b2st...eotteokke?! [im sure i spealt tht wrong ^^]




when i saw junhyung start i was eating dinner...omgosh...i was about to go on a high ><

ive never fallen for an idol group so hard...even shinee too time for me to get into them....>< like 4 months...but it took b2st 2 weeks to break my resolution ><

and it took junhyung 2 weeks to make me say "i want him as my boyfriend!" it took onew like...half a year for that to happen ><


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Mina_Loves_Music #1
If you're trying to spell what I THINK you're trying to spell, then I'm pretty sure it's "oltokke" or "ottoke." I've seen it both ways. <br />
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Anyways - OHMIGAH!! O.O
I LOVE JUNGHYUN TOO <333333333333333
Dreams #3
Wow really? I've got to watch this then!