Guys... I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT I SAID TO HIM. (Drunken Night)

(So I guess my blogs now are just going to be like updates on this guy now. soo... follow me on my journey haha.)

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GUYS............ GUYS HELP....... HELLPPP. haha I'm about to die. 

So you know how they say that a drunken person is the person's true thoughts.... or something like that. Well I'm ing scared that, that saying happened last night. 

Soo.. I'll tell you the full story now: (hopefully it won't be as long as my first blog about him); I'm going to continue use the names I used on that blog too.


So Jessie threw this nice Hallowwen party and of course people brought alcohol.Let me just say... I was the life and the death of the party LOL. I had to go to the party 3 hours after it started because I had work, so with my reputation of a stupid drunk and Jessie never seeing it before, my best friends, Jessie and "Amy" (I didn't write about her in the last blog); they got hella excited the second I arrived LOL. ANYWAY, so I start taking lots of shots and fast... which was my first mistake. I got hella drunk, hella fast. I'm going crazy on everyone, and everything. 

I'm throwing everywhere, laughing at everything, and falling all over the place. I told EVERYONE that I miss Parker and I want him to kiss me again... Now... here are some of my drunken habits... I tell people that I love them and I drunk call.... do you guys see where I'm heading?

Yeah, I don't remember anything from last night except a couple things here and there.... but when I woke up this morning.... I found texts from Jay.... This is what it said:

Me: Bonnie's drunk, she didn't mean to call you. (FYI, Bonnie is me LOL; Jessie is texting him)

Parker: I know I know it's okay. Make sure she's safe and sound.

Me: Yeah she's good. she's at my house. Ignore any texts or calls from her

Parker: Nice, yeah I got it lol

....... couple hours later

Me: Oppaaaaaaaaa I like you and I miss youuuuuuuu 


I . want . to . punch . myself . 


Guys.. what if I told him everything that I've been feeling (like what was on that blog post). 

Parker won't really tell me what I said... he just told me that I said the same thing from the other halloween party we went together.... which I don't remember what I said then too. ...

I'm not going to drink that much in a long time... . 


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