AFF Questionnaire and shizz

Oh hi guys. I know... You thought I died or ... I didn't, I just... err... lost interest in... well, generally everything. I am under some mood medication (that's what I call 'em. Not a technical term), and I am honestly, happier than I've been since ages. I pretty much clonked out of writing except my journal which is mostly my mood tracker. I do miss writing, but I am honestly scared of writing again. It was a dark place for me, and even now, what inspires me are rather dark things that I am keeping myself away from for the time being. i know some of my stories here are not dark, but I am feeling uninspired. I honestly just like watching dramas nowadays. Heh. I just feel like writing in AFF has been rather unrewarding for me, and that maybe my own mindset of what I consider "rewarding", but until I rediscover my love for pursuing my muse, we are basically on a long break. I am seeing other people, mainly, uhh... dramas... sigh. How an inspiring. LOL.

I did however want to return to my nonsensical blogging because you know my self-importance is never out of whack. So yeah, I saw these questions here and feel the need to introspect the shizz out of my past AFF experience... SOOOO Here We Go.


1. First fic you have ever read on AFF
Stubborn Hearts by Hagocimit [daragon]

This was my first encounter with AFF-type of fanfiction. Given my history with Dungeons and Dragons type of fanfic, I pretty much thought the absurd rom-com humour and intrigue extremely entertaining. It's about 50+ chapters long but I read it in a day (like... uh... 22 hours). It was fun. Nothing astronomical plot-wise, but I just love the pettiness and err, I thought some action scenes were pretty good, well-paced and... yeah. I honestly don't know how good this is now since my tastes are pretty much that of an AFF-toddler, but yeah, it was fun and I have little butterflies in my stomach from the residual fun I had from this. Would I recommend this to others? Probably not. It is a dime a dozen rom-coms, but still, it's a sentimental story to me.

2. Favorite AFF author and favorite Korean idol that has inspired you

Favourite AFF author
I can't say I have one. I'd say KittyKhatz for keeping writing here mostly for her entertainment and not letting here stress her out. I think that's inspiring!

I'd say a ton of AFF writers here are good, but most of them are pretty much tortured souls in one way or another... and well, tortured souls no longer inspire. Stay off the noose, kids, is what I say...

Favourite Korean idol that has inspired you

I hate being cheesy but Dara is an inspiration to me. LOL. I just think she knows what she wants and she goes on full sprint towards her dreams. It odesn't even matter if she's a good runner, or , she endures because she believes in herself, and that's a-ing-mazing.

Lately, I find inspiration outside idols though. K-rappers are my thing. Haha. I find BeWhy inspirational because he made me cry when he said something about it being his day, day, but why are you jealous, yours will come too... kinda mantra. Just the whole Day Day song just feels so hopeful to me, and that's an inspiration.

I will always love TOP and GD. Do I think they're inspirational? Uhhhh... for my dirty thought? Then yes.

3. All time favorite fic
In all honesty, nothing has touched me like dreamsaremadeof's Sin of Love. She unfortunately has opted to take down her story after having some religious enlightenment. Sigh. I don't know why Jesus is stealing my favourite fanfic... this is why we never get along.

Sin of Love is a good story with a good plot and its best feature was the fearless exploration of social/moral taboos. It has ion, abuse, , , etc. etc. but it's major dramatic question is, can a love so sinful be pure? Alas, sevvy will never know.


4. Who was your ultimate bias when you joined AFF and who is it now
Before : Dara, TOP

After : Dara, TOP


My list of men I want to climb like a tree have been populated though... Park Hae Jin, Lee Jung Jae, Seo In Guk made sevvy's kokoro go jsdfgskgdlhfsl

5. Is there a friend you have made on AFF through a fic
It would be cruel to say no, but friendship for me goes on another level where you would be a comfort to my lonely soul, and alas, only ChangDictator did that to me. She then upped and abandoned sevvy, so yeah AFF friendships are nothing more than casual hahaha, lols, that MV was lit.

PS: I don't say lit.

PPS: I still love my past mochi.

6. Two fics that you're currently hooked on

I havent read fanfiction for fun in months. I am way to critical with now. Like big fonts piss me off. And bad grammar. And bad narrative voice. And overused plot lines. And shallow emotional motivation. Yeah. Sorry. I just think the quality of fics nowadays are really bad. Not that I read outside tabisan, and really I don't know why my head is up my . Please take this with a grain of salt. I am just stupidly picky nowadays... you don't understand. I can't even read through my favourite IRL author's latest book which upsets me to kingdom come.


