Blizzard Warning (F*K YEAH!!!)


Greetings Everyone and Happy Holidays!!!  


Western South Dakota (where I live) is under a major blizzard advisory and I90 has been closed through the Wyoming state boarder!!!  Check the links below for a pic from my deck overlooking the city…OMG I LOVE SNOW!!!  

Thundersnow is even better!!! 


Oh my pup, Lizzie…she’s fearless, btw!!!  If you open the pic you can see her in the left corner...she's black and it's dark so use your imagination :P


( She’s half Shiba Inu and German Sheppard…she was a rescue and my treasure ^__^  )

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Everyone!!!  


Pic from my deck of the storm:





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Cagachan04 #1
Jokes on me then. I live in MN and stuck with a thunderstorm!? Rain and frozen snow. Not fun to go sledding on, ya know!? XD