Sasaki, Yuuma
(佐々木, 優真)
there's a boy who always sits near the back of the class by the window, nose buried in a book. he is jokingly referred to as the class's "robot." it's a negative take on how "perfect" he seems to be whether in class or out of it.

but he's not perfect, not at all. he's capricious and has a hard time connecting with people. his way of speaking is too rough, too sarcastic and sassy and belittling, for most people to tolerate. and he's innocent, much too much.

it's hard to tell but this boy - yuuma - isn't what is found on the surface. he's more, a human that his classmates refused to see. but, at the very least, it's obvious that his twin - yuuki - really sees him for who he is truly.

in other words, yuuma is a boy of layers. he's mature most of the time but holds some child-like aspects that, of anyone else, yuuki can translate best. of course, you have to be close enough to see these layers in the first place.


NAME  sasaki, yuuma (佐々木, 優真)
BIRTHDAY + AGE  25 december + 17
SCHOOL YEAR  2nd year
 japanese fluent : mother tongue
 english fluent : fan of marvel comics and from classes
 korean semi-fluent : childhood friend / neighbor naturally taught
 mandarin conversational : trip to china with good book of simple phrases


FACE CLAIM  okumura yukio (ao no exorcist)
BACKUP FACE CLAIM  hitachiin kaoru (ohshc)

 initially standing at 189 cm, at the first sweep of the eye, it's easy to spot yuuma with his nose in a book in a crowd, his posture deceptively perfect and movements surprisingly graceful. his beauty spots - two under his eye as if tears and one under his mouth - are distinctive and memorable, one of the few ways to tell him apart from his twin other than his glasses. 
inspection his eyes, upon closer look, aren't quite the same blue as his brother, closer to a shade of teal, but are just as straightforward and sharp. although it's easy to forget their relation, when yuuma casts off his glasses, the features of yuuki are obvious, and once again, there is the reminder that, however the same or different, they are definitely twins.
etc distinctively tall, yuuma stands out in the flow of people not only with his stature but also the way he carries himself. he walks without shame, chin up and gaze forward regardless of what occurs. 'bring on the challenge,' his posture seems to say, 'if you can, that is.' it's no wonder that people tend to view him as a 'robot,' mechanical and out of reach.
 uniform yuuma is the kind of person who always wears his school uniform properly at all times, the one who is always used as the model example of what you should wear no matter the weather. (another reason he's likened to a robot at times is because it'll be over 100 degrees f outside and he won't break a sweat even though he won't even roll up his sleeves.)
home when yuuma is 'not moving from this spot, i mean it,' he dons comfortable old basketball shorts and a baggy shirt. he wears flip flops in the rare times he's forced out on those days and looks nothing like the put together 'robot' that everyone teases he is. he looks like an average, lazy teen; he looks, people secretly mutter, like yuuki dressed him for a day.
casual yuuma is all for simple and comfortable rather than fashionable. give him solid colors and simple patterns over the latest trend any day. his eye for color isn't too bad, luckily, but he's definitely not some kind of fashionista either. his dressing style, to be honest, is average. he doesn't stand out but he's not in the 'in' crowd either. he's just a normal guy.
sports yuuma wears the usual sports ensembles but does tends towards darker colors. he's partial to cool colors like blue or green but won't shy away from more adventurous shades if needed. when exercising, he switches to contacts, making him look even more like yuuki. (if allowed to choose: his jersey number is 8 because it looks like yuuki's chosen 3.)
misc what little jewelry he owns is silver and his clothes are generally white, grey, black, or some shade of blue or green. he can always be seen wearing harry potter themed bracelets he got on his birthday. (it was a gift from yuuki on their tenth birthday. it was ironic since he had gotten yuuki something almost the exact same but in gold and black the same year.)
 9 tablespoons of distance
 2 quarts of wisenheimer
 3 1/4 pounds of maturity
 17 ounces of naivety
 a dash of whimsy

