and mathematics lessons during SUIN'S childhood. After MIYOUNG'S death, they grew even further since Sunghyun no longer has to provide one on one lessons to Suin and honestly, he does blame his son for the death of his wife. Heck, Sunghyun sometimes call Suin as 'Seonil' accidentally although the boy has never thought much of it, thinking that perhaps it's the name of one of SUNGHYUN'S precious students.

Childhood friend / Yoon San Ha / 16 / Student / Cheerful, outgoing, enthusiastic / Although it is rather pathetic, the only 'Friend' that Suin have is his Younger neighbour who attends the same school but is In a lower grade. The two often hung out together even before Suin started school since both of SANHA'S parents were too busy working and thus left their child with their neighbours. Sanha is the more outgoing and enthusiastic of the two so Suin is usually being dragged around by him. That being said, Sanha isn't the dominating one Because he actually gets scared whenever Suin puts on a stern face. Since Suin has been giving that expression more and more after his mother's death, Sanha has also been avoiding him a bit and letting him have some space. It has been 5 years but the two are still a bit more distant as compared to when they were much younger.
■  is tripped deliberately at least once a day by HIs classmates.
■ Does fairly WELL in school, perhaps the effect of one on one lessons at home WHEn he WAS younger.
■ has taken over the household chores such as cleaning or laundry ever since his mother's death.
■ replies to simple yes or no questions in english [ '밥 먹었어요?' 'YEah' ].
■ IT'S not that no one tried to friend him but his reserved and quiet side make him seem aloof and ungrateful thus driving them away.
■ Since his mother is no longer around to keep him entertained, he has been spending his free time writing and READINg.
■ ...


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