Alert, Alert!!! Hanahaki AU Addiction is Real...

Greetings Readers!

So, for those of you who haven't guessed this about me...I have a truly addictive personality.

I'm actually very lucky to be alive and not face down in a gutter somewhere, but hey, dems da breaks, right?!  I discovered this lovely tidbit about myself early on in life by watching and comparing my actions against others, like my family and friends.  I saw how it was sooo easy for them to just up and walk away from things like putting down a book or a movie halfway through--OMG, just kill me, it'd be so much easier on my soul--and with that I knew I was different.  Of course there were other louder and more vivid factors that reached out for my throat to squeeze the living f*k out of me as well, but those stories are for another time. ;) 

What I'm hinting around at here is that these differences (absurdities if you will) weren't slight and they didn't blend into the background of my daily life which made it almost impossible to skate, or perhaps just breathe, through each day without the added 'attention' from parents, extended family, teachers and even those raised eyebrows from my closest friends.  

I think this is one of the biggest reasons behind my passion for writing...ya know, other than a DNA marker located in the middle finger of my right hand. :D  However, wanting to share my crazy with the rest of the world is a very powerful second...the desire to meet and befriend others with same, and distinctly original, distracting personality traits does nothing but fill and fuel me to extreme ends.  That and the off chance that any one of you would be willing to perhaps join leagues with  another odd star, burns hot and eternal within my very core (aka, form a virtual heard of a$$clowns for online chat and support).

All dramatics aside though, I wanted to share with you my latest obsession...because yes, it has a name, and no, it has nothing to do with English because why would it when I, a white American mid-west girl have been given the soul of a Korean F*kboy!  Oh sweet Persephone, the calamity of the reality of life, is sometimes the only thing that brings a smile to my face--that and the first hand knowledge that the gods can be quite sadistic in their dealings with us, mere mortals.

But again I digress...

So, my latest obsession is:  Hanahaki Disease AU

OMG!  Pair this with Taekook (another glorious obsession) and I don't think I've actually slept in a full week.  And this is not me complaining!  It's truly a blessing, a kindling of raw emotions and imagination!  Adding more of a dramatic flair I would say, the feeling is more akin to sweet man cream, spewed in ropes across tan, muscled thighs kind of feeling...ahhh yes, now that's the spirit I was going for!  

Now get out there my little stranglings and WRITE about pukin' up flowers of your secret love...don't forget to ship Taekook so I have something new to READ as well!!!

As always,

Happy reading ^_^











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Hey! EXO is fantastic too so I'll check 'em, TY! :D
hanahaki au is really interesting to write! :D although mine featured exo members rather than bts~