do you prefer a happy end over a sad one?

So I'm just curious about your opinion on this matter.

Let's assume there's an angst(y) story that could have a happy or a sad end (the characters get together and live happily ever after or they die after getting together).

Either end would make sense in the story context, and both possible outcomes would be realistic (the deaths would not be out of nowhere).


Which one would you prefer as a reader (or author)? And why?


Thank you for your answers^^


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Happy ending of course, but if the happy ending is ridiculous, i rather have sad ending.
I would like to have a sad ending because I just want it..hehe
Happy end because my life is sad enough
Truthfully, I don't really care which ending it gets, I'd probably still be able to enjoy it either which way. I think what's most important in a situation like this is that the author writing the story gives it the type of ending that they want to give it and that they are content with, and if they do then I will be happy with whatever the ending may be, at least, for the most part. And if there was something I disagreed with or didn't like (which there have been times for me where there have been) this still applies, because I've heard and seen cases where peeps might change the ending of their story or give another alternate ending just to satisfy some readers who were upset with how something goes and stuff, which and seems uncalled for. Unless the author themselves is feeling like doing something like that, like asking their readers what they want to see them do, then that's fine, but if it was never an intention then I don't think they should need to do so. But yeah, I guess which ever fits best is what I would say, or, why not both? Have a sad and happy ending mixed together somehow, that'd be cool (not sure if easily possibly, but could be interesting to see, or like something in-between/middle grounds if that can be pulled off). Whatever the author decides is fine with me ^^
Probably the sad one. That said, I'm a er for everything happy, but I just really don't like it when people write angsty-as- stories and then they have happy endings. I either want the angst to continue, leave me with a feeling of sadness and something that sticks rather than the classic 'and so they lived happily ever after'.

But of the two you've talked about, I feel like both are happy, tbh. None of them really scream memorable angst to me. ^^