the GazettE - My Latest Obssesion

My latest obsession happens to be the GazettE, just saw their video The Invisible Wall, and I am in love. The lead singer, Ruki, is on the beauty level of Jaejoong in my opinion.


The Invisible Wall




Fair warning, this one's intense and gory. UGLY


Ruki's hair is amazing in this video. Filth in the Beauty


I've been a J Rock fan for a while, thanks to my first legite anime, Death Note. But, now I'm an even bigger fan. If any of you are J Rock fans too, could you comment your favorite song by them if you know them, and any other groups you'd think I'd be interested in please?


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oppach #1
Real Love by the Breakerz. Gackt is soooo hot. Check his stuff out, too.
BRO. You gotta listen to Remember The Urge.
I also really like Reita? His bandana face thing really.. idk it's so different and is kinda cool lol.
You know what, I think I got into J rock because of Death Note, too. lol
Ah, wasn't it Nightmare who did the opening for death note?
I think the opening was... The World? or Alumina?
ooh i havne't listened to them in a while, my favorite song of theirs is suicide circus :)