End of Year Thank You Note!



Well. 2016.

Its been a bit of a wild ride hasn't it? I think if I'd been writing this at the start of this year I don't think I would have guessed that Donald Fart would be the next president of the USA or any of the other wild stuff that's happened this year.

ITS BEEN CRAZY. Literally crazy.
But, we're all here. We have survived this, the weirdest of years, we're all still going. We got this fam. 

I want to firstly start off by saying how proud I am of you all. Whatever goals you achieved this year, whatever goals you tried to achieve this year, I'm proud of you for giving life a go. Even if you feel like you didn't do anything, you most certainly did even if you don't realise it. I hope in 2017 you'll continue to do more of that good stuff!

You've also stayed listening to me ramble on this year, and for that I can only thank you because DAMN I must get annoying sometimes but you put up with me. (At least I hope you all do or this is a bit awKWARD) 

On the 2nd January it will be two years since my asianfanfics account was created and therefore two years since I started writing and woW ok that's a long time if any of you have been putting up with me since then damn I'm sorry( Shout out to the blessyourseoul crew days ily). If you've only just found yourself as a noodle skwad member (FYI you join the moment you read one of my fics u can't escape u can't leave me) then HELLO I hope you'll stay for this wild, often sinful ride.

WHICH LEADS ME ON to the fact that I should say thank you!!! A massive, huge thank you for reading my work. I hope you've enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing, and I also hope you're looking forwards to more in the future!(although I should point out I'm making it my mission to really try my hardest with my studies in 2017, so please forgive me if updates are slower than usual!) either way, thank you for being there as a reader or a commenter or both. I love you so so so sosososososososso much, to the ends of the earth and back and I value you all because you're my fam my loves my noodles my team and I wouldn't be anywhere near who I am if it weren't for you guys. I'm a bit of an emotional mess sometimes but the support and love I feel from you lot is the beST thing ever and it's very much reciprocated. 

Special thanks and love must go to The Chogis, the hallowed hall of authors which for some reason I am in. You are possibly the greatest lot of humans I could ever ask to be part of and I am in awe of your beauty and gorgeousness and wonderfulness amazingness and I hope you still love me in 2017 because i love you all. 

ALSO EVERYONE ON TLIST even if you're a chogi or not there are senpais on there and there are non writer friends who are the loveliest most wonderful humans and it gives me faith to know that you exist and you don't hate me! (I'll put my twitter at the bottom plEASE COME AND JOIN THE TLIST FAM YOU'RE MOST WELCOME) 

@ kaisoo thnk u 4 being so good looking and talented n making me want to write about ur love 7ever ILYSM  

So here's to 2017. It could be (god forbid) worse than 2016, but if I'm honest we've stuck this out we can deal with anything.
For the new year, my advice (not that you asked but you're getting it anyway I like to think I am a guru) would be to keep going. Keep laughing, keep smiling, keep singing, keep dancing and keep it cool, keep it kaisoo. 

Have a good new year, celebrate and reward yourself. You've done well. 


(Apologies for this incredibly incoherent note) 

Twitter: twitter.com/teatoxic

Tumblr: kaisoocupoftea.tumblr.com


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koi159 #1
Happy New Year Love! I hope 2017 brings you lots of joy, love, and happiness!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
sooberries #4
Happy new year!
Happy new year to you too!!