MERA UPDATE #5- Before 17

Would it be weird that I’m trying to write about everything I’ve learned at sixteen? Is there even anything to experience at the age of sixteen, is probably what some may wonder. The older folks who have forgotten their younger days fall under that line. I never took birthdays into much consideration. The thought of turning 14, 15 and 16 didn’t cross my mind as much. Age is but a number, yes, I know that. But we’re talking about years of experience and how much we’ve grown throughout the years. I’m about to start my 17th year of life. If we look at it that way, it seems more interesting then just another number. In my 16 years of my life, what have I done so far? What I have done during this 16th year. I feel like birthdays should also be like new years day. We want to recreate ourselves and look back at everything. I mean this realization and constant growth should happen everyday. But yes, I think that I want to look at birthdays as new years for myself. Like how I try to make everyday a new day but there’s a special aura around my birthday. I honestly still remember parts of my birthday last year. I was filling in as a secretary in the office and it was a rainy day. My locker was decorated and I received so much love from others. It was great.

Let’s move on, I don’t know what my point was for this birthday message. Maybe I can write a letter to my 16-year-old self. Many people say that they don’t feel a difference. I want to apply an everyday is a new day mindset so that I can live my life. If I take that into consideration that it’s my 17th year in this world and there’s so much I can do and there’s nothing stopping me then I can do anything.

Hmmm, I’m losing my train of thought. There was honestly a lot I had to go through at 16 but I’ve repeated that so many times in all of my updates and messages to myself. So I don’t know what to say to myself anymore. You know what you’ve been through.

I just don’t want to feel the same as I did. I honestly lost myself so many times. I think my focus for this 17 year old me is to keep on striving but build that self love, build that happiness around myself and to finally let go. I remember I was scared for turning 17 because that would be the equivalent of leaving my best friend behind. But what can I really do. I remember the day of her birthday, it hit me again to think that she never made it to 17 nor anything past that. So who really knows what will happen. I’ll probably write a more in depth update to myself in a new book but. Yeah. I’m turning 17. Wow. 


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