Do things with PASSION

I don't understand why people say they'll do something and either don't do it or only do it half-heartedly.

The half-hearted one irritates me the most.

For my school's annual Asian culture celebration, a couple of my friends and I decided we'll dance Lucifer, the live version. I was really excited at first. But the performance is three weeks away and we haven't finished learning it yet when we've already had a month to learn it. And the parts we, actually they, have already learned are done without much umfph (if you know what I mean). We've all seen Lucifer. SHINee and their backup dancers hit the moves powerfully. My friends have no power in their moves. Maybe only one girl, who is actually teaching the dance. The rest... Sometimes I want to take the role of dance teacher from the one girl and be more strict. She's way lenient on them and a little sloppy herself (but it's not her fault. I've just watched that Lucifer live vid and fancams so many times that I know most of the details. She's not a big SHINee fan so it's understandable she wouldn't see all the details) so I'm like 'eh...actually, it's like this.' But I can sense that I annoy the group when I speak up too much. I just complicate things for them, make it harder, when all I want is for it to be as close to the real thing as possible. I really truly believe that if they just tried for a little longer, they'd learn it.

It just frustrates me. I'm not asking for perfection (although that would be amazing), because I'm not perfect and we're nowhere near the level of SM trainees. All I'm asking for is for them to give it their all. They're doing this b/c they think it's a stress reliever for their studies or b/c it's fun. That's okay. It's good if they think dancing is fun. I like dancing too. But this is not a dance just for ourselves. It's for a performance. It was a committment that they made, and they're only putting in half the effort. And Lucifer looks like crud if it isn't done with passion.

I was really happy when one girl who's missed a lot of practices tried really hard to get a part learned. She kept on messing up still. But I was really proud that she kept working at it. I don't even care if she never gets it right. The fact that she kept on trying for hours made me satisfied. The others... if something is too hard, they always want to give up or change the details after only trying to learn it for a few minutes. That, I don't have respect for.

Maybe it's because I had professional dance training when I was younger and I was surrounded by people who really tried and didn't complain and cared about the performance. I was around kids who thrived on praise from our dance teacher and who couldn't stop smiling before and after a performance on the big stage (not some school auditorium but an actual stage on our city's Avenue of the Arts) from the adrenaline. Maybe because of that exposure when I was younger, I thrive for passion and perfection. Unfortunately, I don't take lessons anymore due to financial and time restraints. It was only a few short years of my young life, but they were obviously very influential. So because of that background, seeing these girls around me, even if they are my friends, seeing them dance only half-heartedly (especially for a performance), makes me angry and frustrated. Actually no. Those aren't my dominant feelings. Disappointment. That's what I feel.

Why can't they just put some passion into their efforts?

I'm dancing Taeminnie's part ^^


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ReaReeUmbi #1
Ah I understand the feeling<br />
only mine is with school group projects on how they don't do anything, or they just put maybe a sentence worth<br />
maybe you should talk to them?<br />
Friends or not if I was in your position I would be insulted, especially since it's for Asian Culture Celebration (Mine's next month!)<br />
Talk to them dear :D