Well guys lmao so im a noob when it comes to liking someone or feelings like that, like i have no idea how it feels. I kinda interested in one boy, he notice if things happened to me like when i change my liptint colour or when i change my shoes. But i dont have any idea if he likes me or not. People start asking me or somewhat notice me for liking him but as i said i dont understand feelings. People said he open up to me too but idk. I dont know if he treats everyone the same he is too kind i know and it makes me confused like when he pay me my lunch when we have lunch only both of us talking random things lmao the most recent weird things that normal people and not couple normally do is sharing earphone while both of us try to get some sleep on class practice for somwhat show. By the end of this semester which is one month left we maybe wont have any same class anymore, so should i or should i not confess ? His exes always the one to confess to him tho so what should i do ? I need help ^^ thankyouu


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do you feel comfortable when he's around? do you miss him when he is not around? do you feel excited when he's talking to you or anything else? maybe your heart is beating faster then?
I think if you can answer those questions with yes at first, it's a sign that you might like him more than a friend...
but after all feelings are hard to understand, especially when it's not our own but the feelings of someone else