Working On My Feels...

Greetings Readers!

I've been doing a bunch of writing and editing lately and I've noticed by reading other author's work that I have some real bad habbits, go figure!  So, gonna work on some "me" stuff this week--God help me--we don't always like what we see, do we?

I'm working on my feels because I go straight for the steamy romance and scenes and work backwords from there, flushing out the rest of the story as I go.  So, I'm working on this from an emotional standpoint this week and the Taekook OneShot, Matching Tattoos, is an attempt at reaching the ooey-gooey feels.  Oh and it's very PG13, no --some kissing and touching--but it's all about the heart and the emotional rollercoaster rides it sends us on so buckle up, baby! 

Comments are always appreciated, if you're so inclined.

Song of the day:  Words by Christina Perri_Link:


^_^ PJ



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