hogwarts profile
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Esme kane
//// BASICS ////
full name / Esme Marlena "Amadahy" Kane   
other names / 
Esme / Of course, her regular first name that is used by peers and professors (unless they use Miss Kane)
Essie / Her friends/significant others address her with this nickname
Marley / Parents likes to address her with her middle name out of fondness
Amadahy / Her tribal name meaning forest water, her grandfather and tribal community calls her this
Mudblood,Indian,or Freak / Names reserved for the people who don't like her and/or spread rumors about her because of heritage and tattoos
birthdate / November 27th, 1996
hometown / Indiana, USA
ethnicity / Native American/Caucasian
nationality / American-Native Indian
languages / 
English / Fluent / This is one of two languages she is bilingual in since she was raised in the United States
Cherokee / Fluent / Esme comes from a Native American tribe, her grandfather being the chief, so this is the other language that she is bilingual with 
hidden scroll
//// tell me about yourself ////
face claim / Vanessa Hudgens
backup / Nicole Scherzinger
appearance / 
"What's wrong with having bones in my braids? I have earrings made out of them too."   -Esme

►   Unless her hair is kept down with her natural waves that reaches her waist, she can be seen wearing braids. The school forbade her from wearing her tribal accents (beads, feathers, bones) in her braids so she just wears them plain. She has black hair with side bangs that cover one of her dark, almond shaped eyes. Her skin is tan with an olive green undertone that gives her an exotic aura.

 She has numerous tribal tattoos on her arms, back, and legs. She even has one on her face, right below her right eye. They are all done with black ink from tribal ashes and they each represent something symbolic within her Cherokee tribe. She tries her best in school to hide her body ink for fear of the school conduct code and to not be judged since she was tatted so young. She has to wear makeup everyday to cover up her face tattoo and she feels without it while roaming the halls. Essie has multiple ear piercings, four on one ear and five on the other. She absolutely hates being called 'Indian' because it's an improper name to her heritage and she finds it insulting, and if someone calls her a savage she will instantly snap.


fashion sense / 
► Esme loves anything that is flowy, soft, and comfortable. She hates jeans and favors soft skirts or athletic sweatpants/shorts. When she is with her grandfather she sticks with either traditional native clothing or sundresses. She has dozens of pairs of moccasins and slide-on shoes. She is very proud of her heritage and fashion. She also likes to wear beanies once in awhile. She has a protective bracelet that she never takes off. She really adores her earrings but her classmates think it's weird that sometimes they are made of bones and she feels too ashamed to adorn them unless Sookyung or Kida encourages her.
//// what's so unique about you ////
character traits /
Positive: Open-minded, Considerate, and Respectful
Neutral: Thoughtful, Philosophical, and Booksmart
Negative: Self-conscious, Reserved, Anxious, and Shy 
elaboration / 
"Yah, what makes you think you can pick on a girl who has TWO kinds of magic in her? Who knows what she can do to you."   -Sookyung to a group of people bullying Esme

► 'Essie' is a starstruck daydreamer. Everyone who isn't in her friend group is an outsider, and if you are an outsider then Esme won't open up to you about her tribe or heritage. Many people are awed by her ethnicity and often try and guess it if they don't know. She is defined by her spirituality and her mind. Her biggest pet peeve is when someone is prejudice or judgemental in general. Even though she is very shy, if someone is acting out a hate crime she will be the first to stand up and defend. So many want her to be prefect but she turns it down each time because she doesn’t prefer to have any spotlight.

  Esme believes that there are all kinds of magic in the universe. Getting accepted to Hogwarts proved that since other people in her tribe said that magic only exists within the natives. She loves learning magic, but hates giving presentations or doing groupwork because she is so shy and anxious. Esme loves figuring out how things work and grow and anything life-related absolutely fascinates her. Her favorite classes are Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. She holds the highest grade in Herbology and competes with a couple other students to try and be the highest grade for her Care of Magical Creatures class. If she were to have a position in a friend group, it would be the mediator. She is great at solving problems and being the middleman when communication is unclear.

  Esme Kane was scouted out by the headmaster due to the fact of her origin of magic. The headmaster even asked for the chief’s blessing for the voyage to and enrollment in Hogwarts. At first he was hesitant (the tribe is patriarchal so he makes most of her life’s decisions rather than her parents) until Minerva explained Hogwarts too was a source of learning magic. She showed the Chief in private a couple things she could do and since then he has been very supportive of her education. With that being said, Esme is very smart. Her intelligence is aweing in her tribe and many believe that she is wise beyond her years and they approve of her prudential modesty. These characteristics have made her a true Ravenclaw through-and-through and the sorting hat wasted no time selecting her house.