 stranger you look across the room and yuuma sits by the window, nose buried in a book. you want to talk to him but there's this invisible, palpable barrier. don't come close, it says, don't come near. it's like being told to run a marathon but being unable to take that first step. take it, you try, but you stand in place. he looks up, making eye contact, but you can't move.
classmate you finally take that first step and realize that yuuma is a jerk. he's intelligent and it shows with every word, each one wielded like a weapon, like a sharp edge thrown your way. but, you notice, he's silently wise - patient and sure, able to meet adversity with reliable composure. yuuma, you decide, is like a tired adult living in a world of childish teens.
friend you speak to yuuma daily now, learn that his patient seems infinite and that secrets, good or bad, are impossible to keep around him; that he's surprisingly attentive, quick to pick up on moods and remember birthdays, habits, allergies, and more. you learn to not verbally spar with him, that his logic is impenetrable. you learn he isn't robotic, not at all.
neighbor you've watched yuuma grow, know him head to toe, and you wonder if he'll be alright but in a way different from yuuki who hides a hard heart with warmth. (yuuma is more a soft heart protected by ice.) the distance isn't by intention but it's good, you reason, since yuuma - behind his sass and sarcasm - is innocent, quick to empathize and an overthinker.
brother you know yuuma better than anyone else, which is why you laugh at the 'robotic' reputation he has. yuuma is a kid, plain and simple. he does what he wants when he wants, even if it's annoying (poking yuuki in the cheek for ten minutes) or randomly affectionate (hugging yuuki even during practice). he's like a cat, you compare aptly, sighing - a tall cat.
 positive calm, confident, steadfast, tolerant
neutral observant, guileless
negative smart aleck, logical, standoffish, self-indulgent

silver : favorite color
books : always has one
sweets : has a sweet tooth
heights : both the climb and view
marvel : particularly fan of captain america
strong scents : give him headaches
high-pitched sounds : same as scents
cursing : does not use the 'bad language'
being disturbed while reading : will destroy you
insulting his brother : will end your very existence
pleased : hums
lying : messes with his hair
upset / hurt : casually scratches his face
plays the cello
allergic to coconut
photographic memory
an early bird and night owl
favorite flower is white rose
favorite general flavor is vanilla
considers himself to be a ravenclaw
yuuma is the younger twin by 12 minutes
runs slightly colder than average temperature

 why? i felt like it.
 yuuki's much better at it than i am.
 you do realize that i'm yuuma, right?

 because cursing is always the answer. (sarcasm)
keep rolling your eyes. maybe you'll find a brain back there.
 haven't you heard? demons run when a good man goes to war.

 do you really want to argue with someone who can shoot a gun?
 i would challenge you to a battle of wits but i see you're unarmed.
 with a head as big as yours, it's amazing how much of an idiot you are.
you'd struggle to pour water out a boot with the instructions on the heel.


sasaki, yuuki aka yuuma's other half
yuuki shifts position, still talking. yuuma does the same, seconds later, like two planets caught in each other's orbit. yuuki gestures wildly and yuuma dodges an excited swipe, even while reading. you kick yuuki's chair absent-mindedly but he doesn't react at all. someone bumps into yuuma and you try to stop world war iii. it's like one soul between two bodies.
yuuma, in the end, is the one to stop world war iii but by picking a fight, diverting attention. everyone holds their breaths, aware of how logical yuuki and yuuma are to verbally spar - how it's impossible to win - except the argument that interrupts is childish for lack of better terms. honestly, you sigh, they only act like that to each other. they really are brothers. 
yuuma turns to you, a clipped comment on how you've been pestering yuuki. in that moment, you firmly believe yuuma would have killed you if not for yuuki's interference. they argue again but yuuma turns back to his book mid-sentence, sitting beside yuuki with their sides touching. yuuki sighs resignedly and ignores him. is that really something to get used to?

kim, yejin aka yuuma's platonic soulmate - #cc0000
you tease yuuma about the girl you find he's walking beside, 'how do you even find someone to date that's almost exactly like you?' the two look at each other and, in unison, deny it without any of the expected fluster. they share a look and yuuma leans over after she nods, some secret conversation having taken place, 'she likes yuuki,' he quietly confides. oh. 

kim, soojin aka yuuma's ('pathetic' -yuuki) crush - #ff3300
she descends like sunshine, bright and harsh but warm. she mostly flits around yuuki but every so often she'll turn to yuuma, bringing out an unexpected, genuine smile on the boy's face. yuuki smirks when yuuma startles under her attention, leaning over despite the warning look yuuma throws his twin. 'yuuma likes her,' he informs, eyes mischievous but soft.

yoru aka yuuma's soul animal
you walk into their home and lean down to pet the kitty - only to back up when he hisses and takes a vicious swipe. you try and walk past, only to receive the same hatred. you complain but yuuma gives you a dry look. 'that's his default,' yuuki explains, sighing. 'if he likes you, he doesn't do that.' you ask if he cuddles. the twins look to each other. 'only with food.'

