The Sleep Which Eludes Me...

Greetings Readers!!!

I've been living my dream for the past 2 weeks:  YEAH ME!!!

Actually, I quite my day job and have been writing about 20 hours a day, or so it seems...dark when I start and finish so it's hard to gage, lol!

Poor as a church mouse but much happier ^__^

And the remarkable thing about staying up late at night like this is, correct...I'm still only sleeping about 4-5 hours a day!  YEAH ME...Oh, no wait : /  

So, I guess my insomnia had absolutely nothing to do with my day job, probably everything to do with the military career... go figure. : | 

As for the writing...perhaps I should be attending those special "meetings" for my current problem--no, not drinking--how about NOT sleeping?  

I just crash about every 3-4 days...hard!  I'm pretty sure it's not normal however, I don't seem to be hurting anyone, other than myself and I recover ever 3-4 days so its not really a problem, right?  

Oh, and my beer consumption has decreased in the bank there!!!  (Remember the church mouse???)

But my wine bill seems to have increased...hmmm, why is this?

Not seeing the direct coorelation between not wine, beer, sleeping, quitting my job, and doing what I love...oh yeah, forgot about the flippin' bills not getting paid!!!   

Great loving onto other things before I depress myself!!!

Bottle #2, Lancelot, semi-sweet honey meade...LIES!!!  

Semi-sweet my a$$...WTF?  Semi-sweet doesn't include dishwater, am I right?  FTLOG if it wasn't for the churchmouse in my pocket I'd be dumping this sh*t down the F*n drain (restraining myself right now!!!)...

Oh and for those of you who like wine lovers or love wine likers :D (play on words there...hehe!)

Personally I'm a beer drinker (military again...checkered past, don't ask...I'll have to kill you, JK) but I'm very sweet on Canadian beer!!!  WHO else can make beer like the Canuks, right...NO ONE!!!  Hallelujah for my neighbors to the North!!!  God I love this country...myth has it that the Beer Gods blessed them at the beginning of days.  Now there's a God I can get behind...F*n priorities, gotta have 'em!!! ;P  

But seriously, for the wine enthusiast out there...try this one:  St. Kathryn's Lavender wine (serious wish list item, here folks!!!) 

And now, I will close this incredibly LONG blog entry with one of the only songs that can truly melt my Frozen F*n Heart...more so than a great cup of Chinese tea with REAL honey...just sayin, Lancelot!!!

I will leave you with this most awesomely fantasic MV by Lee Hi on YouTube at the following link:





Great Blessings & Happy Reading!!!


^_^  PJ


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Hayaley #1
I am so envious that you are writing 20 hours a day!! I would love, love, love to do that. I don't care about sleeping. Well, maybe a little. I have gone without sleep before but like you said, just crash after 2 or 3 days.

I prefer wine to beer but not so sure about lavender laced wine. I like the beauty of a lavender field and its color is soothing and all but in a wine, I dunno.

PM me some time.