7. Which fic that you have authored is YOUR favorite, and is there a fic that you are looking forward to being released
I honestly like Luci Ferre the best. I took that down. LOL

From what is up and published in AFF, I am quite fond of Elusive and A Princess Story. I do gravitate towards my more mundane fic, just because my brain refuses to digest complex emotions.


8.  Favorite AU to read 

Non (French)



9. Are you a commenter or a silent reader
I want to be a commenter, but my mom taught me if you have nothing good to say... that shut your ing mouth.

If I find something good and that excites me that I comment. If it's bad and I am just going for the wasting of my lifetime, then I am as silent as a heartbreak everytime I want to kill puppies with an author's bad writerly decisions.

10. In your opinion, should AFF/Kpop life be kept separate from your daily public life

Yes. I don't have solid reasoning, but I like keeping my personal interests, personal. It's not that I don't tell people I like KPop, it's just that I'd rather not discuss it with some random person, or friends who has no interest in it. I mean, would you talk about the opera to noobs? No.



1. Favourite fall movie
Fall movie? Is that even a thing? Uhhhh... I don't watch too many movies (except really geeky ones... can I say Star Wars or...)

2. Favourite fall scent
Hahaha. Fall scent? Uh. I heard pumpkin spice was a thing... I don't like that. I don't like seasonal scents, I'm more of a vanilla/cocoa scent kinda girl


3. Favourite Thanksgiving/fall food & fall food you don't like
I didn't grow up here in N.America, so thanksgiving is actually like a five year thing for me and I honestly don't like western food, lol. We serve crab, or lobster, and I like those. Turkey is okay. But nothing fabulous.


4. Favourite Halloween outfit you dressed up as
I went as Baby Doll from er Punch once which was a hoot to people. I'd say classic Harlequin in my full jester suit is my favourite though.


5.  Favorite fall hobby
Right now, I like wrapping myself in my down blankey and chugging down beer while I numb my brain with korean dramas. (PS: My favourite rn is Moon Lovers Ryeo. Ha. I feel so cheap.)


6. Favorite coffee (or just plain drink) you like in the fall
I'm pretty plain. I like my drip coffees with a touch of soy and sugar, if I'm feeling a bit fancy it's a double shot half-sweet vanilla soya latte. Mmm...


7. Favorite clothing item to wear in the fall
I actually hate dressing for fall. I hate it. How is it so cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon? I actually am either really cold or really hot (if I dress warmly). I actually just throw on a jacket and some pants (which I hate wearing) and strip myself out of the layer in the afternoon!

Oh, as to my favourite fall item, I like scarves. I like them.

8. Favorite fall-oriented color
Wine reds, and rusty oranges.


9. Favorite fall-oriented weather
I like it when it's about 14 degrees and the sun is shinning and I can keep my jacket on and walk around and mash some dead leaves. LOL

I actually like walking on leaves.

I hate fall and winter, but can't say they're not pretty.

10. Something you want to buy that comes out this year during fall

I don't understand this. I'm a cheap asian and I never buy things when they first release that's selling your soul to consumerism!

I do want the iPhone 7, but gah, the cheap way is the only way. I am actually quite unseasonally stocked up in summer clothes sale. OTL Miniskirts and razor back flimsy shirts why you no protect me from the cold.


That's all folks. Please answer these if you want to. Stay happy and have hope and .


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lightning_TabiSan #1
Sevvy, whatever happens we will be awaiting your comeback!

In my opinion we all go through certain stage of darkness.

But ine thing for sure I personally love all your work and we have quite a lot of things in common mist prominent is Top-Dara and Dara-Top. If course we shared the same love for Hagocimit, her Stubborn Heart and all her works and not to mention KittyKatz.

I will still be reading and re-reading your stories.

Take care always and be blessed (",)
chen_free #2
Is Luce Ferre the one with fallen angels that corresponds to the seven deadly sins?
cottonmouth95 #3
Idk why, but reading your blogs feels like reading stories too. Sometimes i even relate more to your blogs than most stories. Idk. There are times i also feel the same way. Yeah and that part of Dara as inspiration. The part of "she just kept running even if she was not a good runner" as description fit her. I wish i could be like her too. You make sense. And i enjoy reading your blogs.