Why can't I have nice things (like fluffy felines)?

So i live on a farm, with a horse, and a dog. We lost two cats last year, one was 12 years old, the other it's daughter of 7 years old. Our longest and toughest cats, and we've tried getting more, our shrew and mouse problem is ridiculous, but we can't seem to keep them. They either keep disappearing, or the one lab/chow/pit mix we had kept killing them. We got one three weeks ago a calico, then two more from a friend of ours just last week, a silver tabby, and a Maine Coon. The two lived in and out of the house with two other dogs and a couple dozen cats. We introduced them to he dog you know, like you should. Buy never to the neighbor's dog, but he's 15 years old and can't even run anymore. They say you shouldn't name it or else you'll get attached to it, what bull, it had no name, none of them did and it still hurts. I don't know what gods or goddesses I've pissed off nor how, but they seem to want me to be eternally heartbroken.


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