aki aka yuuki's soul animal
you bump into the twins at the park, a little puppy at their feet. he stares for a moment and finally makes his move after yuuki claps you on the back in greeting, grinning widely. 'free pass,' yuuma muses, with a half smile, 'since aki loves everyone who yuuki loves.' 'lies,' yuuki retorts good-naturedly. 'he likes you without me.' yuuma rolls his eyes. 'lies,' he mocks.
first set yuuma and yuuki were the talk of the town from birth, being twins and for always being present and polite. even if people didn't know them, they'd know of them and it was easy to spot them in the park, library, or streets in general. they were always known to be close and were jokingly referred to as the yin-yang duo, yuuma as yin and yuuki as yang.
second set in middle school, the two of them shot up - first yuuki, then yuuma (who smugly overtook his brother by 1 cm). they'd always been rather well-rounded, both intelligent and athletic, and decided to join a sports team together. at yuuki's behest, yuuma chose volleyball, reasoning that it was a team sport with minimal risk of injury. (besides golf but like.)
 third set in the beginning, yuuma's body couldn't keep up with his mind and it took time for him to train. on top of that, yuuki's building frustration was putting a strain on their mentality as a whole. for the first year, yuuma was put into a match exactly once (three rallies long) and though he improved, second year, yuuma still spent more time on the bench.
fourth set yuuma realized immediately, of course, when yuuki started nodding off during classes, but didn't say anything until yuuki's temper frayed and nearly passed out from lack of sleep. then, yuuma confronted yuuki, broke the problem down into understandable components, and acted like a personal trainer with strict but constructive, discernable goals.
fifth set finally, third year, yuuma and yuuki were part of the main lineup and took advantage of their twin status to converse in their own language (a mixture of codewords and Korean), bouncing ideas and observations off of each other even in mid-game. yuuma, by the end of middle school, also decided he wanted to become a athletic trainer, after 'training' yuuki.
deuce in high school, yuuma decided to devote himself to his studies for his future and didn't join the volleyball team initially (though he kept up with practice at yuuki's insistence). second year, due to yuuki's persistent asking, he agreed to join the team 'until [they] could find more players.' (despite gaining players, he never left and no one's going to remind him.)

VOLLEYBALL EXPERIENCE  three years during middle school
POSITION  middle blocker (main lineup)
 stamina : 08 / 10
 flexibility : 07 / 10
 health : 07 / 10
 agility : 08 / 10
 cooperation : 03 / 10
 speed : 06 / 10

 serves yuuma is a generally consistent server. he's always in, over the net, and can direct his serves to which half of the court he wants, but there's nothing else notable; his strength is average, the speed is average, etc. the thing mainly going for him is that he isn't the kind of person to mess up no matter the amount of pressure he's under, even at match point.
blocks yuuma is a block reader with very good timing on top of his height. he's the bane of every opponent spiker and can be relied on to decide the timing of a block accurately. he's also aware when a soft or hard block would be better and knows how to force a spike's path for the libero or to block fully. he always tries to one touch if he can't shut a spike down fully. 
sets yuuki loves spikes, loves to practice them. yuuma, at home, must set for those spikes. it stands to reason that yuuma is proficient at sets, particularly those for yuuki. he isn't a miracle worker by any means but he can double for a setter in a pinch and can pass fairly accurately to a certain place with a certain arc with enough practice with the player. 
receives although yuuki is better at receives, yuuma's receiving ability isn't too shabby and he never cuts corners in practicing either. for now, he's weak with special serves (like the jump float serve) and saving the ball after a block (since he's blocking most of the time). he's surprisingly good at running after the ball and saving it when it goes awry and off court.
spikes though most people think of yuuki when they think of spikes, yuuma's fairly consistent at scoring with his spikes. though his power, in comparison to yuuki, isn't the best, his real talent is in knowing when to spike or to feint or to rebound and how to mix it up. he knows how to fool blockers and not give away what kind of spike he will hit until he does.
composure always with a level head and a sharp eye, yuuma never seems to shake. with a heart and mentality of steel, his ability is always steady, always the same with little deviation from practice games, and regardless of how much the other team is leading by, he never loses focus and never makes a mistake. despite his lack of cooperation, he acts as the team rock.
benched from the sidelines, yuuma is talented at spotting patterns, tics, and other things that would assist the team to victory. although most people on the bench want to be on the game, yuuma's focus is purely on how to assist in winning and resting his fatigued muscles. despite his great stamina, he likes to make his energy last as long as possible if he can.
yuuma sits on the offered chair, his lips quirked upwards in a remnant of a smile that could be mistakened as a smirk to those who weren't familiar with him. 'no problem, coach yomada,' he replies demurely, adjusting his glasses with one hand. he holds a thick book in his lap casually, the tail end of a bookmark about three-quarters of the way showing his progress. 
'it's an honor,' yuuma answers honestly, glancing to the coach and then to his hands, fingers interlocked neatly. 'i enjoy volleyball and it's a pleasure to work together with all sorts of players. we're from a small town so i also appreciate the opportunities we have to visit other cities in order to compete and to make bonds with people who share a common interest.' 
'as a middle blocker,' yuuma begins, 'i focus on not only on blocking and receiving but also take the opportunity to spike, feint, or even set to score a point. it's not a flashy role but i take pride in doing it.' his features take on a softer, more sheepish quality. 'i am not the best team player, to be honest, but that doesn't mean i don't pull my own weight for us to win.'
'playing in a team with yuuki,' he answers immediately, smiling gently.
'having to get along with people who won't get along with me,' he scowls.
yuuma pauses, clearly lost in thought. 'it's good exercise,' he states finally, honestly. 'it keeps me fit with minimal chance of injury compared to other team contact sports besides golf.' he chuckles. 'but i didn't want to place a blunt steel instrument in yuuki's hands.' he smiles carefully, eyes soft. 'it's fun. i enjoy it and the thrill that comes with winning. and the comraderie.'
LOVE INTEREST  applicant
(backup : kim soojin - faceclaim : orihara mairu from durarara)