"You are Cherokee, nigohivli. A Longwind through-and-through, and I am very proud of you Amadahy."    -Kajika Longwind

► One of the reasons why students have a hard time figuring out who and what she is has to do with her name. Yes, Esme is the granddaughter of a Cherokee tribal chief, but she is not fully indigenous. Her father is half-native/ half-white so her and her father have an americanized last name. Because her maternal grandfather is a chief, her mother is 100% Cherokee. This means that Esme is one-quarter caucasian and three-quarters native (roughly). Her chief/grandpa disapproves of her father because he believed he altered the tribe lineage. Esme’s mother (Ama Longwind) and father (Atohi Alabaster Kane) are still married within the Cherokee community/law.

Esme’s Grandfather adores her, even if she isn’t “pure” and she spends a lot of her time on the reservation with him. The chief was the one who exiled Atohi’s mother decades ago for marrying someone who was white, so when Atohi was a teenager he begged for legitimacy but the chief turned it down. While Atohi was trying to do this, he and Ama fell in love, and they had Esme not long after. This is the reason why Ama’s parents don’t live on the reservation and why her name is americanized. Because her mother's first name means water and her father's first name means woods, her tribal name is Amadahy, which means forest water, which was given to her shortly after birth from the chief.

   One of the medicine men/soothsayers in the clan told the chief many years ago that even though Esme is a woman, she is full of positive energy and would be best in becoming the medicine woman. She knew of this and once she realized that being a healer is a career for life after Hogwarts she began to study hard and learn on both sides of the magical worlds. She also believes that everyone has a specific person they are meant to love. Many women in the tribe wed young, but she doesn’t quite believe in love at first sight. Quite often she mentally struggles because she really likes Zhang Yixing (love interest stated below) but she knows that her chief would never approve of being in a relationship with someone who is not in the clan and is not arranged for her.


relationships / 

► Seol Hana (best friend, 2nd Year Gryffindor, to be updated, her applyfic is not finished yet, her love interest is in Hufflepuff just like my love interest)

Jeon Taeri  (Best Friend, 2nd Year Gryffindor, to be updated, her applyfic is not finished yet)

Kida Lestrange (Best Friend, 6th Year Slytherin Seeker)

Zhang Yixing (friend and love interest, 6th year Hufflepuff)

Sung Sookyung (Friend, 4th year Slytherin)

Huang Joel (Friend, Academic Rival, 6th year Ravenclaw Prefect)

Atohi Alabaster Kane (Father, half-Cherokee/half-caucasian)

Ama Longwind (Mother, 100% Cherokee, daughter of the Chief)

Kajika Longwind (Grandfather, 100% Cherokee, Chief of the Long Hair Cherokee tribe)


trivia / 

"Oh my, you must have a dreamcatcher! How else are you going to ward off nightmares and bad omens? Here, I'll make one for you."    -Esme to Seol Hana

► Essie loves gardening and is really superstitious

► She is a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason and loves reading more than any other activity

► She is naturally a good student, but gives in to peer pressure easily, especially when it comes to sneaking out

► She wants to be a healer so she can go back and forth from the wizarding world and her native reservation

► Has a snow owl named Oukonunaka, however nobody knows how to pronounce his name properly, so she refers to him as Naka

► Naka only understands Cherokee

► Reads at least two novels a week

► Learned to play the panflute at a very young age, she can be spotted playing it time to time while walking the halls and others find it annoying; however first years adore her for it and always asks her to play for them

► Without meaning to, she excessively talks about Native American myths that no one else understands

► Writes letters weekly to her grandfather in her Cherokee tongue

► Sometimes she gets tongue-tied and accidentally says part of her sentence in Cherokee instead of English

► Her patronus is a Broad Winged Hawk, which happens to be a bird native to the state she lives in

► Her lowest grade (which isn't a bad one) is in Defense against the Dark Arts. This is for the reason being that her and the professor argue a lot. She believes that the ways the students are taught is too violent and "defending" should be more peaceful

►Said professor above and Esme argue all the time because she believes that 'dementors are misunderstood'

//// my crew ////

HOUSE / Ravenclaw 

(Wand: Apple with Unicorn hair, 10 ¾ in with Reasonably Supple Flexibility)




"You want to be a healer? That's pretty cool if you ask me."   -Yixing to Esme 


patronus / Broad Winged Hawk
year / 6 (Wants to be a healer for future career)
blood / muggle-born
Are you a quidditch player? / no
classes / 
Above Satisfactory (A) / Satisfactory (B) / Acceptable (C) / Not Acceptable (D) / Unsatisfactory (F)

