
Plonnies are Plot Bunnies, if you're going like, WTF are Plonnies.

So I don't really have these anymore. I think they all died from neglect. Haha. Anywho, the desire to create is I'd hate to say gone, shall opt in saying that it's missing. I don't have these anymore, I kinda miss just raring to write and the ideas are b. Nowadays, I feel sort of like a zombie. I do have two suspicious little critters. I am unsure of their plonniness. But they are there, and I am unsure if I should let them devour me or just let them die and starve.

  1. Cupid Quits Love. Okay, so I had this idea of TOP being Cupid. I know, I know. The predominant image of Cupid is as baby with wings, but Cupid has a few myths in his loin cloth where he is an adult and a fairly attractive one at that. But the thing is, I've been reading a bit of Gaiman, and he has a story where Lucifer quits Hell, and I found this to be quit powerful, of course, I thought hey, if Cupid Quits Love that would be funny. The main plot of MY story would be Psyche breaking up with Cupid because Cupid is too, err, emotional. So he quits love, just quits it, and instead ruins a mortals love life by giving her rationality. The  problem of course is that he begins to have feelings for the mortal. The mortal is Dara, btw, and she is in a yoyo relationship with someone (perhaps GD because I don't really want to think too much about it). So there, is this interesting? It's a bit shallow, but I hope to give it more form, if I do decide to write it.
  2. Body. Feat. Mino. Oh my gah. Can I confess to the crime of loving Mino's Body.... uhhh that came out wrong. I mean, Body the song, and not Mino's literal Body... haha. /sweat drop. As you may or may not know, sevvy is not the biggest Mino fan. I actually am not a fan at all, but I do love this song, (and a ton of other Mino music to be honest). So when I hear this, I keep thinking if I can write a scenario for it just cause... So I'm thinking of Mino having a shallow affair with an older nuna (I am thinking CL) and it's ual for the most part, but he begins to obsess, but he tries to convince himself that it's just the body. This story so far has no depth, haha. But I really like the atmosphere in the song, how it's purely ual and it ends with bawling all over your body... which of course can be taken storywise to darker road... oooh.

Well, anywho, that is sevvy's suspicious critters. I may take on Body just cause I think it's relatively short. MinoXCL, imagine that.


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cottonmouth95 #1
I personally like the first plot more.. It's interesting. Top as Cupid .. Wow.. But no pressure! What ever you decide to writewoulf be okay (^v^)
hellokorea #2
Hey Sevvy. Whatever you write, I will read. I'm writing this comment though, because I would like to know your other favorite songs. After I read this, I listened to Body for the first time and now have been playing it over and over whenever I have to drive somewhere. Between this and Giriboy, I think I really like your taste in music- so to save me the time of having to try a bunch of songs to see which ones I like, I figured a safe bet would be to try all your favorites.
ramAppler27 #3
MinoXCL, i can definitely imagine that
I don't really understand what plonnies are, but well.. idk.. Anyway, just wanna say that I like both storyline (?) Are you going to write them? Well if so, you just found someone that is going to read them, short or not it's going to be awesome anyways.. good luck! ;)