 10 pounds of laughter and sunshine
 3 quarts of brevity and honesty 
 4 1/2 cups of whimsy and future regret
 7 tablespoons of tenacity and dedication
 a pinch of loving in silence

 initially in the beginning, they're teammates. that's what they're supposed to be and that's all they are. in fact, his love interest doesn't even see yuuma in a positive light in the beginning because sure yuuma is a good player but he has - everyone except yuuki has, really - a problem with how he speaks, with that attitude and word choice. yuuma? ugh, that jerk.
eventually slowly, as the team gets closer and the boys can tell what yuuma means even without yuuki's translations, his love interest learns to like - not quite like like maybe - but like yuuma. yuuma, in turn, has a general respect for his love interest - perhaps his determination or talent or his constant desire to just be better. regardless, there's fondness.
finally it takes time, games after games in which the two put their trust into each other. then suddenly their relationship isn't purely platonic. no one on the team is quite sure who liked who first (though yuuki can literally name the exact moment yuuma did) and there's something in the air, a sort of 'could be.' a 'maybe.' the question is if it becomes a 'is.'
 alone when the two are alone, yuuma is more than wililng to be affectionate. he'll soften his verbal blows, even say something sweet. yuuma will quietly, carefully, be more physically affectionate as well - hold hands, light kisses maybe, etc. if yuuki, soojin, and / or yejin is there, yuuma will act the same because they're family so it's like being alone. 
with team around their teammates, yuuma is less obvious about his affection, words just as sharp as before though there will be moments, when his love interest is upset or scared, in which his words will soften for a second. his physical affection won't be obvious but present, a lingering of touch at the bench or a quick peck when absolutely no one is looking. 
with others around others, yuuma tries to avoid pda, especially if his love interest isn't one for it. until they're out with their relationship to everyone (when that happens, he'll act like he does with the team), yuuma treats his love interest like he does with everyone else - words like knives and random signs of affection like he's a cat and just decided to do so.
ENDGAME  author's choice
COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/SUGGESTIONS  i love haikyuu and i'm super excited to see this fic being written. i hope you enjoy yuuma and yuuki (whose app is separate and by yukiryuu). the love interest section was kind of vague since i wasn't sure how the other applicant would write it? so feel free to change that however your muse takes you. good luck!
 yuuma and yuuki together
 yuuma being great at volleyball
 yuuma and his evil snark isolating him
 yuuma basically being a mood-swinging cat
 yuuma and yuuki confusing people because twins
 yuuma needing yuuki to translate to his teammates
 the kim twins coming to cheer on the sasaki twins and hilarity
 yuuma being adorable with his love interest and, well, everyone
 yuuma developing both as a volleyball player and as a team player
 iwamari high's volleyball team competing against other volleyball teams

*BONUS  what's your favorite track off the haikyuu ost ??
i only read haikyuu so i can't tell you that, sorry! 

*MORE BONUS  who's your favorite haikyuu character ?
ok that depends on the parameter is, like which school team, or just personality, volleyball style, etc. hinata, for instance, is my favorite just in sheer determination. his love for volleyball is just adorable. tsukishima though, is my favorite playing style-wise and his "moment" where he got hooked was the greatest. finally, nekoma is my favorite team as a whole. 



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