Alchemy (elective)



          ~Above Satisfactory

Care of Magical Creatures (elective)

          ~ Above Satisfactory (Competes with others for top student)

Defense against the Dark Arts



          ~ Above Satisfactory (Top student of her year)

Study of Ancient Runes

          ~ Above Satisfactory


          ~ Above Satisfactory



//// where's my chocolate frog ////
love interest / Yixing Zhang (Lay of EXO)
backup / Joonmyeon Kim (Suho of EXO)
personality / 

► 6th year Hufflepuff/ Half-Blood/ Unicorn Patronus

Positive: Peaceful, Optimistic, and Kind-hearted

Neutral: Studious, Quiet, and Adaptable

Negative:Oblivious, Carefree, and Detached

love story / 

► Yixing and Esme are both in the same class for Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology and have been for several years. Professor Sprout (or whoever the new herb teacher is) put them together as partners their 4th year and they have been friends ever since.

Yixing admires the fluidity of her graceful personality and loves to study with her. He likes that she is easy to get along with and that she cares about her education. He finds her background fascinating and always asks if he can go to the reservation over break sometime. She finds him to be quite endearing and his oblivious boy-next-door charm makes her fall flat on her face for him during 6th year. She still hasn’t said how she feels and she honestly doesn’t know if he feels the same way.

  There will be times where they will argue over communication issues. Sometimes Esme misreads Yixing’s intentions or anxiety gets the best of her. One of their main problems is that Yixing doesn’t express himself or how he feels, and it frustrates her. However, eventually he will open up to her and she forgives him.

ending / 

In the story, over one of the breaks, she finally gives in and brings Yixing home with her. She absolutely dreads it because she knows the chief would question her motives. With many tests and a lot of hesitancy, the chief finally accepts him and Yixing becomes her very first (and last) boyfriend. During the visit, Yixing discovers his super rare patronus: the unicorn.


relationship status / 

In the beginning they were both crushing, in the story their connection develops into a relationship. At the end they will still be in a relationship.

hidden scroll
//// fin ////
final words / 
The information I have found about the Cherokee nation is factual, here are the sources I used: here and here
The classes chosen are required to be a healer , and it is found in the book series.
scene reqs / 
"Aish, guys! All of you are older than me and Hana, yet I'm the one who's the mother figure!"-Taeri
► Seol Hana is a second year so there needs to be a good reason why her and Esme (a 6th year) became friends. In the beginning of the year Seol Hana asks Esme about where some of her classes are. Later on, Esme sees her at lunch and invites her to sit with her and Yixing. Then they become best friends despite their age
► Through Hana, Esme is introduced to Jeon Taeri. Taeri and Hana are both half korean and they are also second year Gryffindors
► Esme, Kida, Kim Namjoon(Kida's love interest), Joel, Taeri, Baekhyun (Taeri's love interest), Sookyung/Rebecca, Hana, Joshua (Hana's love interest), and Yixing (include others if it makes sense?) study together in the library for classes
►Joshua (Seol Hana's love interest) and Yixing (Esme's love interest) become friends as well because they are both in Hufflepuff
► Hana sets up Esme and Yixing while Esme sets up Hana and Joshua
► Scene where Esme is laying down for bed with her roommates for the first time and they see her tattoos. It later on gets spread around the school and students create rumors about her
► a scene where they're sitting at dinner and a letter comes from the chief (her grandfather), he addressed her as Amadahy
► Yixing wakes up Esme (by phone maybe?) and asks her to sneak out. At first she disagrees, but then she finally meets him. Because she just woke up, this will be the first time Yixing sees a lot of her tattoos. They go to the gardens and talk all night before sneaking back in. She then later tells Hana about it
►Sometime later, Yixing takes her back out there and confesses his feelings
► Chapter for quidditch try-outs, Yixing goes to audition but doesn't make it in. Yixing asked Esme to come watch and she tries to cheer him up after by going to the forbidden forest, and meets Sookyung for the first time
►Sometime later, Esme is getting bullied while Yixing isn't around and Sookyung steps in and stops it, therefore creating their friendship
►Esme finds out that Sookyung is one of the best students in Herbology between the fourth years and they help each other out
► Esme introduces Kida to Sookyung, they're both Slytherins and figures they could be friends
►McGonagall repeatedly scorns Esme because she uses her Cherokee magic in school
password / Remus Lupin!


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